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Ephedrine + E ?

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Anyone tried mixing ephedrine with e before. sounds like it could be dangerous. Please post your expriences. The only reason I'm thinking about doing it is because recently every time i roll i'm was smack and dopey and want to sit around. I want to be speedy and dance. Maybe ephedrine will help?

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no good. tooo much stimulant for your heart. if you wanna speed it up drink some oj or take vitamin c pills


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro


Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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Originally posted by BillDaThrill:

Anyone tried mixing ephedrine with e before. sounds like it could be dangerous. Please post your expriences. The only reason I'm thinking about doing it is because recently every time i roll i'm was smack and dopey and want to sit around. I want to be speedy and dance. Maybe ephedrine will help?

u do know ephedrine is the main ingredient in meth right? aka white crosses..aka minithins...anyhow: i did that before but i agree with whoever said its ALOT of stimulants for the heart. If anything it will speed up the onset but it will also most likely not last as long as your blood pressure will be skihigh and it will run its course MUCH faster. definitly take some VitC and drink juices...they always helped me.

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the ephedrine + MDMA combination ("fastball") is a fairly popular combination within clubs, either as an alternative to MDA, or to enhance a weak hit. MDA is known to give more of a "speedy" effect cwm4.gif than MDMA, which can be very enjoyable within a dance club environment. however, what MDA lacks are the strong feelings of empathy & openness cwm38.gif that MDMA gives. therefore, many prefer to have the best of both worlds by spiking the "happy" MDMA effect with an energy boost from ephedrine, found in stacker/ripped fuel/xenadrine, etc...

the "fastball" can be very enjoyable for many, however extra caution should be exercised, as this combination can place higher levels of physical stress on the individual~



-dusk til dawn-


"You take the blue pill: Capsule-02.gif

The story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe.

You take the red pill: Capsule-03.gif

You stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes..."


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