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Nigga can I get a pencil?????

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Guest Slide On The Ice

Oh geez. Look, here is my two cents. First off, I hate the N word, I always hated it when I heard whites use it, I felt that it was a disgusting word to use for the insult that it conveys. I was then surprised, starting several years ago, to hear blacks use it all the time to each other. Now whites and blacks call each other "nigga" left and right, and I never liked it and still don't feel comfortable hearing it. I think that the widespread casual use of the word is ultimately leading people to think of it as so casual that it doesn't mean anything bad anymore.

I've even had friends, both white and black, jokingly refer to me as their "nigga" and I just can't get used to it. Like I said, I think that the word "nigger" is a disgusting word that should never be said, and the word "nigga" thought not nearly as bad, still makes me cringe.

On the other hand, just to give that teacher the benefit of the doubt, if he was constantly hearing the black students calle each other "nigga" all the time, though I wouldn't use the word myself, I can understand how he would use the word to a student who was using it to others and/or to him, as a means to speak in a manner that the kids use. Just like if they were all calling each other "dude", I would call one "dude" just to speak on their level of communication (I call everyone dude anyway, but that's beside the point). And if I went into a time machine back to the 1930's, I might find myself casually calling guys "daddy-o" or whatever.

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Guest drlogic

nigga,nigga,nigga,nigga,nigga, nigga pleeeeze.......LOL

What a funny story! THANK YOU! lol I'm still laughing!

If the kid used it first, then I support the teacher "teaching". Illustrating the "words" impact via it use is probably the most effective way, IMHO.

I also think that ANYONE who claims they are offended by the word need to re-evaluate their stance. Essentially, ONLY YOU can allow yourself to be offended.

If you're prone to playing THE VICTIM then sure, you've just found an issue to basically tell the wolrd "hey, looky looky @ me.....I'm offended...look at me....over here,,,,I'm the clown who's offended. I'm gonna go home, crawl in the shower, get into the fetal position and cry..WHY,,,WHY ME GOD...WHY!!!!!!" Then I'm gonna put on my bloomers and tune to the lifetime channel.

This political correctness thing is a joke. First of all, if the black community, as a whole is offended by the use of the word and wants it stopped, they've gotta stop blowing hot air and show the country that they want it stopped. They'll have to first stop using the word themselves, stop accepting it in pop-culture music/movies, then maybe we might actually resolve this thingy....

Until then, all we can do is enjoy watching stupid people use the word at the wrong time and in the wrong place, while we giggle at those thin skinned people who always manage to get themselves offended.

Thinking aloud: When did everyone become suck fohkn' pussies?

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Guest saintjohn
all we can do is enjoy watching stupid people use the word at the wrong time and in the wrong place, while we giggle at those thin skinned people who always manage to get themselves offended.

Let's not forget this episode:

Williams Aide Resigns in Language Dispute

By Yolanda Woodlee

Washington Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, January 27, 1999; Page B1

The director of D.C. Mayor Anthony A. Williams's constituent services office resigned after being accused of using a racial slur, the mayor's office said yesterday.

David Howard, head of the Office of Public Advocate, said he used the word "niggardly" in a Jan. 15 conversation about funding with two employees.

"I used the word 'niggardly' in reference to my administration of a fund," Howard said in a written statement yesterday. "Although the word, which is defined as miserly, does not have any racial connotations, I realize that staff members present were offended by the word.


As columnist Tony Snow later noted, "David Howard got fired because some people in public employ were morons who a) didn't know the meaning of the word 'niggardly' B) didn't know how to use a dictionary to discover the word's meaning and c) actually demanded that he apologize for their ignorance."


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Guest saintjohn

While I'm avoiding work, here's a relevant passage from a book review in Salon:

"Nigger" is an enormously loaded word, and there's cause for worry when it's divorced from its potential to hurt (that doesn't, however, mean that hurt feelings should trump intellectual inquiry).

