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Important question about Ecstasy*****PLEASE READ

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i always here that E makes people wanna dance, and dance forever, and people take it just so they can stay up all night and dance. I've done E about 20 times, and not one time ever have I wanted to dance. When I'm on it i feel fuckin amazing, I love it, but i have absolutely no energy at all, I wanna dance on it, but i cant get into it, its so hard.

Can some one please help me?

Oh yeah and I knwo theres a difference, theres speedy pills and dopey pills, I have taken both, even on speedy pills i have no energy at all, I just wanna sit down and enjoy it.


"Emotions touched...with feelings running high....it seems right...no need to run and hide....we live fantasy...upon reality...to the other side of life...of life...of life...of life...of life.....as you take me away....one feels into my fantasy...I find with you I break free....as I drift on a dream...I pray to you with hands held high....I find with you....Ecstasy........"


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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Originally posted by ecstatichigh35:

i always here that E makes people wanna dance, and dance forever, and people take it just so they can stay up all night and dance. I've done E about 20 times, and not one time ever have I wanted to dance. When I'm on it i feel fuckin amazing, I love it, but i have absolutely no energy at all, I wanna dance on it, but i cant get into it, its so hard.

Can some one please help me?

Oh yeah and I knwo theres a difference, theres speedy pills and dopey pills, I have taken both, even on speedy pills i have no energy at all, I just wanna sit down and enjoy it.

its all in the mind set, whenever i take xtc which is hardly ever now i always anticipate that im gonna dance. what will help you is when drop remain active walk around and dane. from my experience whatever you are doing when it hits is the mind set for the rest of the night

so try that and remember be careful and test your pills


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com


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OK for starters it could be the pills your getting.. Oviously the speedy pills will make you wanna dance for hours on end and what you described as dopey pills make you want to sit on your ass all night.( may not be MDMA mabe MD?? or K or some other stuff)

In my experience- if you are getting proper MDMA you can go either way, its what you make out of it. If it is MDMA you are getting you should want to get up and dance when the pill kicks in due to the initial dopamine release. After the initial rush its all up to you.. If you want to keep dancing your gonna have to wanna dance you may not feel like it in your legs but your brain has to be saying "Come on legs we are gonna dance till the cows come home." Other wise,as you have probably experienced in the past you will feel like sitting on your arse getting cramps in your jaw from crappen on to total strangers. Hence you turn into a complete mong for the evening.

I agree sometimes you are just so waisted you are unable to cordinate your legs to dance all night but if you are determined to mabe have a bit of speed b4 your pills.

A proper pill wont keep you up all night anyways, it should only last bout 3-4 hours with a peek of about 1-2 or so hours depending on the strength of the pills. When your comming down you dont usually feel like dancing anyway unless you drop again to keep you going.

anyway just what happens in my experience.

cwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gifcwm29.gif Keep rollen


"We are the music makers- we are the dreamers of dreams... We are the movers and shakers- of the world forever, it seems"

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andy's completely on the money. for the first time ever, i took my first MDA pill 2 weeks ago. i am normally a complete dancing freak when i roll (and when i don't) - my friends have nicknamed me the energizer bunny. but the MDA pill hit me like a ton of bricks, and i COULD NOT MOVE. my brain really wanted my body to move, but my legs were cemented to the ground. one of my friends LOVES this type of roll, but i myself prefer the MDMA. also, my jaw CLAMPED down, no grinding, but just clamped down. i was completely zoned out.


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I feel the same way...during my peak, I always love to sit and enjoy all of the emotions swallowing my mind. I just feel so relaxed that I can't dance. Then, when my peak starts to come down, I start the dancing. I feel very energetic and I hope around like crazy....all of the energy is released when I come down. So, therefore I also never get depressed. Only once in the past 3 months have I felt depressed the next day. So, 1 out of 12,13 pills that I have taken in the past 3 months has done that. Otherwise, it is like I said above. cwm9.gif

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That happens to me all the time. I just cannot dance when I am rolling! All I want to do is talk! I start to dance, but then I just start yammering away. I CANNOT SHUT UP! I just want to run around the club and make new friends.

When it starts to wear off a little, that's when I really start dancing. The adrenaline's pumping and my mind's occupied, so I don't get depressed off of the comedown.

BTW I have been rolling for many years and it's almost always like this. It's probably just our bodies' chemistry.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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I get the same way. I get all excited to go out and dance my ass off for hours but I end up sitting on my ass all night.

I usually start to feel a bit nauseated in the beginning and I just need to sit down for a while. I'll go through spurts where I'll dance then sit, dance then sit. But once I start doing bumps, I'm pretty much NOT going to move.

I have just as much fun sitting aroud enjoying the music, b/c I like watching the lights, or playing with toys equally as much.

But when I hear one of my favorite songs or if JP spins a really phenomenal set, I'll jump up and I can't stop dancing. I love when that happens.



You're only young once


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I am pretty much the same way, I have finally given up rolling at the clubs. We usually just have roll parties at some ones house or apartment. That way you can listen to good music and dance if you want or you can do any other crazy thing that you feel like doing. It is a lot more fun in my opinion. The first time I rolled I was in a club, I danced quite a bit, but I couldn't get any damn rhythm.



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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That happens to me all the time. I just cannot dance when I am rolling! All I want to do is talk! I start to dance, but then I just start yammering away. I CANNOT SHUT UP! I just want to run around the club and make new friends.

tasty, that is SO funny! That's all I want to do too. I mean, i DO want to dance, but I also want to talk to EVERYONE! I sometimes feel like an ass because I WILL start talking to anyone and sometimes they look at me like "who is this bitch". I don't like those people. With my friends, I will start talking about the stupidest shit! I mean, stupid. I love this drug!! It just sucks that I haven't been able to get my hands on it. :-(




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It probably just depends if you like to dance or not. I love to dance completely wasted or stone cold sober. Like others have said, it depends on your pills. Last weekend I took very speedy pills. Mine kicked in before everyone else's and I could stand still. We were all just standing around and I was running all over the place. I have an abundant source of energy anyway, so when I take speedy pills, I am all over the place anyway. Once my friend and I took these extremely dopey pills. We were so fucked up we had arms around each other, feet up just sitting there probably for an hour just enjoying the pills. We stopped peaking, we got up and danced. End result - I think it just depends if you like to dance or not... cwm4.gif

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I've found that I generally don't have the energy to dance on the first pill, but when the second one kicks in I'm good to go for a few hours.

jzclbgrl is right on, sometimes I have to push myself out there, and then I realize that I can do it.


"Life has no instruction manual. Parts and labor can be impossible to find. Many go down the road with parts that are in great need of service. A breakdown is eventual." - HR

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Hey man,

I'mn no expert but from what I've tried and seen, if your not allready super energized, the E wont do it. It will sure give you a feeling but I dont see anything in there that's gonna make you dance your brains out. I dont know if you prefer to stay away from speed but would'nt that make your night????

See ya man

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i think it depends on who you take it with too, if you always hang out with a bunch of people who like to sit and enjoy the pills then your probably less likely to get up and dance, i know sometimes if i am just rolling with my baby all i want to do is enjoy HIM..

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