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An Inconvenient Truth

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder


ALL THE CRITICS ARE CALLING THIS A MUST SEE... from Ebert & Roper to Larry King!!

Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb. If the vast majority of the world's scientists are right, we have just ten years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tail-spin of epic destruction involving extreme weather, floods, droughts, epidemics and killer heat waves beyond anything we have ever experienced.

If that sounds like a recipe for serious gloom and doom -- think again. From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "traveling global warming show," Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it's too late.

With 2005, the worst storm season ever experienced in America just behind us, it seems we may be reaching a tipping point - and Gore pulls no punches in explaining the dire situation. Interspersed with the bracing facts and future predictions is the story of Gore's personal journey: from an idealistic college student who first saw a massive environmental crisis looming; to a young Senator facing a harrowing family tragedy that altered his perspective, to the man who almost became President but instead returned to the most important cause of his life - convinced that there is still time to make a difference.

With wit, smarts and hope, AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH ultimately brings home Gore's persuasive argument that we can no longer afford to view global warming as a political issue - rather, it is the biggest moral challenges facing our global civilization.

Paramount Classics and Participant Productions present a film directed by Davis Guggenheim,

AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Featuring Al Gore, the film is produced by Laurie David, Lawrence Bender and Scott Z. Burns. Jeff Skoll and Davis Guggenheim are the executive producers and the co-producer is Leslie Chilcott.


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Guest Cosmigonon

Awesome documentary!! :o

Did you see it?

No, I'm just guessing.

Of course I saw it Terry, how else would I say it was awesome unless you were thinking I was lying... :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest swirlundergrounder

Is this on DVD or is this at the theaters ???

It's currently in the theatres. I need to get off my ass and go see it also
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Guest macboy

Is this on DVD or is this at the theaters ???

It's currently in the theatres. I need to get off my ass and go see it also


I figured you saaw it since you were the one who posted the thread. Yes, get off your ass and see it. It's playing at lincoln road and, i think, your favorite theater - intracoastal.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Is this on DVD or is this at the theaters ???

It's currently in the theatres. I need to get off my ass and go see it also


I figured you saaw it since you were the one who posted the thread. Yes, get off your ass and see it. It's playing at lincoln road and, i think, your favorite theater - intracoastal.

See the difficulty has been that my wife wants to also see this and we don't have a baby sitter. So she would have a fit if I saw this alone. I tell her that need more ammo to further the casue of pushing this issue here on CJ..LOL. I'km planning on seeing it this weekend. She'll live.
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Guest mp3some




[move]GO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/move]

;D 8)

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Guest Marina22

I want to see it but have not yet. :-[ Terry did you see it yet? If not, I babysit for future reference.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

. :-[ Terry did you see it yet? If not, I babysit for future reference.

You baby sit??? yeah right!!! LMFAO....

If that happened, chances are I'd go out that night to find my little girl dancing on top of a speaker at Space with her Barney sunglasses on...

SofiaChucky2.jpgSofia live PA at Chucky Cheese...

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Guest mp3some

It is no secret that this is an issue I have always felt very strongly about. I am glad it's coming out to the public in such a "digestable" way.

The film is really a moral wake up call... a real call for action.

With all the politics aside, thre has to be some degree of assimilation by the extreme right about the effects of this phenomenom. We have to do something about this now, and everybody needs to get informed.

They should have free screenings of this movie on earth day or a similar holiday... Coordinate a date to have everybody see it.

Show it in schools all over the country, and ffs send it to China!!!!!

Since I saw the movie I have made sure at least 5 other ppl see it.... I am planning on changing my v6 to a hybrid, as soon as my finances allow for it; and completely changed the lightbulbs in my apartment to those long lasting fluorescent ones... I only had maybe 4 before, now they're everywhere....

There is a bunch of small things we can do to make a difference on the micro-level. It's like everything, really... if enough of us do it, then we can begin to make a difference.

