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Flight 93 Memorial an Actual Memorial to the Terrorists????

Guest Slide On The Ice

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Guest Slide On The Ice


Part of what it has to say. You decide:

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Flight 93 Memorial ACTION ALERT: Stop the terrorist-memorial mosque!

UPDATE: Opposition to the barely-altered Crescent of Embrace design for the Flight 93 Memorial took a significant step forward yesterday at the National Park Service meeting in Somerset. Thanks to Bill Steiner and his Western Pennsylvania compatriots, the five short exhibits posted below were distributed on flyers to almost everyone in attendance, as was another set of flyers that Bill composed himself. (A compilation of Bill's materials, with all the flyers, is available here.)

We managed to alert a couple of local reporters to the Mecca-orientation of the original crescent; to the continued presence of this crescent in the redesign; and to the fact that a crescent that people face into to face Mecca is the central feature around which every mosque is built. One reporter said he can make time this week for me to show him how to verify the Mecca-orientation of the crescent, and Bill is going to be interviewed by WJAC TV in Johnstown Pennsylvania tomorrow. Many people associated with the Project never heard word-one about the hundreds of warnings the Project received about the Mecca-oriented crescent, about the 44 glass blocks on the flight path, etcetera, and were shocked to look at our information.

Already the list of Western Pennsylvania allies is growing. The next step is to grow further by having people canvass their fire departments, their churches, their shooting ranges and their downtowns with our flyers, talking to people and explaining the untoward elements of the crescent design. We are attempting to generate, not just a blogstorm, but a GROUND army of Davids.

Interestingly, there expected announcement of final approval for the crescent design never came. Did our advance contact with reporters, who read our information and were doing advance interviews, scare the announcement off? Did the twenty minutes I spent explaining the design's terrorist-memorializing features to one of Interior's communications officers have some effect? After all, I did send him proof (below), and they have had my full 55 page report for a month.

If this thing cracks, it will be a dam break. END UPDATE.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

There is too much there, I didn't even read it all myself. If you click the link, the article and related commentaries go on forever. Basically what it is saying is that the planned memorial for the Flight 93 victims, in that park in Pa where 93 crashed, is in the shape of a cresent moon, which is the Moslem symbol that the terrorists stated where their cause and glory, yada yada yada. And groups of people are protesting the style of the memorial because it memorializes what the terrorists were "fighting for", instead of what the victims fought for.

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Guest saintjohn

The winning memorial design, rotated so that it points to the right:


Islamic crescent:




Coincidence? Yeah, right.

Concerns over memorial grow



Somerset — Fundamentalist Christians aren’t alone in their concerns about an Islamic symbol being used in the design of the Flight 93 National Memorial.

Muslims would take affront as well, a professor of Middle Eastern studies at New York University said.

Named “Crescent of Embrace,†the design by Paul Murdoch Associates of Los Angeles centers around a semicircular pathway of red maples leading to the crash site. Forty innocent passengers and crew were killed when four Islamic hijackers crashed the plane into a reclaimed strip mine near Shanksville on Sept. 11, 2001.

“Given the political ramifications, it’s not an apt name,†Professor Bernard Haykel said Friday, a day after a Somerset County street preacher declared he is considering filing for an injunction to stop the design.

“I could see a Muslin taking offense to this by saying this could be a slight to Islam. It could cut both ways.â€

The Rev. Ron McRae, self-proclaimed bishop of Bible Anabaptist Church near Jerome, is vowing to fight the design, contending a red crescent is a major Islamic symbol.

“I think it’s shameful,†McRae said. “These people were killed in the name of religion.â€

In Islam, the crescent moon symbolizes the beginning and end of a calendar month. Crescents are prominent on mosques and are used on ambulances similar to red crosses in America.

“It is the symbol of ritual and religious life for Muslims,†Haykel said.

“The name (of the memorial) itself is not bad, but people can read into it all kinds of things.â€

Murdoch has said the word is used generically in an architectural sense to describe the walkway around the bowl-shaped depression surrounding the plane’s point of impact. He maintains no religious implications were intended.

But even the second-stage jury that selected the design recommended changing its name to steer clear of religious overtones. Rather than crescent, the jury suggested using circle or arc of embrace instead.

“It shows how insulated Americans are about 9/11,†Haykel said. “They should think how Christian fundamentalists and Muslims are going to see this. This is not a neutral context.â€

Fouad El Bayly of Somerset, leader of the Islamic Center of Johnstown, has said Muslims immediately would recognize the symbolism in the design.

The crescent is a symbol of Islamic faith, El Bayly said.

“You pick something to be identified with,†he said.


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Guest saintjohn

The planned memorial will feature "transluscent glass blocks" to commemorate each of the 40 passengers and crew members that were murdered. Here's the rendering from the official Flight 93 memorial site:


Notice the additional blocks on the adjacent wall, which supposedly signify the date, September 11, 2001:


It's been suggested that the other blocks represent the four hijackers. I'm not convinced that's the case, but it does seem like an odd architectural feature.

Memorials, in general, are not practical structures. They serve as symbols. Whether or not the architect intended the design to resemble a giant red crescent, face Mecca, or commemorate the terrorists as well as the crew and passengers (in a "separate but equal" manner) doesn't even matter anymore. The proposed memorial has become a symbol of something other than the heroes of Flight 93. I'm sure a lot of time, effort, and money has been invested in the design, but it needs to be scrapped. If the proposed memorial happened to resemble a giant cross, the ACLU would be all over it.

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Guest slamminshaun

Pandering to Islam, as if they're the ones needing to be pandered to.

This reminds me of a memorial to the police officers and firefighters in NYC, in which they modeled a statue from a photograph taken of the police and firefighters raising the American flag not long after the WTC collapsed. The photograph was of 3 caucasians, however, many in the media insisted that the memorial be erected so that 2 of the guys involved would be minorities....

I guess when history doesn't play out the way the media wants it to, they just rewrite history.....

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