The irony, though, of the word's reemergence is that it's largely due to its use among African-Americans, particularly comics and hip-hoppers. Kennedy writes that the word was taboo for most of the prominent black comics of the '60s -- people like Godfrey Cambridge, Dick Gregory, Nipsey Russell and the great Moms Mabley. Not that those comics didn't address racism or the battering it inflicted on black self-image. But it took Richard Pryor to make public the shared secret of the word's use among blacks.

"He seemed racially unconcerned," Kennedy writes of Pryor, "with deferring to any social conventions, particularly those that accepted black comedians as clowns but rejected them as satirists." That Pryor, as Kennedy notes, performed before mixed-race audiences made his gambit even more daring. It may be hard to remember now, but Pryor's performances were often initially very discomforting if you happened to be white. That's not just because he brought black hostility to whites onstage ("this is my favorite part of the show -- when the white people come back and find out niggers have taken their seats") but because he was offering up black rage and at the same time wasn't afraid to make fun of it.

If you were white, it wasn't uncommon to react with a nervous titter, wondering if it was appropriate to laugh. And yet such was Pryor's artistry that, in the course of his performance, those fears and taboos melted away, if not uniting audiences, then at least making them realize they were united in their preconceptions.

Arguably, Chris Rock has gone even further. Kennedy quotes at length from Rock's incendiary routine that begins "I love black people, but I hate niggers ... You can't do anything without some ignorant-ass niggers fucking it up." Anticipating charges that he shouldn't air his people's dirty laundry, Rock mocks blacks who say, "The media has distorted our image to make us look bad." To which he answers, "Do you think I've got three guns in my house because the media's outside my door trying to bust in?"


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Any time a White Caucasian try's to explain or defend using the word nigger,nigga, he end's up adding insult to injury.

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Oh geez. Look, here is my two cents. First off, I hate the N word, I always hated it when I heard whites use it, I felt that it was a disgusting word to use for the insult that it conveys. I was then surprised, starting several years ago, to hear blacks use it all the time to each other. Now whites and blacks call each other "nigga" left and right, and I never liked it and still don't feel comfortable hearing it.

i dont know what the problem is...me and my other Cuban friends call each other "spic" all the time.... :P

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Guest dahzel

"I,I say the word nigga......and I use H.......NIGGAHHHHHH"!!!!!!!!!!!! he's not black, he can't say, NIGGUH!!!! OMFG, my girlfriend just put on Chappelle and the Nigga skit is on!!!!! talk about timing!!!! and then, MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM BITCH, THATS GOOD BEER!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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maybe that news channel should play some of Chris Rock's HBO stands up...ha!

I don't think school teachers should be using words of that sort even if they think they are trying to blend in with the students or being cool...go to any ghetto school where 90% of the students are african american and chances are you will here the world nigga coming out of a faculty or 2

they love blowing shit way out of proportioned

the geeky kid is gonna pee in bed cuz a "white man called him nigga not even nigger"...it's obvious that's the main factor.

gotta love certain things

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Guest slamminshaun

The implication that "nigga" is somehow different and less offensive then "nigger" drips of ignorance. It's like saying your "mutha" is someone different then the woman who gave birth to you. If "mutha" isn't short for "mother", then who is it?

Sorry to those who believe it okay to say, but "nigga" is an adolescent and immature word only used by uneducated baffoons. Use of the word "nigga" has desensitized the historical meaning of the racial slur and caused mass confusion on when it is and isn't offensive to say.

Either both versions of the word are offensive, or neither version of the word is offensive. Do you know how ridiculous it sounds when someone attempts to rationalize using the word by explaining they accented the "a" on the end? ::)

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Guest saintjohn

I still remember watching Kurt Loder squirm on MTV every time he had to say Niggaz With Attitude.

Having spent some of my childhood in the South (the town I lived in closed the community pool for "maintenance" rather than allow black kids to swim in it), I was taught that dropping the N-bomb would result in a serious beating, either by the black kids I played with or by my own white grandparents. To them, the only person demeaned by a racial slur was the person who uttered it. Even if you didn't like black people, you were supposed to be too polite (proud?) to express those feelings in such a White Trash manner.

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