Check out these links:

Everything you need to know, In Brief, In Depth, and many many good Links...

Stop Global Warming

What's up with the Weather?

EPA's Site

Please take action now!


mp3.- 8)

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Guest macboy

So Miguel, did you like the movie? :P

Seriously, though, I agree with you, but like I posted earlier, it's good to look at both sides of the argument for a complete picture.

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Guest mp3some

So Miguel, did you like the movie? :P

Seriously, though, I agree with you, but like I posted earlier, it's good to look at both sides of the argument for a complete picture.

I would love to find a credible, fact-based, unbiased perspective to refute the science presented in this film...

I have yet to find one. Seriously, let me know if you find some.

The Associated Press

June 27, 2006

WASHINGTON -- The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

The former vice president's movie _ replete with the prospect of a flooded New York City, an inundated Florida, more and nastier hurricanes, worsening droughts, retreating glaciers and disappearing ice sheets _ mostly got the science right, said all 19 climate scientists who had seen the movie or read the book and answered questions from The Associated Press.

The AP contacted more than 100 top climate researchers by e-mail and phone for their opinion. Among those contacted were vocal skeptics of climate change theory. Most scientists had not seen the movie, which is in limited release, or read the book.

But those who have seen it had the same general impression: Gore conveyed the science correctly; the world is getting hotter and it is a manmade catastrophe-in-the-making caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

"Excellent," said William Schlesinger, dean of the Nicholas School of Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University. "He got all the important material and got it right."

Robert Corell, chairman of the worldwide Arctic Climate Impact Assessment group of scientists, read the book and saw Gore give the slideshow presentation that is woven throughout the documentary.

"I sat there and I'm amazed at how thorough and accurate," Corell said. "After the presentation I said, `Al, I'm absolutely blown away. There's a lot of details you could get wrong.' ... I could find no error."

Gore, in an interview with the AP, said he wasn't surprised "because I took a lot of care to try to make sure the science was right."

The tiny errors scientists found weren't a big deal, "far, far fewer and less significant than the shortcoming in speeches by the typical politician explaining an issue," said Michael MacCracken, who used to be in charge of the nation's global warming effects program and is now chief scientist at the Climate Institute in Washington.

One concern was about the connection between hurricanes and global warming. That is a subject of a heated debate in the science community. Gore cited five recent scientific studies to support his view.

"I thought the use of imagery from Hurricane Katrina was inappropriate and unnecessary in this regard, as there are plenty of disturbing impacts associated with global warming for which there is much greater scientific consensus," said Brian Soden, a University of Miami professor of meteorology and oceanography.

Some scientists said Gore confused his ice sheets when he said the effect of the Clean Air Act is noticeable in the Antarctic ice core; it is the Greenland ice core. Others thought Gore oversimplified the causal-link between the key greenhouse gas carbon dioxide and rising temperatures.

While some nonscientists could be depressed by the dire disaster-laden warmer world scenario that Gore laid out, one top researcher thought it was too optimistic. Tom Wigley, senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, thought the former vice president sugarcoated the problem by saying that with already-available technologies and changes in habit _ such as changing light bulbs _ the world could help slow or stop global warming.

While more than 1 million people have seen the movie since it opened in May, that does not include Washington's top science decision makers. President Bush said he won't see it. The heads of the Environmental Protection Agency and NASA haven't seen it, and the president's science adviser said the movie is on his to-see list.

"They are quite literally afraid to know the truth," Gore said. "Because if you accept the truth of what the scientific community is saying, it gives you a moral imperative to start to rein in the 70 million tons of global warming pollution that human civilization is putting into the atmosphere every day."

As far as the movie's entertainment value, Scripps Institution geosciences professor Jeff Severinghaus summed it up: "My wife fell asleep. Of course, I was on the edge of my chair."

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Guest mp3some

One of the most ON POINT reviews i've read of the movie.

