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Beach Ball Fest '06

Guest Devilicious

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Guest Devilicious

this past sunday was such a blast! www.beachballfestival.com

nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition to rile up hungover and sleep deprived club staffers. 20 teams competed in 4 events. Tug of war, Rock climbing, Dodgeball, and a relay race....

#1 Opium group

#2 Snatch ( I think... might have been Suite)

#3 i dunno

#4 Shine (damn good considering we put the team together the week before!)

Crobar and Space both finished in the bottom half. There were teams from the beach, downtown, and even the Martini Bar from south Miami had a team... though I'm not sure they scored any points...

Dodgeball was fun.... 6 on 6 Relay race was great, easy little tasks that when combined aren't quite so easy. Especially when you add alcohol to the mix!

This would have been as much fun as an observer as it was a participant I think. One of the highlights was seeing Sugar Hill Gang perform live on stage... awesome, mad energy and skill.

The event could have been a huge success and they could have made loot, but I doubt they did... there were people there but it wasn't packed as it should have been. I saw plenty of industry people and I'm sure none of them paid to get in.

Tickets were 20/day, but what they failed to advertise is that there were booths set up (a la bartender's bash) with most major liquors and their reps giving away booze.

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Guest Ariel

I dont think many people payed. But it sure was pretty cool. FREE PATRON EVERYWHERE WOW! All diff. types of liq too.

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Guest pod

I went last year with a friend and we made quite the scene. Drinking galore, trading our club wear for Beach Ball T-shirts, we downed an assload of liquor and proceeded to be very obnoxious. It's a fun event for that sort of thing.

The beach clubs had the advantage cause they got off work at 5 AM. The downtown clubs, a lot of their team members took off from work and went straight to the games. You've got well-rested teams, then you've got teams that have been up all night before. I coulda told you who was gonna win before the games started.

Who was the irritating musical guest this year? Last year I was tempted to trade my Canon for a cannon and put the poor guy out of his misery.

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Guest coach

Tickets were 20/day, but what they failed to advertise is that there were booths set up (a la bartender's bash) with most major liquors and their reps giving away booze.

This was definitely NOT advertised. $20 per day is way out of hand considering that Volleypalooza is free. I guarantee the price scares the patrons off.
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Guest Devilicious

I went last year with a friend and we made quite the scene. Drinking galore, trading our club wear for Beach Ball T-shirts, we downed an assload of liquor and proceeded to be very obnoxious. It's a fun event for that sort of thing.

The beach clubs had the advantage cause they got off work at 5 AM.

that doesn't mean they slept.... spoke to several who did not! The teams were only 6 people each... space just made a tactical error, they had at least 4 huge guys which really hurt in rock climbing and I didn't watch but probably dodge ball too! None of them were people I've seen on the patio so I don't buy that they went straight there....

The downtown clubs, a lot of their team members took off from work and went straight to the games. You've got well-rested teams, then you've got teams that have been up all night before. I coulda told you who was gonna win before the games started.

Who was the irritating musical guest this year? Last year I was tempted to trade my Canon for a cannon and put the poor guy out of his misery.


but I'm calling 100% bullshit on your being able to predict who would win... I thought we'd tank and Crobar would do well... opium group that's predictable, but Mansion had a team too which if I remember correctly didn't do so hot. It wasn't all physical either.. the relay was strategical more than anything.

Oh, and if you think you made a scene last year, you should have seen crazy Eddie.... also this one skinny black guy was equally rambunctious and entertaining. Gave eddie a run for his money for "most obnoxious attendant"

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Guest pod

That's Bartender Eddie (as he is listed in my phone).

Crazy Eddie is the guy who sold TVs and tape decks when I was a kid. His prices were insane.

Oh it wasn't as if we were the craziest last year. We just stuck out. Jeans and a T-shirt amongst swimming outfits was the order of the day.

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Guest Metropolis

"The downtown clubs, a lot of their team members took off from work and went straight to the games. You've got well-rested teams, then you've got teams that have been up all night before. I coulda told you who was gonna win before the games started."

Team Metropolis did just that... worked all night and headed straight to the games!! Yet, I believe we fill in the blanks for the contestants placing 3rd overall. We won in dodgeball, after the first round of tug of war our opposing team forfieted. In rock climbing we totaled 70 points, and we also did great in the relay race. At around 5 pm we went to the score board to tally up the scores to see where we may have placed. We were in the top 3. After that half of our team disappeared under the liqour tent. We noticed many other teams had left as well. We assumed the games were done. Then we were asked to participate in tug o war for bonus points. We started with 8 players and were only able to round up 3 and a half. (The Patron booth was too temping for the half.) After our first loss of the day we had to go.. back to work.

