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Props to Space...


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1) The exanding of the aptio was THE best thing they have done...besides having Kirk at the door. :-* It really opened up the patio so that you could actually move and have a small space to dance. Last year i was miserable because I couldnt even move one foot off the ground without getting pushed out of my spot. This year was MUUUCh better.

2) The door rules were strictly upheld. If people didnt read the rules befoe they bought their ticket they were screwed and thats they way it should be. Its not fair for those who showed up early to make it in on time. This also helped with lines at the door. If they were holding the door due to capacity they made sure to still let in those with presales and passes.

3) I liked having Morillo the same weekend as GG. I didnt have to battle the WMC crowd just to see him this time. :)

4) They brought in some Djs that they dont normally have...I think this should be done more often (maybe every 2 months).

I had a great time, with wonderful friends and heard some incredible music. See you guys again in a few weeks. ;D

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Must say, what they did to the patio is just amazing.Only if they would've thought of that back in the days when I was able to hang into late sunday mornings .

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Guest RzO

i agree with c totally...after last yrs debacles, the door was great thanks to kirk and angel, and greg the bartender on terrace for keeping the drinks flowing at the perfect rate...the new terrace is the greatest thing ever and i am forever more a space junkie now, i mean i spent all my nights up there practically and it was the best times... this sucks i gotta go back to work tommorow after a week of crazy times!

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Guest Marina22

Have only seen it in pictures and it looks cool but does that mean that there is no loft? Is the sound divided if there is another DJ in the loft or loft no more?

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Guest Devilicious

I couldn't go an antire WMC without going to Space once...

New patio looks nice... loved all the flags hung in the rafters tuesday morning. It was much slower than I expected and the music except for Zabiela was nothing phenomenal, but it's still Space... I had a great morning.

Thanks to all the wonderful staff who are so patient and considerate even after working so hard for so many hours. It ain't easy what these people do folks; they deserve mucho respecto.

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Guest cool1g

What did Space do with the terrace that's new?

the inside room no longer is 2-stories with the balcony - there is a much lower ceiling there with a 2nd floor created which is totally open to the terrace giving much more room.

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Guest addictedtospace

What did Space do with the terrace that's new?

View from inside of the loft looking towards the patio.



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Guest Electric Eel

Space staff deserves much love. I would never be able to work as many hours as you guys did in one week straight. You guys rock!

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Guest dino

1) The exanding of the aptio was THE best thing they have done...besides having Kirk at the door. :-* It really opened up the patio so that you could actually move and have a small space to dance. Last year i was miserable because I couldnt even move one foot off the ground without getting pushed out of my spot. This year was MUUUCh better.

2) The door rules were strictly upheld. If people didnt read the rules befoe they bought their ticket they were screwed and thats they way it should be. Its not fair for those who showed up early to make it in on time. This also helped with lines at the door. If they were holding the door due to capacity they made sure to still let in those with presales and passes.

3) I liked having Morillo the same weekend as GG. I didnt have to battle the WMC crowd just to see him this time. :)

4) They brought in some Djs that they dont normally have...I think this should be done more often (maybe every 2 months).

I had a great time, with wonderful friends and heard some incredible music. See you guys again in a few weeks. ;D

I only went once, but you could not be more right. I remember all the horror stories I read about last year, so the morning that we went I did not know what to expect.

We got to go to Morillo the morning after GG. This was the highlight of my trip. I could not make it down for the actual conference, so I came down for GG. It was GREAT to have a huge party to go to that weekend at a club. Thanks for booking Morillo early.

When we got there, a line was formed outside and was not moving. We had bought tickets before hand though. My friend went up to LP, who was at the door, explained to him that we already had tickets, and he let our group right in. Could not have gone any smoother.

Once in, I was very impressed by the new patio. I had not been to Space in a year and a half, and actually had no idea the patio was re-modeled. So much more open, bigger, and better. It was great to have room to move around, dance, get a drink, and not feel like you are bumping into everyone every second. I was envious of all the partiers that were there over the last week.

One final note. There is no where else in the country where you can see and be apart of an enviroment like the Space patio on a Sunday morning. I have been out to clubs all over the country, but no where will you find 1000 people (I am guessing at that number), all having a great time at a huge party, VIP bumpin, a few celebs in the house (Ronny Siekly and Jason Giombi)j, one of the biggest dj's in the world, beautiful women everywhere, cracked out people who are up from the night before, people who are sober, people who had recently woken up and are getting their drink on......all in the same place and it was 10:00 AM ON A SUNDAY MORNING. Only in Miami. I am already looking forward to my next trip down.

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Guest Philip

One final note. There is no where else in the country where you can see and be apart of an enviroment like the Space patio on a Sunday morning.


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Guest addictedtospace

Wow, another conference in the books.

It was really nice to see the "tits" in full affect Lee, C, Mich & even Tal. Ramon glad i could help (sorry about your friend).

Pod my friend it really hurts to see you like that :'(, feel better.

imo, Set of the week goes to Behrouz, hands down!!!

"Tits" were not the only things being flashed at the door.

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Wow, another conference in the books.

It was really nice to see the "tits" in full affect Lee, C, Mich & even Tal. Ramon glad i could help (sorry about your friend).

Pod my friend it really hurts to see you like that :'(, feel better.

imo, Set of the week goes to Behrouz, hands down!!!

"Tits" were not the only things being flashed at the door.

Thank you for quoting the phantom, Elio. ;)

I :heart: Kirk! :-*

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Guest skywalker01

the flags reminded me of the old patio..

werd. i remember the original flags being much larger though. find the bigger ones, if you can. and does anyone remember those freakishly large birds on the old patio? bring them back as well. and lay down wood flooring on the terrace. that's all for now. thank you

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Guest Electric Eel

Wow, another conference in the books.

It was really nice to see the "tits" in full affect Lee, C, Mich & even Tal. Ramon glad i could help (sorry about your friend).

Pod my friend it really hurts to see you like that :'(, feel better.

imo, Set of the week goes to Behrouz, hands down!!!

"Tits" were not the only things being flashed at the door.

It was definitely great to see you too Kirk. Thank you soo much for everything!! :-*

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Guest Ariel

This conference was amazing! Thanks to everyone who came out from all over, and the locals too. Glad everyone had a great time, and hope that next year we can bring the same energy as always and great talent!

Props to all the security guards, door staff, BARTENDERS who work like fuckin machines!!!, and everyone else who put up with the madness. All I know is that with those hours you guys pulled off, you guys still looked like you were having a blast and thats what makes Space the place to be! 8)

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