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Which party suffers more if terrorist strike the USA...AGAIN?

Guest drlogic

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Guest drlogic

I just heard this question posed on the radio and thought it would be a good topic of discussion.

So, if terrorist strike America AGAIN, be it in a subway, mall, sports stadium,etc......Which political party suffers more?

The host believes it would be demz because they have yet to prove they believe we are actually at war w/ a determined enemy.

Who do you prefer to chase the enemy and fight back?

What say you?

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Guest sross

I think it would harden Republican support for the Republican party and harden Democrat support for the Democrats, if that makes sense lol.

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Guest drlogic

I think it would harden Republican support for the Republican party and harden Democrat support for the Democrats, if that makes sense lol.


I would feel safer w/ a "crazy-cowboy" Bush protecting us than a John "let's have a summit" Kerry (who in case you didn't know, served in Vietnam)...


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Guest slamminshaun

The extreme wings of both sides would harden up their loyalty to their own party, but most of what's in the middle would lean to the right.

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Guest drlogic

The extreme wings of both sides would harden up their loyalty to their own party' date=' but most of what's in the middle would lean to the right.


When I grow up, I wanna be just like U! ;)

Actually, I kinda agree w/ that......but I thought the question was a pretty good thought provoking question which sort of cuts through a lot of(but not all) the daily political mumbo jumbo we get from the gas bags in congress and their supporters.

Reminds me of the scenario about people bitching about "I hate cops,,i can't stand cops,,,cops are all crooked,,,cops suck".....Until the day they're being robbed then they change their tune and beg and cry to have someone call the cops to help them.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well it wouldn't be good for both sides.

You can say that the Demz didn't give enough support towards the effort to fight terrorism.

Or people can say that the Republicans didn't go about fighting terrorism the right way.

Bottom line is another terrorist attack wouldn't be good for anybody and I think we can all agree on that for once.

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Guest sross

The extreme wings of both sides would harden up their loyalty to their own party' date=' but most of what's in the middle would lean to the right.


Are there people still in the middle ground though? I would have thought (but not too sure) everyone has decided that Bush is either a) a retarded, illiterate, warmongering fool whose foreign policy is inflaming yet more terrorist attacks or B) the standard-bearer of freedom, democracy and justice throughout the world and defender of America. 5 years after 9/11 haven't people made up their minds? ???

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Guest drlogic

The extreme wings of both sides would harden up their loyalty to their own party, but most of what's in the middle would lean to the right.

Are there people still in the middle ground though? I would have thought (but not too sure) everyone has decided that Bush is either a) a retarded, illiterate, warmongering fool whose foreign policy is inflaming yet more terrorist attacks or B) the standard-bearer of freedom, democracy and justice throughout the world and defender of America. 5 years after 9/11 haven't people made up their minds? ???

some? sure!

problem is: the news(tv/print) presents their product as if it was the sentiment of the entire nation. They've been blatant in their bias. They keep trying to tell Americans what to think and then assume their word is gospel only to be severely disappointed come election time forcing them to revert back to playing the victim role and accusing election fraud because their God given right of leadership fails to bare fruit.

media is changing and has been for some time. I believe for the better. More news outlets is always better(IMHO).

I personally support the president. Not everything, but most things. I'll always respect someone who tries and fails more than a person who fails to try(out of fear of public opinion). I don't listen to politicians, I watch what they do. I watch how they vote.

As I've said before: If today's democrats held themselves to the same standards they demand of republicans, we might all be better off as a country.

Maybe one day? Maybe not?

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Guest jamu

There would be a serious move to extreme ends of each party. But it is kinda hard to tell because the vast majority of Americans are fickle with their opinons at best.

But hey America is hard pressed to notice that the reason that we have so many leaks in our goverment is because we have a goverment in Chaos and a weak leadership. When you see stuff like whats happening right now you know its because of weak leadership. Mobs are easy to manipulate and move. All you have to have is an excellent sense of speech writing some charisma and a cause they can associate with at first.