Obviously done by a pro movie reviewer... :P

An Inconvenient Truth

BY ROGER EBERT / June 2, 2006

I want to write this review so every reader will begin it and finish it. I am a liberal, but I do not intend this as a review reflecting any kind of politics. It reflects the truth as I understand it, and it represents, I believe, agreement among the world's experts.

Global warming is real.

It is caused by human activity.

Mankind and its governments must begin immediate action to halt and reverse it.

If we do nothing, in about 10 years the planet may reach a "tipping point" and begin a slide toward destruction of our civilization and most of the other species on this planet.

After that point is reached, it would be too late for any action.

These facts are stated by Al Gore in the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." Forget he ever ran for office. Consider him a concerned man speaking out on the approaching crisis. "There is no controversy about these facts," he says in the film. "Out of 925 recent articles in peer-review scientific journals about global warming, there was no disagreement. Zero."

He stands on a stage before a vast screen, in front of an audience. The documentary is based on a speech he has been developing for six years, and is supported by dramatic visuals. He shows the famous photograph "Earthrise," taken from space by the first American astronauts. Then he shows a series of later space photographs, clearly indicating that glaciers and lakes are shrinking, snows are melting, shorelines are retreating.

He provides statistics: The 10 warmest years in history were in the last 14 years. Last year South America experienced its first hurricane. Japan and the Pacific are setting records for typhoons. Hurricane Katrina passed over Florida, doubled back over the Gulf, picked up strength from unusually warm Gulf waters, and went from Category 3 to Category 5. There are changes in the Gulf Stream and the jet stream. Cores of polar ice show that carbon dioxide is much, much higher than ever before in a quarter of a million years. It was once thought that such things went in cycles. Gore stands in front of a graph showing the ups and downs of carbon dioxide over the centuries. Yes, there is a cyclical pattern. Then, in recent years, the graph turns up and keeps going up, higher and higher, off the chart.

The primary man-made cause of global warming is the burning of fossil fuels. We are taking energy stored over hundreds of millions of years in the form of coal, gas and oil, and releasing it suddenly. This causes global warming, and there is a pass-along effect. Since glaciers and snow reflect sunlight but sea water absorbs it, the more the ice melts, the more of the sun's energy is retained by the sea.

Gore says that although there is "100 percent agreement" among scientists, a database search of newspaper and magazine articles shows that 57 percent question the fact of global warming, while 43 percent support it. These figures are the result, he says, of a disinformation campaign started in the 1990s by the energy industries to "reposition global warming as a debate." It is the same strategy used for years by the defenders of tobacco. My father was a Luckys smoker who died of lung cancer in 1960, and 20 years later it was still "debatable" that there was a link between smoking and lung cancer. Now we are talking about the death of the future, starting in the lives of those now living.


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Guest mp3some

"The world won't 'end' overnight in 10 years," Gore says. "But a point will have been passed, and there will be an irreversible slide into destruction."

In England, Sir James Lovelock, the scientist who proposed the Gaia hypothesis (that the planet functions like a living organism), has published a new book saying that in 100 years mankind will be reduced to "a few breeding couples at the Poles." Gore thinks "that's too pessimistic. We can turn this around just as we reversed the hole in the ozone layer. But it takes action right now, and politicians in every nation must have the courage to do what is necessary. It is not a political issue. It is a moral issue."

When I said I was going to a press screening of "An Inconvenient Truth," a friend said, "Al Gore talking about the environment! Bor...ing!" This is not a boring film. The director, Davis Guggenheim, uses words, images and Gore's concise litany of facts to build a film that is fascinating and relentless. In 39 years, I have never written these words in a movie review, but here they are: You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not, and you have grandchildren, you should explain to them why you decided not to.

Am I acting as an advocate in this review? Yes, I am. I believe that to be "impartial" and "balanced" on global warming means one must take a position like Gore's. There is no other view that can be defended. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Environment Committee, has said, "Global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." I hope he takes his job seriously enough to see this film. I think he has a responsibility to do that.

