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miami is a joke

Guest gimp

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Guest tomfly

In two posts, cause the board erased my long one.

<<The "underground" scene that you speak of does exist around here. There's parties that just don't make it onto the radar. Hence "underground". Isn't that the definition?>>

I never mentioned the word "underground" that came from your lips.

<<2. The above-ground scene is alive and well. Not everyone is a troll like yourself. Some people go out to have a good time, dance, drink, fuck, rinse and repeat. I feel bad if your life's mission is to hear "underground" music only. >>

I play drums for a man who has written several top ten hits and invented rap music, the dominant genre of today. So what side of the ground is that on?

There is nary a music scene in miami that's "well." You can count the live music clubs here on one hand.

and why am I a troll exactly? Cause I pointed out, from an informed position that we don't have great nightlife?

<<3. Tomfly, your turn. Miami's not about live music, true. But ya know what, some people are trying to change that. Frankly after reading your post, I'm less inclined to go to your event if this is the kind of attitude I'll receive.>>

Yes, Miami is not about live music - which is to say all music. If you can't find it on a keyboard, it aint music. Which isn't to say that some electronic music isn't music - but a lot of it isn't.

And how exactly can you determine my band's "attitude" from a single member's internet post? maybe you should go to allmusic.com instead.

And I have done more than my share to change that. which I'll get to in my next post.

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hell even orlando kicks our ass.

Yea. One of the funnier moments of that post. Orlando does bring it from time 2 time with Skybar and Icon but...

do u mean sky60?

id say icon n zinc bar maybe but its still otown in the end of the night...

last few months been decent for the cfl crowd that actually like edm..

the thing about otown is that when u have a good feature edm dj ppl may show up, but you hardly see any chicks, cute ones for that matter not baggie ufo pants junkies...

i believe the only time i saw a good looking crowd come out to a good edm feature event was @ floyd's @ the hard rock in tampa for Derrick Carter...awesome night.

most ppl that go out to a venue they want to see a nice variety of people if the club happens to be spinning hip hop, house, rock, chiller's music, ect...keep them coming back

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Guest tomfly

now then, onto the cities that you obviously haven't either gone to or gone out in.

<<Austin - moo>> The live music capitol of the world and home to SXSW - the biggest music conference in the world which absolutely murders WMC - and I played big events at both of them last year. The rest of the year, Austin's 6th street strip has better entertainment than we do as well - and a hell of a lot more of it.

<LA - Please, it's more plastic than Jenna Jameson.>

Miami is equally plastic, in fact our whole city is like a smaller version of LA minus the diversity in nightlife culture. The Knitting Factory, Spaceland, and the echo are but a few of the clubs that kick anything we have in the ass. And as LA remains the showbiz capitol of the world - the world's greatest talent of all genres will always travel through.

<<SF - OK, they have great DJs out there, but they come here.>> They also have better clubs and better - well better everything.

<Berkley - Berkeley. Spelling! College town. Liberals. Art fags. Only thing good from Berkeley is BSD. > Dear homophobe - are you aware that south florida has more gay people in it than any other area in the country? Berkeley and Oakland have spawned much of the great music of the last 30 years. Need an A-Z list? how about we start with sly and the family stone, too short, and east bay punk. And the shattuck downlow is the coolest club in the country.

<Houston - moo. They have oil. Let's bomb them.> The 4th largest city in the country also has the biggest hip hop scene and a great alt/punk scene.

<Dallas - I've got people in Dallas who would die to live here.> Sure for the weather. Dallas summers suck. But so does south beach in comparison to deep ellum.

<chicago - Shit-cago. Though Ditka is from there. If Ditka ran a club we'd all be out of business. >> The third biggest city in the country has great nightlife. Ever heard of the blues, industrial music? Postpunk? no? how about chicago house? You're out of gas here mate.

<Philly - See Dallas. >

The only place to "see" dallas and Philly is at an nfl game. the khyber, the troc, silk city - all superior joints to anything we have.

<Orlando - 2 am closing time. White people. Disney. Nuke it.>

Dear DJ culture expert - are you not aware of the Club Firestone scene in the mid 90s that imported most of the "superstar djs" to our shores for the first time? Guess not. Oh and will's pub and the social kill what we have here live music wise.