Its funny but terrorism is winning we have people in power now taking away our freedoms, and doing things illegally. And we having people shouting how much they support the removal of our freedoms for a greater good. Interesting....

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Guest drlogic

There would be a serious move to extreme ends of each party. But it is kinda hard to tell because the vast majority of Americans are fickle with their opinons at best.

But hey America is hard pressed to notice that the reason that we have so many leaks in our goverment is because we have a goverment in Chaos and a weak leadership. When you see stuff like whats happening right now you know its because of weak leadership. Mobs are easy to manipulate and move. All you have to have is an excellent sense of speech writing some charisma and a cause they can associate with at first.

Its funny but terrorism is winning we have people in power now taking away our freedoms, and doing things illegally. And we having people shouting how much they support the removal of our freedoms for a greater good. Interesting....

Opinion noted.

Imagine if what you believed were actually true...? I mean, that means our current admin. is the charicature the press and it's critics have tried painting it to be from day one.

Thankfully, it's not.

Terrorism winning? Really? Ask UBL, Zarqawi, Saddam, Uday, Qusay. Ask the folks in Gitmo or Abu-Gharib. What country is the Taliban running again? How many times has America been struck since 9/11? Who's hiding out in caves and amongst women & children?

I can only assume that w/ your logic, you're ready to cut/run in the war on poverty and education as well? We could use that money for other stuff given that "we can't win those wars either"?

People in power taking away your freedoms? People meaning the admin? Or people meaning congress, the senate and the admin?

What freedoms have you lost, exactly? I'm curious?

What has been done "illegally"? Just curious? Do you mean illegally leaking classified intel to the NY TIMES?

fyi...Gov't leaks is nothing new. A major reason for the current illegal leaks of classified intel/operations might be the re-org that came w/ the creation of HOMELAND SECURITY combined w/ the FBI/CIA intel failures pre-9/11, combined w/ the lingering CIA/FBI left-over staff from the Clinton years.

Funny how when a "leak" somehow damages a Republican, Democrats call them ""Whistleblowers" and when it exposes liberal democratic hypocrisy, demz and the press call them "leakers"....LOL

You did however make some valid points:

manipulating mobs w/ clever speeches...Clinton was by far, the best bullshit artist we've ever had.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

? How many times has America been struck since 9/11?

2500+ times America has been struck since 9/11... One soilder killed in this effort is one strike against America...
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Guest sross

There would be a serious move to extreme ends of each party. But it is kinda hard to tell because the vast majority of Americans are fickle with their opinons at best.

But hey America is hard pressed to notice that the reason that we have so many leaks in our goverment is because we have a goverment in Chaos and a weak leadership. When you see stuff like whats happening right now you know its because of weak leadership. Mobs are easy to manipulate and move. All you have to have is an excellent sense of speech writing some charisma and a cause they can associate with at first.

Its funny but terrorism is winning we have people in power now taking away our freedoms, and doing things illegally. And we having people shouting how much they support the removal of our freedoms for a greater good. Interesting....

Terrorism winning? Really? Ask UBL, Zarqawi, Saddam, Uday, Qusay. Ask the folks in Gitmo or Abu-Gharib. What country is the Taliban running again? How many times has America been struck since 9/11? Who's hiding out in caves and amongst women & children?

On the other hand you could ask the Bin Laden, the people of Bali, Madrid, London, Istanbul etc, the people recruited to the terrorist cause by what they perceive to be the injustices perpetrated in Iraq, (Iran too perhaps?), Israel/Palestine etc etc, who is 'winning' the 'war'. Sure, no new strikes on US soil, but then they were hardly a common occurence before 9/11 were they? Is the lack of a strike due to luck or judgement?

There are two sides to every story, both usually as biased as each other :P

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Guest drlogic

? How many times has America been struck since 9/11?

2500+ times America has been struck since 9/11... One soilder killed in this effort is one strike against America...

I personally don't see it that way, but I see where you're coming from.

Reason being, our soldiers are over there fighting them so that our civilians don't have to be murdered by them here.

God bless 'em all! We're all lucky to have them on our side.

