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Ok, i came home from college and lost a bit of weight and got bigger because i went on the juice (winstrol V and sustanon), now my mom is scheduling a physical for me and i overheard her saying that she is going to ask the doctor to test my blood for drugs, i am over 18 what can i take and what should i tell the doctor, i also smoke weed drop bombs and bump k here and there, all in the past month, need some help fast

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  • 3 weeks later...

THAT SUCKS. Try drinking a 8 0z cup of white vinagar. I have heard it helps but I don't know for sure, never did it myself.


I'm going to a pretty place where the flowers grow...I'll be back in an hour or so. Ecstasy is god!

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E and K are out of your system in a week tops..weed could take up to 6 weeks if you smoke everyday..if you only smoke once a week..probably about 3 weeks. And dont bother listening to all the bullshit about drinking vinegar..or taking extra zinc or any other old wives tales..cuz thats all they are. And contrary to poputlar belief drinking a lot of water even a week before the test doesnt do anything for too get rid of THC either cuz its not water soluble ..it bonds to fat cell receptors and only time will get rid of it depending how fast your metabolism is. Here are your choices:

1) Go to a head shop or some GNC's have Body Flush drinks that you take a couple hours before the test not to clean your system..but to hide it in your urine.

2) Dont give your first urine of the day because drug metabolites build up in your bladder at night.

3) Drink a lot of water right before the test so it dilutes the metabolites in your piss (although some doctors wont except a "clear" urine sample for that reason..but usually they will)

4) When peeing in the cup ..catch it mid-stream..most metabolites are found in the beginning of the stream and the end.

Good Luck...you can also go to Keyword: passing drug test

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