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candyflipping vs. hippyflipping


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hands down, candyflipping kicks my ass! hippyflippin was weird, but candyflipping puts you on top of the world!

i tried it for the first time this past weekend at Centro-fly and S&D, and let me tell you-- you think music sounds tight when you are on E?

try it with e+acid. the bass, it enters in through your feet and spreads throughout your body. you can feel the pulsing in your head, your every step is in place, you can tell when the next bassline is going to drop, you dance rigorously as the melodies go up and down.. through your body.. you feel the music breathe.

on the otherhand, hippyflipping just floored my ass. anyone feel the same?



*turn it around baby*


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I def always liked candyflipping best, I had some of the most amazing nights of my life like that. I never loved the shrooms/x mix, first of all because the two combined always messed up my stomach (anyone else)? I thought it was fun, but it just was not as mind-blowing as the acid/x mix.

I wish I could put into words some of the sounds/sights/feelings I experienced while candyflipping, incredible just doesn't do it justice. I have never come across anything and probably never will (with the exception of some DMT or something) that has completely taken me to another place the way that did.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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yeah hippy flipping is shrroms + e.....

its not really called flippin IMO unless you peak on both at the same time and get your ass kicked....try taking acid...at T +1.5-2.5 hours drop the e and wait for the fun....i dont know if its something you want to do at a party or a club....it can get pretty intense if youve got good chemicals...




AIM:Turbo SC300


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If I want to be sketched out and just plain buggin out for a long ass time, I'll straight up candyflip. I find when I hippyflip I get into an insanely good mood and have very good, mellow hallucinations. Candyflippin usually gets a little too intense at clubs or parties, depending on how much I take. I had to leave a club this past friday cause I was way to fucked up to handle it. The guy I bought liquid from was tripping so hard he put about 5 times as many drops as he should have in my mouth..It got a bit rediculous.

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