If they killed 3000 of us in an hour or 2 and they've only managed to kill 2500 of our soldiers in 3 yrs on their own turf, then IMHO, we're kick'n ass!

Anyway, that's how I see it.

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Guest drlogic

There would be a serious move to extreme ends of each party. But it is kinda hard to tell because the vast majority of Americans are fickle with their opinons at best.

But hey America is hard pressed to notice that the reason that we have so many leaks in our goverment is because we have a goverment in Chaos and a weak leadership. When you see stuff like whats happening right now you know its because of weak leadership. Mobs are easy to manipulate and move. All you have to have is an excellent sense of speech writing some charisma and a cause they can associate with at first.

Its funny but terrorism is winning we have people in power now taking away our freedoms, and doing things illegally. And we having people shouting how much they support the removal of our freedoms for a greater good. Interesting....

Terrorism winning? Really? Ask UBL, Zarqawi, Saddam, Uday, Qusay. Ask the folks in Gitmo or Abu-Gharib. What country is the Taliban running again? How many times has America been struck since 9/11? Who's hiding out in caves and amongst women & children?

On the other hand you could ask the Bin Laden, the people of Bali, Madrid, London, Istanbul etc, the people recruited to the terrorist cause by what they perceive to be the injustices perpetrated in Iraq, (Iran too perhaps?), Israel/Palestine etc etc, who is 'winning' the 'war'. Sure, no new strikes on US soil, but then they were hardly a common occurence before 9/11 were they? Is the lack of a strike due to luck or judgement?

There are two sides to every story, both usually as biased as each other :P

Well, terrorism is nothing new...Ask Jimmy Carter. Ask IRA victims. Ask those kids and teachers in that Russian school. Ask the victims in England,Spain,Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia...or even in Oklahoma city.

When you say injustice in Iraq I can only assume you mean injustices perpetrated by Saddam to his own people.

To imply those are all due to this war on terrorism would be historicaly incorrect, intellectualy dishonest and/or misguided, at best.

I think the problem is people are so eager to justify their hatred of our president, they're too willing to embrace myths so long as they fit their pre-concieved template of everything being Bush/Americas fault. If they really want to get to the truth, they'll have to free themselves of this bitterness and question EVERYTHING, not just news that contradicts the myths they've invested so much time and emotion in believing. Or, eventually end up being consumed by all that hate. I personally don't think many of the rabid critics actually view the threat of terrorism as seriously as I believe they should. If they do, I've yet to see it clearly expressed by those folks.

If I were an alien who just landed here from outerspace, I'd have to believe the following:

Bush is the devil, America is to blame for everything from Global Warming to AIDS in Africa. The ColdWar and Nazi's were defeated by accident. Terrorist are inoccent, brave victims fighting the evil Goliath west & Mickey Mouse is some sort of God everyone worships and gives all their money to.

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Guest drlogic

If they killed 3000 of us in an hour or 2 and they've only managed to kill 2500 of our soldiers in 3 yrs on their own turf, then IMHO, we're kick'n ass!

Anyway, that's how I see it.

life isn't a fucking video game. ::)

R you addressing that to Terry for bringing up the 2500+?

Of couse not.........silly me.............

Never said it was.

You don't have to remind me about that. Some here know where I'm coming from, meaning the contributions/sacrifice my family has given to this country.

Just adding desperately needed perspective obviously void in some of the points brought up by the critics.

My hope is that I help people think more and feel less!

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Guest sross

There would be a serious move to extreme ends of each party. But it is kinda hard to tell because the vast majority of Americans are fickle with their opinons at best.

But hey America is hard pressed to notice that the reason that we have so many leaks in our goverment is because we have a goverment in Chaos and a weak leadership. When you see stuff like whats happening right now you know its because of weak leadership. Mobs are easy to manipulate and move. All you have to have is an excellent sense of speech writing some charisma and a cause they can associate with at first.

Its funny but terrorism is winning we have people in power now taking away our freedoms, and doing things illegally. And we having people shouting how much they support the removal of our freedoms for a greater good. Interesting....