We had a wonderful time, but there were some things that could definelty improve the event for next year.

1. The competing teams in this event are all compiled of "industry people", who work on average, thurs, fri, sat & sun night. WHY SUNDAY FROM 11 till 7?? Why not Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or even Friday to hold the event?? We might be industry people but were not supermen & superwomen... we need sleep too!!!

2. Let the liqour out of the tent!!

3. WHERE WAS THE VOLLEYBALL?????? We put our team together assuming volleyball to be the main event... only to find out it was everything but volleyball. Is there a volleyball tournament coming up... If so count Metro in!!

4. WHO OFFICIALLY WON?? I dont think anyone knows for sure. One of our employees called new times to get the results.. they didnt know. I believe they called TAI...no answer from them either... ???

We would love to know who placed where.. officially!

Another quick comment; It seemed as if we were the only team that had our GM & marketing director as players. We had a few waitresses, bartenders, & our security director playing as well. An overall fair, well rounded team (...not 6 of our biggest security representing us.. with out mentioning any names). Wheres the support?? :) It would be interesting, to say the least, to see ALL teams properly represent their buisnesses with real employees and staff.

Finally, We would like to thank those who put the event together. It was definetly a nice breather after the long wmc never ending hours!!

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Guest Devilicious
One of the highlights was seeing Sugar Hill Gang perform live on stage...

NICE...i would have gone if i heard something about this...how did YOU do in the events?? ;)

I did great! We all did... here are some pics

myself and the office manager Liz:


most of our team (bartenders, a promoter, and a security guard)


me during the "relay race"


me and Liz



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Guest Devilicious

"The downtown clubs, a lot of their team members took off from work and went straight to the games. You've got well-rested teams, then you've got teams that have been up all night before. I coulda told you who was gonna win before the games started."

Team Metropolis did just that... worked all night and headed straight to the games!! Yet, I believe we fill in the blanks for the contestants placing 3rd overall. We won in dodgeball, after the first round of tug of war our opposing team forfieted. In rock climbing we totaled 70 points, and we also did great in the relay race. At around 5 pm we went to the score board to tally up the scores to see where we may have placed. We were in the top 3. After that half of our team disappeared under the liqour tent. We noticed many other teams had left as well. We assumed the games were done. Then we were asked to participate in tug o war for bonus points. We started with 8 players and were only able to round up 3 and a half. (The Patron booth was too temping for the half.) After our first loss of the day we had to go.. back to work.

that sucks! Your team was tied with Shine for 4th when all was said and done.... I don't think we played each other in anything. Also, there were definitely second rounds of competition... as you did tug of war twice we did rock climbing twice.. competition didn't end till after 5, but you had to go over by the score board to see what was up... a bit unorganized

We had a wonderful time, but there were some things that could definelty improve the event for next year.

1. The competing teams in this event are all compiled of "industry people", who work on average, thurs, fri, sat & sun night. WHY SUNDAY FROM 11 till 7?? Why not Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or even Friday to hold the event?? We might be industry people but were not supermen & superwomen... we need sleep too!!!

as much as I agree with you here, it isn't practical if the organizers are trying to make money... promoting the free booze is their answer

2. Let the liqour out of the tent!!

3. WHERE WAS THE VOLLEYBALL?????? We put our team together assuming volleyball to be the main event... only to find out it was everything but volleyball. Is there a volleyball tournament coming up... If so count Metro in!!

4. WHO OFFICIALLY WON?? I dont think anyone knows for sure. One of our employees called new times to get the results.. they didnt know. I believe they called TAI...no answer from them either... ??? We would love to know who placed where.. officially!

the results I reported are the final scores... tallied around 6:30pm

Another quick comment; It seemed as if we were the only team that had our GM & marketing director as players. We had a few waitresses, bartenders, & our security director playing as well. An overall fair, well rounded team (...not 6 of our biggest security representing us.. with out mentioning any names). Wheres the support?? :) It would be interesting, to say the least, to see ALL teams properly represent their buisnesses with real employees and staff.

Finally, We would like to thank those who put the event together. It was definetly a nice breather after the long wmc never ending hours!!

I personally don't have a problem with teams choosing their biggest security staff members for the competition. It's a way of trying to do your best and it backfired against some people... our team was really diverse and I think that helped :)

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Guest pod

It's like the Dream Team of basketball back in the 90s. The US is dominant in basketball and it was high time to show it. Hell if I ran a club I'd "hire" pro v-ball players for four or five months just to have the snappy trophy, and that way my real employees could party and get drunk and maybe beat up whatever horrid musical act the organizers booked that year. Well Sugar Hill Gang isn't so bad, but whomever they booked last year should have been taken out back and shot like a rabid raccoon.

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