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The City of Miami Beach sucks big balls during WMC!

Guest james stratus

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Guest james stratus

This city is fucking with my WMC! All my hard work and all the hard work of those throwing the parties I've booked might all go to waste. The City of Miami Beach is an embarrassment, and a bunch of greedy fuckers >:(

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Guest james stratus

I've been doing parties during WMC since 2003 and last year the city pops up with a must have permit that was never mentioned to anyone previous to the first day of that WMC. This year they have taken a look at all the parties on the WMC list and the M3 list going on at hotels around the beach and looked up everyones permits. I mean everyone! They served a letter to over 50 hotel properties on the beach demanding that if you do any event with a DJ that you have this permit, but not everyone can even get it! There is 300 foot law, restaurant stipulation, and a bunch of other BS in regards to it. Not even a Special Event permit applies unless it is an outdoor event! So greed and or plain stupidy is abound. No wonder the rumors about moving WMC have kept popping up. It's too bad that people only realize that they have lost a good thing when it's gone!

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Guest tijuanarave

Listen Bro... the city will be full of drugged out people that are having a blast... The City must make some money too... REMEMBER THAT EVERYBODY HAS TO MAKE MONEY...

Would you let a bunch of drugged out, drunk people throw a party at your house, then let the promoter make money and then just have the guy leave your house and just say thank you... I THINK NOT...

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Guest vaughan

They actually sent a blanket letter to a shitload of places. BLUE even got one and the owner was like WTF??? They've been there for 10 years and all of a sudden they aren't permitted to carry out "these types of special events".

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Guest jbit

what's the difference between the parties that happen during WMC, the lineup's/parties that happen during the rest of the year? smells like horse shit to me

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Guest tijuanarave

The difference is that during regular parties you don't see $40 to $100 dlls cover charge, and $17 vodka redbulls.... that is the difference my friend... EVERYBODY HAS TO MAKE MONEY, EVERYBODY... DON'T YOU?

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Guest vaughan

The difference is that during regular parties you don't see $40 to $100 dlls cover charge, and $17 vodka redbulls.... that is the difference my friend... EVERYBODY HAS TO MAKE MONEY, EVERYBODY... DON'T YOU?

How does the city make money by this???... they are not offering an alternative... it's "SORRY YOU'RE FUCKED" and can't do your events. It wasn't like, Hey Little Bar/Hotel/Restaurant, you don't have a permit to do "these kinds of events", but if you give us $XXX then you can do it.

Think... Bigger Cover, More expensive Red Bull = More Tax dollars... don't worry, they get theirs!

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Guest james stratus

Listen Bro... the city will be full of drugged out people that are having a blast... The City must make some money too... REMEMBER THAT EVERYBODY HAS TO MAKE MONEY...

Would you let a bunch of drugged out, drunk people throw a party at your house, then let the promoter make money and then just have the guy leave your house and just say thank you... I THINK NOT...

Man this city makes so much money you would not believe it. Property taxes, hotel taxes, parking, violations, condo developers... and the list goes on and on. This is something they the city pulled out of their ass at the last minute just so people would call the permits and coding department so they could tell them "oh, you'll be OK, you just need X permit which will be $5000+". It's really just extorsion my friend. Especially if they gave one to Blue!!! :o WTF!

Also let me correct something... The letters didn't really say anything about a DJ. It mainly pointed out things like "... we have looked up your permit status and you do not have the proper permits to hold special events" and "...your occupational license only permits ambient background music to be played". ???

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Guest Marina22

That is complete prohibitive bullshit! I would be pissed. So I guess you pay cause you have no choice, huh? You'd think they would be grateful that conference puts Miami in everyone's mind this time of year. No one likes a bunch of ravers I guess. I have to admit, when we stayed a couple of years at the Intercontinental seeing the mix of ravers and the people from the food and wine fest, talk about a motley crue.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I've been doing parties during WMC since 2003 and last year the city pops up with a must have permit that was never mentioned to anyone previous to the first day of that WMC. This year they have taken a look at all the parties on the WMC list and the M3 list going on at hotels around the beach and looked up everyones permits. I mean everyone! They served a letter to over 50 hotel properties on the beach demanding that if you do any event with a DJ that you have this permit, but not everyone can even get it! There is 300 foot law, restaurant stipulation, and a bunch of other BS in regards to it. Not even a Special Event permit applies unless it is an outdoor event! So greed and or plain stupidy is abound. No wonder the rumors about moving WMC have kept popping up. It's too bad that people only realize that they have lost a good thing when it's gone!