Terrorism winning? Really? Ask UBL, Zarqawi, Saddam, Uday, Qusay. Ask the folks in Gitmo or Abu-Gharib. What country is the Taliban running again? How many times has America been struck since 9/11? Who's hiding out in caves and amongst women & children?

On the other hand you could ask the Bin Laden, the people of Bali, Madrid, London, Istanbul etc, the people recruited to the terrorist cause by what they perceive to be the injustices perpetrated in Iraq, (Iran too perhaps?), Israel/Palestine etc etc, who is 'winning' the 'war'. Sure, no new strikes on US soil, but then they were hardly a common occurence before 9/11 were they? Is the lack of a strike due to luck or judgement?

There are two sides to every story, both usually as biased as each other :P

Well, terrorism is nothing new...Ask Jimmy Carter. Ask IRA victims. Ask those kids and teachers in that Russian school. Ask the victims in England,Spain,Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia...or even in Oklahoma city.

When you say injustice in Iraq I can only assume you mean injustices perpetrated by Saddam to his own people.

To imply those are all due to this war on terrorism would be historicaly incorrect, intellectualy dishonest and/or misguided, at best.

I think the problem is people are so eager to justify their hatred of our president, they're too willing to embrace myths so long as they fit their pre-concieved template of everything being Bush/Americas fault. If they really want to get to the truth, they'll have to free themselves of this bitterness and question EVERYTHING, not just news that contradicts the myths they've invested so much time and emotion in believing. Or, eventually end up being consumed by all that hate. I personally don't think many of the rabid critics actually view the threat of terrorism as seriously as I believe they should. If they do, I've yet to see it clearly expressed by those folks.

If I were an alien who just landed here from outerspace, I'd have to believe the following:

Bush is the devil, America is to blame for everything from Global Warming to AIDS in Africa. The ColdWar and Nazi's were defeated by accident. Terrorist are inoccent, brave victims fighting the evil Goliath west & Mickey Mouse is some sort of God everyone worships and gives all their money to.

With respect, your viewpoint appears so pro-Bush that you 'embrace myths' to justify his actions, just like others 'embrace myths' to criticise him. I'm not taking sides in this one, just playing Devil's Advocate, but you don't seem to have an particularly unbiased agenda.

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Guest drlogic

I get that alot....LOL

The main reason I disagree w/ you on that is because I think I can back up my opinion w/ historical fact, not media myths which have been repeated so often, some actually believe them to be true. (examples of myths I've defended w/ historical refrences : Bush lied about WMD, no link between Iraq & Al-Qaida, etc..etc..)

We're all entitled to our own opinions, but NOT our own facts.

I also try to make it a point to provide examples to back up my perspective. More often than not, all I get in return is the critic changing to another topic/issue (ie....moving the goal posts).....After a little back & forth, it doesn't take long for the critic to resort to name calling. Seriously! At that point..I'VE WON!

I'm surrounded by libz(union dues paying libz @ that). I've been forced to read up and stay on top of things or wind up being ganged up on by my "co-workers". Most are good people, but generaly lazy and rarely read past the headline. I've been called every name in the book because I support this prez. I have a 9/11 reminder on my desk and I also have a picture of Bush & Laura....one of these "co-workers" took it upon himself to take a sharpie to my Bush/Laura picture when I wasn't around(to this day, I still don't know who did it)I thought that was extremely disrespectful, but I can't say I'm surprised.

These are the same people who call me "hate/fear monger"..LOL What a pisser.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

? How many times has America been struck since 9/11?

2500+ times America has been struck since 9/11... One soilder killed in this effort is one strike against America...

I personally don't see it that way, but I see where you're coming from.

Reason being, our soldiers are over there fighting them so that our civilians don't have to be murdered by them here.

God bless 'em all! We're all lucky to have them on our side.

Are there any conspiracy theories out there that claim that some in our governement purposely put our troops in harms way so that terrorist would attack Americans on 'their turf' rather than doing it here putting more civilians in harms way??
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Guest drlogic

? How many times has America been struck since 9/11?