<<The one thing I hate is when people bitch and moan, and then they try to do an event in this town.>>

I have promoted over 150 shows in this town, starting in 1992. I had a music column in Street Weekly for a year and I have freelanced over 50 pieces in the two south florida new times -- I have done plenty to uplift to the music scene here. I have played and promoted more concerts than you will ever attend in your lifetime. So you can take your "troll" insults and "bitch and moan" nonsense and stick it where the sun don't shine.

Funny how my post got more heat than the original one that said we "sucked a dick" and were a "joke."

Miami Beach used to have great nightlife. There was a time, when you could walk out of a great concert at washington square, walk up the street to the cameo to see a cool dj and then chill out at the duece and talk about it.

Hell, even when RSC was going there was something on the beach worth going to - but now it's a long, boring stretch of electronic disco. The fine folks at I/O, poplife, churchills and ps 14 do what they can on the mainland-- but it's an uphill struggle.

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Guest coach

Excellent posts, Tom. We obviously have different taste in what makes a good venue, but very well put together. For example, I was at the Khyber in Philly a few weeks ago and we walked out in a matter of minutes. I was a little concerned that the ceiling would fall on my head. Or that I would catch something from the chairs. The sound system was an abomination, and the music was quite amateurish. But that's just me. Some people like that kind of stuff, though not many, obviously, because there was not more than 100 people there at midnight on a Saturday night. And it probably would not have held more than 200, so if that is the best Philly has to offer, that is pretty sad.

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now then, onto the cities that you obviously haven't either gone to or gone out in.

<Orlando - 2 am closing time. White people. Disney. Nuke it.>

Dear DJ culture expert - are you not aware of the Club Firestone scene in the mid 90s that imported most of the "superstar djs" to our shores for the first time? Guess not. Oh and will's pub and the social kill what we have here live music wise.

i thought we were talking about curent events/venues not mid 90s ones, at least i am in my previous posts...granted that Firestone was a good venue that featured awesome dj's back in those days...but as in house, techno, edm in general in sucks now...i dont hate, just comparing apples to apples.

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Guest tomfly

dear coach,

thanks for being civil.

Ever been to churchills? It was a second home to me for most of the 90s, but not exactly the cleanest joint in the world. and 100-200 is a decent crowd for a saturday there.

The Khyber is an original music joint, and the quality of acts who play there vary wildly. however, they get a much better cut of the good ones than we do. So many good acts play there, that they get what I call "atlanta-itis" and dont come out that often. Did I say Atlanta? There's another city with better nightlife than ours!

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Guest pod

I'm not a DJ culture expert. I'm an expert on going out, doing what I do, getting drunk, and getting laid. I'm not out to overanalyze every track the DJ drops, nor wonder why the guitarist for Alien Butt Sex is now playing for Chicken Fucker Blowjob.

Miami's live scene is there, you just got to know where to look for it. A few years ago I was a light tech for a local sound company that specialized in live events, and I got to know the scene pretty well just by default.

It is an uphill struggle. But you're not helping by alienating the situation. I'm not going to go to an event which is full of a bunch of elitist trainspotters and complainers.

I like to go out and feel welcome at an event. Even when I was a stranger in this town, I went out and instantly felt welcome.

As for the cities? I was being funny, except for Orlando.

I'm sure they are fun, but why do I have people from those cities and more wishing they lived in Miami? Every Tom, Dick and Harry I've played tour guide to tells me how lucky I am to live here. And they aren't always your typical tourist.

Miami has it's issues yes, but to say that the cities you mentioned are better? Hardly. And I bet those cities have their issues too.

Maybe for live music, but different strokes for different folks. Most of the people I know that go to places like I/O, Poplife, Revolver, etc, know that they have work to do to make their local scene flourish, but they're not bashing people who aren't into it. I've been to Revolver plenty of times. I stick out like a sore thumb, but at no time did I feel unwelcome or have people talk smack about me because my particular "scene" is what you derisively call electronic disco.

The Street? I had a page there too, for two years. No biggie. I've been in the New Times too. Nice people at both pubs. RIP The Street.

Events? I'm not a promoter, to me every Joe Blow in town calls themselves one. But I've documented countless events both of the live and the "electronic disco" variety (I hear that phrase and think of John Travolta carrying a RAZR), so I'm not exactly a spring chicken either.

But to reiterate, to come on here insulting your potential audience isn't cool. You posted a thread for your event tonight as if nothing happened even. I can guess maybe 1 or 2 from this forum will show up. Me? I'll be around the corner listening to electronic disco.