What can we do? Switch to and encourage the development of alternative energy sources: Solar, wind, tidal, and, yes, nuclear. Move quickly toward hybrid and electric cars. Pour money into public transit, and subsidize the fares. Save energy in our houses. I did a funny thing when I came home after seeing "An Inconvenient Truth." I went around the house turning off the lights.


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Guest jamu

I saw this movie on Yesterday. I loved it, I thought it was right on point and tells the truth of how things are. Sadly there are still people that believe the scientific community are broken up about this issues, when its not true at all. I think our conservative friends like most Americans will avoid watching that movie for two major reasons, it educates, and it provokes serious thought about an issues that requires immediate action.

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Guest slamminshaun

They should've called this True Lies part 2. Al Gore as Tom Arnold.

Limiting carbon emissions to combat warming would create jobs and prosperity? In the next ten years, a new ice age may descend on Europe? Al Gore knows more about hurricanes then Max Mayfield? What about this guilt trip about America causing more global warming than any other country? If it isn't bad enough, Gore used his dead sister and his son's near fatal accident to sell global warning in the film....

Finally, he made a big point of how a nonscientist at the White House had rewritten scientific reports on global warming because his income depended on it, but Gore never explained how he is able to afford travel all over the world to give 1000's of slide presentations in support of global warming?

Have I seen the film? Nope....transcripts are available online for one's reading pleasure. That's enough for me.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

They should've called this True Lies part 2. Al Gore as Tom Arnold.

Limiting carbon emissions to combat warming would create jobs and prosperity? In the next ten years' date=' a new ice age may descend on Europe? Al Gore knows more about hurricanes then Max Mayfield? What about this guilt trip about America causing more global warming than any other country? If it isn't bad enough, Gore used his dead sister and his son's near fatal accident to sell global warning in the film....

Finally, he made a big point of how a nonscientist at the White House had rewritten scientific reports on global warming because his income depended on it, but Gore never explained how he is able to afford travel all over the world to give 1000's of slide presentations in support of global warming?

Have I seen the film? Nope....transcripts are available online for one's reading pleasure. That's enough for me.

[/quote']I may know more about how to keep people awake then Max Mayfield does that's for sure.

I'm going to see it this weekend. And you bet your ass you will see 3 threads in Junkie Chat and 2 in movie junkies related to it...lol

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Guest Marina22

They should've called this True Lies part 2. Al Gore as Tom Arnold.

Limiting carbon emissions to combat warming would create jobs and prosperity? In the next ten years' date=' a new ice age may descend on Europe? Al Gore knows more about hurricanes then Max Mayfield? What about this guilt trip about America causing more global warming than any other country? If it isn't bad enough, Gore used his dead sister and his son's near fatal accident to sell global warning in the film....

Finally, he made a big point of how a nonscientist at the White House had rewritten scientific reports on global warming because his income depended on it, but Gore never explained how he is able to afford travel all over the world to give 1000's of slide presentations in support of global warming?

Have I seen the film? Nope....transcripts are available online for one's reading pleasure. That's enough for me.


Damn, Shawn >:( So what you think that this is all bs? Like Miguel said, where is the proof from the other side of the argument? As far as the U.S. causing more global warming than any other country, of course it does! I don't know if they include Canada but the third world countries cannot possibly catch up to what we expend b/c we just simply consume more. What are you doing for the environment? Oh I forgot, you drive an SUV, right?

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Guest Marina22

. :-[ Terry did you see it yet? If not' date= I babysit for future reference.

If that happened, chances are I'd go out that night to find my little girl dancing on top of a speaker at Space with her Barney sunglasses on...

SofiaChucky2.jpgSofia live PA at Chucky Cheese...

Terry what a cutie, and yeah I am a babysitter but I hate Chuckie Cheeses. You are a brave man but she's probably great anyway. What's her name? Dj in the making...

You baby sit??? yeah right!!! LMFAO....

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