2500+ times America has been struck since 9/11... One soilder killed in this effort is one strike against America...

I personally don't see it that way' date=' but I see where you're coming from.

Reason being, our soldiers are over there fighting them so that our civilians don't have to be murdered by them here.

God bless 'em all! We're all lucky to have them on our side.

[/quote']Are there any conspiracy theories out there that claim that some in our governement purposely put our troops in harms way so that terrorist would attack Americans on 'their turf' rather than doing it here putting more civilians in harms way??

I'm not sure I understand nor if I should accept your premise, but I'll take a stab @ it.

Conspiracy to put our troops in harms way? I think your logic there is flawed. We're taking the fight to them as a response to their successful attack on 9/11.

Doing it here? Do what here? leuring them here to America? Am I understanding your question right? If so, I think it's whacked and conceivable only to those who wish it to be so.

If you're serious, then I think your approach to the issue is flawed @ the root.

"release da' chainz and use dem brains, bredren!"

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Guest musicalmissionary

It would totally depend on the media coverage of said event. If it were followed by visible signs that the attack was 100% motivated by our war in Iraq... I think it would hurt the Reps more for obvious reasons. Oh wait... that's pretty much the only reason we'd get attacked so I guess that's the way I would see it going down.

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Guest drlogic

It would totally depend on the media coverage of said event. If it were followed by visible signs that the attack was 100% motivated by our war in Iraq... I think it would hurt the Reps more for obvious reasons. Oh wait... that's pretty much the only reason we'd get attacked so I guess that's the way I would see it going down.

This is too easy.....

Oh really....?.The war spawned the attacks?

So, what spawned 9/11?

Batter up

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Guest sross

Logic, I think you are drowning in a sea of arrogance about your beliefs and 'facts' that back them up. As I said before, ALL sides of the argument are full of misleading statistics, dubious rumours and plenty of heresay, including yours. Believe what you want, but you look pretty ridiculous preaching it all as gospel truth, as though you are the recipient of information from both sides to which no one else is privileged.

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Guest drlogic

I don't mean to come across that way, but it's not the first time someone has told me that. That's just the way I write. Don't take any offense.

Some things just make no sense to me. Especially most of the critique against the Bush admin. and what it's based on.

I try to simplify stuff and filter news best I can. If something just sounds to crazy to be true..9 times out of 10, it usually isn't true. From my experience w/ my lib friends, they're more willing to believe the outrageous news, than question it. The negative news has been a constant dribble from the press FROM DAY 1 of this admin. So I understand why the critics are so bitter,,,,that still doesn't make them right.

And my points about squashing issues one by one are true. Not all, but most are bullshit stories that the press ran with. They're either half truths or outright fabrications or assumptions or accusations from "unamed sources",etc....

I'm extremely confident that when given the opportunity, if a lib tries to defend his or her beliefs, one by one, most of what they believe to be true can be nuked. Not by an opinion, but by a documented, historical fact...That's where the "plot thickens"..because when nuking a liberal myth,,all of a sudden, they want to try to turn everything into "opinions" when it's clearly not. Not everything libs argue about is myth, but unfortunatley, most of it is...ESPECIALLY WHEN TALKING ABOUT THE WAR ON TERROR AND IRAQ.

Which brings me back to what I said before about all of us NOT BEING entitled to our own facts...A fact, is a fact, is a fact.....and a fact void of perspective or hisorical refrence is incomplete (ie...spin).

For the record, I don't think I attack. I defend. When I see/hear/read something wrong, I'll stand up and set the record straight. That usually gets me labled as "YOU BUSH LOVER" lol I love that one...that's my favorite...LOL

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Guest sross

No offence taken, it just seems a bit silly to pretend to know the answers to everything when all you and I have to go on are media and government reports - not exactly the most honest or trustworthy sources imo. The best we can do is speculate.

You make a good point about people defending the 'war on terror' being labelled Bush lovers, but then are also insinuating that all people who argue against the war are liberals lol.

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