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Guest tomfly

Dear Pod,

I posted that days ago. i bumped it today, and really - nothing has happened - save for a gang of shit talking on your side of the aisle.

And to you and your fellow flamethrowers I ask - What on earth is elitist about saying miami's nightlife is not all that? Are your houses that full of glass?

You are the ones throwing insults. I will defend myself if need be, but really - this is all so much like the special olympics: even if you win you're still retarded.

You'll continue to listen to electronic disco. I'll continue to tour the world. And I'll be playing the drums tonight.

Now I'm going to the gig.

Goodnight ladies.

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Guest pod

I'm just approaching it from a marketing perspective. You want a live music scene, but yet you insult your potential audience.

And please tell me what is wrong with liking "electronic disco"? You claim to be a tolerant sort, but I guess only if it applies to you.

Have fun drumming tonight, I won't be there.

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I think DC should be added to Tom's list...in the late 90's that is...

Even though it's still a 3-4am cutoff, that's where i first started going to edm events...back than it was mostly trance n techno n some dnb if you went to Nations/Buzz aka Cubik nowadays...which was one of the best clubs at its time.

saw just bout every trance/techno dj out there plus they had HFS Rock/EDM festival @ 50k ppl aka full capacity every year, usually hosted @ the JFK Stadium...good stuff

thx to dc u got ali, sharam, saeed, palash...the whole persian crew

owned miami! :P

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Guest dre4

I think DC should be added to Tom's list...in the late 90's that is...

Even though it's still a 3-4am cutoff, that's where i first started going to edm events...back than it was mostly trance n techno n some dnb if you went to Nations/Buzz aka Cubik nowadays...which was one of the best clubs at its time.

saw just bout every trance/techno dj out there plus they had HFS Rock/EDM festival @ 50k ppl aka full capacity every year, usually hosted @ the JFK Stadium...good stuff

thx to dc u got ali, sharam, saeed, palash...the whole persian crew

owned miami! :P

true that...nation/buzz was ranked the #1 club in america for like 5 years running...their lineup week in week out was amazing, and it had the amazing underground warehouse feel to it

but dc sucks hence why i left...nations/buzz is still infested w/ 18 yr olds in ufo pants and ugly people...5 which has amazing talent is a sausage fest, and all the lounges play the same cheesy music like my my my and are filled only with pretentions assholes who think they are God's gift to the world...the amount of fights that happen in the city is totally ridiculous as well....miami shits all over dc and imo any other city in america besides nyc...but our weather is 1000000 times better, and all the talent that plays in nyc plays here, so i don't see a difference

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I think DC should be added to Tom's list...in the late 90's that is...

Even though it's still a 3-4am cutoff, that's where i first started going to edm events...back than it was mostly trance n techno n some dnb if you went to Nations/Buzz aka Cubik nowadays...which was one of the best clubs at its time.

saw just bout every trance/techno dj out there plus they had HFS Rock/EDM festival @ 50k ppl aka full capacity every year, usually hosted @ the JFK Stadium...good stuff

thx to dc u got ali, sharam, saeed, palash...the whole persian crew

owned miami! :P

true that...nation/buzz was ranked the #1 club in america for like 5 years running...their lineup week in week out was amazing, and it had the amazing underground warehouse feel to it

yea i never got the ufo pants deal...

wish they had played some bossa nova dnb out there tho, girls love that...at least in Rio they do.

don't forget the foam parties outside in the deck :P

that club was simply huge

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Guest coach

And anyone's who has read the board for more than a few months knows how much I hated the Dallas nightlife. I got tired of fearing for my life every time I went out. And if you didn't listen to C&W or Rock, you were looked at like a freak (not that I'm not a freak, but being judged like that really pisses me off. I have a low tolerance for intolerance.).

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Did someone on here say 1991? well you might be going a little too far back gumshoe.

I remember 94-95, I'm sure Mickey's was fun, as were the real underground warehouse party's which strickly catered to a large gay audience. If you were there and were straight there was a good chance that you were trully about the music, Warsaw Ballroom anyone lol.

At that time I think I was still bumping to Mike Sharpe and the Planet RA party's in Downtown Ft. Lauderdale try to reach a "Higher state of conciousness".

Stryke, Mike, Chang, Chemical beat's, did that place actually have a closing time, damn I miss that place. Anybody remember Séance?

I remember PVD playing there and I knew the revolution in music had really begun.

There was a time when you could stroll down Washington Ave. and virtually every club was packed, everyone was fucked up, and there was a line to get in with a strick velvet rope.

