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using water as fuel

Guest JMT

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Guest swirlundergrounder

All this new technology, fuel from ethonyl, fuels from H20 and George W Bush wants to drill oil in Alaska and build more nuclear power plants..... ??? ??? ???

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Guest obby

All this new technology' date=' fuel from ethonyl, fuels from H20 and George W Bush wants to drill oil in Alaska and build more nuclear power plants..... ??? ??? ???


You make it sound like this water for fuel devise is already massed produced.


(it's alllll Bush's fault)

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Guest james stratus

I just need to know how much electricity is needed for this process ???

OK, so now we have the capabilty to use Solar and Wind Power to generate Electricty to power the whole of the Continental United States, AND a clean fuel to power our cars :o :o :o :o

Does this this mean full independence from Oil?


Does this mean a 90% drop in harmful atmospheric emissions?


Does this mean that the car manufuacturers, oil companies, and the whole industrial-political complex will give up the use and abuse of oil?

NO :'(

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Guest swirlundergrounder

All this new technology, fuel from ethonyl, fuels from H20 and George W Bush wants to drill oil in Alaska and build more nuclear power plants..... ??? ??? ???

You make it sound like this water for fuel devise is already massed produced.


(it's alllll Bush's fault)

Yeah well it kind of is! By the time the Iraq war is all said and done we would have spent over $1 trillion dollars (We've already spent 3/4 of a trillion dollars as of today).

I'm pretty sure $1 trillion dollars spent towards breaking our dependnace on oil and the middle east would be money well spent. $1 Trillion dollars is enough money to research, mass produce and begin changes in the infrasturcure of how new fuel is sold and distributed.

Instead during the State of The Union addrss 2 years ago, Bush commited $1 Billion dollars towards the research and development of hydrogen power. That's all.

Compared to the potential of problems that breaking our dependence from one of the most unstable regions in the world seems well worth the time and the investment rather than spending money (some of it borrowed from China for Christs sake) on getting our asses off of oil..

Brazil has done it. As far as they are concerned all the oil in the world can dry up tommorow. Brazil made a commitment 15 years ago to break it's dependence on oil. Today more than 70% of the cars in Brazil are flex fuel cars that can run on either gasoline of ethanoyl.

Brazil formally announced this last month..

So tell me then son! If we are supposed to be the biggest and baddest country on Earth then why are we still under the mercy of crude oil???

We are so far behind as compared to Brazil with regards to using alternative fuels it's not even funny,.

I blame this on big oil companies who lobby our politicians their adgenda and yes I do blame George Bush and his cabinet for not addressing this issue more!!

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Guest james stratus

Oil is used in so many things and manufacturing processes, but alternatives are on the rise. The base for plastics is guess what... oil, and so are the synthetic fabrics out there like Polyester and things like styrofoam, but I believe there are other non-oil synthetics that are widely in use to kill that. Synthetic oils are out there and do lubrication better than dino oil and last longer. Anyone into cars knows this! But you can see that it is evident that oil companies themselves aren't behind it's use. Less of it is made than dino oil, it costs more because less is made, and only a rediculously small amount of cars come out of the factory using synthetic oil as a lubricant. Why ??? Too much money in dead dinosaurs and ancient high carbon plants.

Bush's Billion for Hydrogen research is true BS because it takes more energy to make sufficient amounts than it puts out when it's in use. Yeah the money is supposed to go towards a way of figuring out a more efficient production process, but unless the source of electricity used for the electrolysis process is Cold Fusion, it will not be truely viable for a very, very, very, long time!

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Guest jamu

All this new technology' date=' fuel from ethonyl, fuels from H20 and George W Bush wants to drill oil in Alaska and build more nuclear power plants..... ??? ??? ???


You make it sound like this water for fuel devise is already massed produced.


(it's alllll Bush's fault)

Yeah well it kind of is! By the time the Iraq war is all said and done we would have spent over $1 trillion dollars (We've already spent 3/4 of a trillion dollars as of today).

I'm pretty sure $1 trillion dollars spent towards breaking our dependnace on oil and the middle east would be money well spent. $1 Trillion dollars is enough money to research, mass produce and begin changes in the infrasturcure of how new fuel is sold and distributed.

Instead during the State of The Union addrss 2 years ago, Bush commited $1 Billion dollars towards the research and development of hydrogen power. That's all.

Compared to the potential of problems that breaking our dependence from one of the most unstable regions in the world seems well worth the time and the investment rather than spending money (some of it borrowed from China for Christs sake) on getting our asses off of oil..

Brazil has done it. As far as they are concerned all the oil in the world can dry up tommorow. Brazil made a commitment 15 years ago to break it's dependence on oil. Today more than 70% of the cars in Brazil are flex fuel cars that can run on either gasoline of ethanoyl.

Brazil formally announced this last month..

So tell me then son! If we are supposed to be the biggest and baddest country on Earth then why are we still under the mercy of crude oil???

We are so far behind as compared to Brazil with regards to using alternative fuels it's not even funny,.

I blame this on big oil companies who lobby our politicians their adgenda and yes I do blame George Bush and his cabinet for not addressing this issue more!!

We aren't really the biggest badest country anymore man. People in the states are still in denial. Technologically, Educationally, and Economically there are countries that way way way out do us in all of these sectors.

But we really should be focusing on things like flag burning, gay marriage amendments, and staying the course of war....

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Guest pod

We aren't really the biggest badest country anymore man. People in the states are still in denial. Technologically, Educationally, and Economically there are countries that way way way out do us in all of these sectors.

Really? We make more in a day than most countries do in a year.

Educationally, the best scientists and engineers in the world come here to work and teach, because we can pay them what they deserve. And we have plenty of homegrown talent as well.

Technologically? Everything the rest of the world takes for granted is invented and developed here. Sure, sometimes we lack the ability to effectively commercialize a technology, but in the end, all the R & D is done here.

It's gonna take a helluva lot more than a war in a desert to change the order of things on this planet.

Some suggest China could become #1, but I would dare to say not because they're not concerned with innovation in China, they're concerned with sheer output. 20 years from now, it'll still be invented here, and mass produced in China. Either that or invented here, stolen from here, and mass produced in China.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

We aren't really the biggest badest country anymore man. People in the states are still in denial. Technologically, Educationally, and Economically there are countries that way way way out do us in all of these sectors.

Some suggest China could become #1, but I would dare to say not because they're not concerned with innovation in China, they're concerned with sheer output. 20 years from now, it'll still be invented here, and mass produced in China. Either that or invented here, stolen from here, and mass produced in China.

Well until China can get their water supply cleaner they will still be #2. I heard the other day that thr lack of clean water and heavy pollution is holding back China's economic development..
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Some suggest China could become #1, but I would dare to say not because they're not concerned with innovation in China, they're concerned with sheer output. 20 years from now, it'll still be invented here, and mass produced in China. Either that or invented here, stolen from here, and mass produced in China.

totally agree on this. electricity, airplanes, telephone, internet, combustible engine, assembly line...all these are good ol' american inventions. and you know what? the next world-changing invention will come from us as well.

our society values and encourages creativity, that's why we invent.

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Guest pod

And we're lazy, so we don't actually end up doing the scut work of putting it together en masse.

A perfect example is the iPod. Note on the back or wherever, it usually says "Designed by Apple in California", and then if you crack it open, there's a "Made in China" sticker.

A lot of companies do this, actually. One exception I can think of is Canon. They do their higher-end gear (like my camera) assembly at their Japan factories, where their lower-end gear is put together in China or Taiwan.

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