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Asthma and E???


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I have a question to ask. My sis wants to try E but she suffers from Asthma. She can't go longer than 10 mins on a cross trainer how would she react dancing on E?? I don't know what to tell her but I rather have her try it w/ me than w/ her friends??



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Doesn't take a genius to know that mixing E with pre-existing medical conditions can be very dangerous. I wouldnt think the MDMA itself would have a negative effect on her, just the atmosphere in the club or rave with smoke plus the enormous amount of physical activity she may engage in unknowingly. The best thing I would suggest is for her to ask the family doctor (confidentially). If not, just make sure she has all her meds with her when you go and be ready to get her out of there quickly. She may also want to try a small amount of ephenedrine which opens up breathing passages and relaxes the bronchial tube. She may do it anyway, just watch out for your sis and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

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Think about this: mom says drugs are bad, teacher says drugs are bad, news says ecstasy kills people, do you still try it? Of course you do. The last thing someone wants to hear is another person telling them no, don't do it because its bad and thats why you don't want to do it. She'll go right around and do it, except there may not be anyone around to know that she has a pre-existing medical condition (asthma is not in itself lethal). I know many people who have mild asthma and carry an inhaler with them while they roll. Again, its not a reaction with MDMA you should be worried about, if anything its any contaminants and the physical activities that follow. Below is an unofficial link to MDMA effects with pre-existing conditions (Saunders).


Asthma: There is no pharmacological reason why asthma should be made any worse by E.

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Speaking from a few years of experience, and with a very deep technical understanding of what 'ecstacy' does to you, your sister should be fine. Now before you have her go off and pop the first thing you find for her you need to be aware of a few things. MDMA, the active ingredient in ecstacy, will not kill anyone unless they take about thirty grams of it, which a) is very very expensive to anyone who is not manufacturing it themselves, and B) is just a huge physical amount of drug to be taking. The problem people run into is that due to the fact that our silly government thinks that a drug war will solve the drug problem, (rather then create new problems) there is no place you can go to get an exact dose MDMA. Instead, when you decide you want try ecstacy, you have to buy a pill which usually contains (if you are lucky) between 60-120mg of MDMA and then any of a multitude of other compliment drugs such as cocaine,MDA,DOB,DXMor in some cases PMA. PMA is the drug which reportedly killed a bunch of people in Florida. My suggestion to anybody who wants to do Ecstacy is:

1. Never Never Never buy a drug from someone you do not know.

2.Try not to take anything that has not been tested, either with a dance safe test kit, or by someone you trust.

3. When possible buy Pure MDMA.

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Thanks for all of your advice. If it was up to me I wouldn't let her do it but I can't stop her. I rather have her roll w/ me where I can keep an eye out on her than w/ her friends. I just wanted to get some feedback about asthma and E and maybe find a way to change her mind.

Thanx again cwm1.gif


People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

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I have chronic asthma and I roll. E is actually a drug whose side effects are to dialate the membranes in your skin and muscles, including the airways in the lungs. (That's why the tingly feeling on the skin) It's weird b/c when i go dancing, if I drink or am sober, sometimes I can't dance for long b/c i might get short of breath. However, if I roll I can dance all night and I have never had to use my emergency inhaler at a club! Hope this helps.


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