It didn't matter where you went because you were guaranteed a good time, people were carefree back then and there certainly weren't any "politics" involved like there are today.

Miami has evolved like anything else, and has cleaned up everyone knew it was just a matter of time.

If you were here it was a blast, if not get over it already and enjoy the plethora of club's and party's that Miami has to offer.

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Guest Devilicious

[Name a scene other than NYC that has better nightlife than us.

Here are but a few cities that kill us.

Austin, LA, SF, Berkley, houston, Dallas, chicago, Philly - hell even orlando kicks our ass.

You are out of your friggin mind dude. Orlando better than Miami? Hell... Tampa is even better than Orlando..

Austin Texas? Dallas as Lizard Lounge.. and thats it.

usf girls r hotter than ucf girls :P

FSU girls are hotter than both combined :P

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[Name a scene other than NYC that has better nightlife than us.

Here are but a few cities that kill us.

Austin, LA, SF, Berkley, houston, Dallas, chicago, Philly - hell even orlando kicks our ass.

You are out of your friggin mind dude. Orlando better than Miami? Hell... Tampa is even better than Orlando..

Austin Texas? Dallas as Lizard Lounge.. and thats it.

usf girls r hotter than ucf girls :P

FSU girls are hotter than both combined :P

ur deff right but that's a bit of a drive tampa/otown is only a hour from one another(if ur living in cfl) hehe :P

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Guest Devilicious

[Name a scene other than NYC that has better nightlife than us.

Here are but a few cities that kill us.

Austin, LA, SF, Berkley, houston, Dallas, chicago, Philly - hell even orlando kicks our ass.

You are out of your friggin mind dude. Orlando better than Miami? Hell... Tampa is even better than Orlando..

Austin Texas? Dallas as Lizard Lounge.. and thats it.

usf girls r hotter than ucf girls :P

FSU girls are hotter than both combined :P

ur deff right but that's a bit of a drive tampa/otown is only a hour from one another(if ur living in cfl) hehe :P

indeed... just trying to keep it lite up in here... some of these people are getting waaaaaaaay too worked up ;)

and of course give my school some cred while I'm at it :)

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Guest Adam Singer

I play drums for a man who has written several top ten hits and invented rap music, the dominant genre of today. So what side of the ground is that on?


you're going to have to show some more info on that one, otherwise your credibility goes to shit

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Guest coach

I play drums for a man who has written several top ten hits and invented rap music, the dominant genre of today. So what side of the ground is that on?


you're going to have to show some more info on that one, otherwise your credibility goes to shit

I know Tom personally and, though the latter claim is somewhat controversial, what he says here is true.
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Guest tomfly

Dear Adam,

Take your lazy ass to google or allmusic.com and figure it out. History speaks volumes. The bullshit you smell is on your breath.

James, it is funny that the one person on here who is civil, is someone who I know. Everytime I have visited Dallas, I've had a blast - but different strokes for different folks. The weather there does suck in the summer.

And dear Pod, as a moderator - you lack game and manners. Rather than enocurage an actual conversation, you attempt to gang up on me and then sulk when you're outgunned. Even your fellow junkies are laughing at your weak "I'm an expert at getting laid" snap.

Right, Romeo. You have fewer notches on your belt than Kate Moss had at the age of 2. Micheal Jackson has been with more women than you.

1991-1993 were the glory years for Sobe. I am over them - but trying, as most of your apparently are, to pretend that we're living in an equivalent golden cultural age (or even one that rivals the mid-late 90s) is delusional. Without diversity - you have monoculture. And monoculture is doomed to extinction.

And last night, we had a good show at the PS 14. Hot Girls went wild, the funk was thick and a good time was had by all.

Goodnight junkies,

I'll see you round the bend.

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Guest pod

Oh please.

Sure I'm here to facilitate discussion, but I'm free to have my own thoughts too, as are you. I just don't think it is good business sense for you to alienate your potential audience.

I'm sorry that the bulk of us weren't around to experience the 3 years of your golden age. Most of us were probably still in high school or even younger. That doesn't mean the age we are in is universally bad. You act as if we're violating the Ten Commandments because we go out and enjoy how things are.

Instead of complaining that we have no taste and that our scene sucks, you should be out promoting your own events with a positive spin that will encourage us youngsters to show up. More people show up, you make more money, we all win. Stop living in the past and concentrate on the future.

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