Yep. You may soon see the WMC in Las Vegas because they have bigger venues (ie Hotels) and their laws are not as strict!
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Guest HouseJunkie

I've been doing parties during WMC since 2003 and last year the city pops up with a must have permit that was never mentioned to anyone previous to the first day of that WMC. This year they have taken a look at all the parties on the WMC list and the M3 list going on at hotels around the beach and looked up everyones permits. I mean everyone! They served a letter to over 50 hotel properties on the beach demanding that if you do any event with a DJ that you have this permit, but not everyone can even get it! There is 300 foot law, restaurant stipulation, and a bunch of other BS in regards to it. Not even a Special Event permit applies unless it is an outdoor event! So greed and or plain stupidy is abound. No wonder the rumors about moving WMC have kept popping up. It's too bad that people only realize that they have lost a good thing when it's gone!

Yep. You may soon see the WMC in Las Vegas because they have bigger venues (ie Hotels) and their laws are not as strict!

Maybe that's what the City wants, WMC may have overstayed their welcome. Think about it, if WMC goes we'll still have MMC.

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Guest vegasguy25

If WMC were to ever move to Vegas, and that's a huge "IF", it would have to be moved to about sometime in May, so that outdoor events could be held at the pools. Obviously it would be much more affordable for me if this were held here. My expenses would be gas back and forth between my house and the Strip, and cover charges. I don't know if it will ever go as far as WMC actually moving though.

I want to believe that the City of Miami Beach would not want to get rid of WMC, but their actions tell me otherwise. When you start coming up with ways to make it more difficult to throw events, that is a backhanded way of trying to get rid of the events. What do you guys think the city has against WMC?

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Guest michael^heaven

---Sorry to hear about the problems, James. It seems that many cities are following suit. For example, in Daytona, the city council is trying to faze out ALL special events completely. First Spring Break. Now, they're working on BCR. Also, they've already reduced the number of official days allowed for Biketoberfest & Bike Week. This restricts vendor & special events permits. The reason being, the majority of Daytona's council is comprised of fossils that actually live up north but come down here for the winter months. They already have all the money they need for themselves & could care less if they are reducing the incomes of hard-working business owners & retail/restaurant employees. The elderly want this to be a sleepy beach town & that's it!!

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Guest james stratus

The people that run this city would be so unbelievably stupid to get rid of WMC. It is the biggest and most calm event that hits Miami Beach. Even the craziness of the Boatshow outways idioticy than WMC. Sure Miami Beach, get rid of the clubs and WMC! All you will have left is the beach itself and Memorial Day weekend! Memorial Day weekend if the bain of this city and even they know it!

I actually heard a city counsel person talking 3 feet away from me while DJing one night how the beach will soon loose the clubs to downtown. THEY ARE SCARED! But the reason for all this right now is the condo bullshit and the lawyers they have behind them. Why do think they have all of a sudden reversed perspectives and granted late night and 24 hour licenses on the Beach! And why are the 18~ year olds allowed again to hit clubs on the beach!!!!!

So Counselmen and Women... will the kickbacks you got from Condo developers ultimately be worth it????? You are all idiots, and the answer is NO!!!! Drive Miami Beach back to a depression state like to was in the 70's and 80's ok :D

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Guest creativemafia

No but they would rather have thug fest.


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Guest coach

I've been doing parties during WMC since 2003 and last year the city pops up with a must have permit that was never mentioned to anyone previous to the first day of that WMC. This year they have taken a look at all the parties on the WMC list and the M3 list going on at hotels around the beach and looked up everyones permits. I mean everyone! They served a letter to over 50 hotel properties on the beach demanding that if you do any event with a DJ that you have this permit, but not everyone can even get it! There is 300 foot law, restaurant stipulation, and a bunch of other BS in regards to it. Not even a Special Event permit applies unless it is an outdoor event! So greed and or plain stupidy is abound. No wonder the rumors about moving WMC have kept popping up. It's too bad that people only realize that they have lost a good thing when it's gone!

Yep. You may soon see the WMC in Las Vegas because they have bigger venues (ie Hotels) and their laws are not as strict!

Not gonna happen.
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Guest swirlundergrounder

I've been doing parties during WMC since 2003 and last year the city pops up with a must have permit that was never mentioned to anyone previous to the first day of that WMC. This year they have taken a look at all the parties on the WMC list and the M3 list going on at hotels around the beach and looked up everyones permits. I mean everyone! They served a letter to over 50 hotel properties on the beach demanding that if you do any event with a DJ that you have this permit, but not everyone can even get it! There is 300 foot law, restaurant stipulation, and a bunch of other BS in regards to it. Not even a Special Event permit applies unless it is an outdoor event! So greed and or plain stupidy is abound. No wonder the rumors about moving WMC have kept popping up. It's too bad that people only realize that they have lost a good thing when it's gone!

Yep. You may soon see the WMC in Las Vegas because they have bigger venues (ie Hotels) and their laws are not as strict!

Not gonna happen.

I hope not!!
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Guest vegasguy25

I don't see it happening either. However, if Miami Beach continues to treat those involved with MWC the way they have the last couple of years, don't be surprised if everyone starts thinking about seeking out greener pastures. I am sure WMC will remain in Miami Beach, but you never know.

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