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E and antidepressants


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my search has come up with avail. So why is it bad to take E when you're on anti depressants?

I've read the thing on dancesafe and saw the Rave episode of Dawson's Creek but I'm a bit stupid right now and i know i won't comprehend JACK! So a simple explanation would be highly appreciated.


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Originally posted by dale77:

I've read the thing on dancesafe and saw the Rave episode of Dawson's Creek but I'm a bit stupid right now and i know i won't comprehend JACK! So a simple explanation would be highly appreciated.

Its good that you base your drug knowledge on episodes from Dawson's Creek...


"The world is a better place because of those who refuse to believe they can't



I go places,I interact...

(What places?)

Certain, clubs. Like, Paradise. It's not bad.

It's just that feeling when you can take your shirt off and really dance. When the music owns you. Do you understand?

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Originally posted by gravity:

Its good that you base your drug knowledge on episodes from Dawson's Creek...

HEY! Don't knock the Creek or else I'll have to knock you (out)!! ::rolls eyes::



You're only young once


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Originally posted by gravity:

Its good that you base your drug knowledge on episodes from Dawson's Creek...





1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Well. In short form.

There are different types of antidepressants.

SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

(Prozac, Paxil, Celexa)

They block seratonin from going back into the vesicle. (where the seratonin is stored). What happens if you are on an SSRI is that when the MDxx enters your blood stream, it will try to get into the vesicles to force the release of seratonin. The SSRI is blocking the uptake of the MDxx (that is its job) so you don't really feel a rush, depending on the dosage of the medicine you might feel something but nothing like you would if you weren't on it at all. It is basically 'safe' to take E while you are on an SSRI. My girl stopped taking her Celexa on a Tuesday and she didn't roll at all on Saturday. The drug was still working in her system.

MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors).

(Marplan, Nardil, Parnate)

There is a protein that is responsible for breaking down seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. This is a normal process in the brain. However people that are diagnosed as depressed are believe to have low seratonin counts. The purpose of a MAOI is to basically stop the breaking down of those neurotransmiters. They are not blocking the uptake of MDxx. When someone takes MDxx and they are not on MAOI's the body will break down the seratonin and you get the 'coming down' feeling. When you take MDxx when you are on a MAOI the body doesn't stop the uptake of the MDxx, which is the desired effect. However the seratonin doesn't get broken down. This can cause a condition called seratonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include nausea, vomiting, blackouts, memory loss, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Not good.

MAOI's can be dangerous when taken with certain food / or other medications (cough medicine w/ dxm for example)

I believe the dawson's creek you are talking about, the girl was taking Nardil. whoopsie!

The dancesafe slideshow shows about SSRI's however it doesn't show the effect of an MAOI and MDxx.

NOTE: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. I have spent quite a while research this stuff because I was concerned about my girlfriend doing 'E' while she was on an antidepressant.

Hope that was enough to tease you. There is enough info on the internet to read about this stuff if I didn't post enough information.

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Oh yea. Take a look at this

Avoid the following foods while taking an MAOI:

aged cheese (cream cheese and cottage cheese are okay)

alcohol (especially beer and wine)



beef or chicken liver

caffeinated beverages

canned meats


dry sausages


fava beans


gravies that are preprocessed

green bean pods

homemade breads

Italian broad beans


orange pulp

pickled or smoked fish, poultry or meats


red plums


soups (packaged or soup cubes)

sour cream

soy sauce




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Originally posted by lowmazda:

Well. In short form.

There are different types of antidepressants.

SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

(Prozac, Paxil, Celexa)

They block seratonin from going back into the vesicle. (where the seratonin is stored). What happens if you are on an SSRI is that when the MDxx enters your blood stream, it will try to get into the vesicles to force the release of seratonin. The SSRI is blocking the uptake of the MDxx (that is its job) so you don't really feel a rush, depending on the dosage of the medicine you might feel something but nothing like you would if you weren't on it at all. It is basically 'safe' to take E while you are on an SSRI. My girl stopped taking her Celexa on a Tuesday and she didn't roll at all on Saturday. The drug was still working in her system.

MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors).

(Marplan, Nardil, Parnate)

There is a protein that is responsible for breaking down seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. This is a normal process in the brain. However people that are diagnosed as depressed are believe to have low seratonin counts. The purpose of a MAOI is to basically stop the breaking down of those neurotransmiters. They are not blocking the uptake of MDxx. When someone takes MDxx and they are not on MAOI's the body will break down the seratonin and you get the 'coming down' feeling. When you take MDxx when you are on a MAOI the body doesn't stop the uptake of the MDxx, which is the desired effect. However the seratonin doesn't get broken down. This can cause a condition called seratonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include nausea, vomiting, blackouts, memory loss, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Not good.

MAOI's can be dangerous when taken with certain food / or other medications (cough medicine w/ dxm for example)

I believe the dawson's creek you are talking about, the girl was taking Nardil. whoopsie!

The dancesafe slideshow shows about SSRI's however it doesn't show the effect of an MAOI and MDxx.

NOTE: I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. I have spent quite a while research this stuff because I was concerned about my girlfriend doing 'E' while she was on an antidepressant.

Hope that was enough to tease you. There is enough info on the internet to read about this stuff if I didn't post enough information.

That's not very good advice. Both types of drugs ultimately raise the levels of 5HT in the synaptic cleft as does MDMA. What actually causes Serotonin Syndrome is extremely high 5HT levels. Would you tell someone to risk it without knowing how much they take on a night out? I wouldn't. Not SMART!


By the way, I would tell your girl to not discontinue her Celexa again without her doctor's OK. It takes a few days to build the levels of an SSRI in your body so that you'll get the desired effect. Generally, that means that when you suddenly discontinue the treatment you WILL have withdrawl symptoms. Add that to the Sunday morning after having dropped a couple of MDMA pills and you have a volatile combo. Again....a very stupid thing to do.


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That's not very good advice. Both types of drugs ultimately raise the levels of 5HT in the synaptic cleft as does MDMA. What actually causes Serotonin Syndrome is extremely high 5HT levels.

Feel free to let me know where I gave advice at any point. SSRI and MAOI are 2 different types of drugs in the way that they work. Also if MDxx cause a rush of seratonin (5HT) to get into your system and the MAOI's aren't breaking it down, couldn't that cause a condition called seratonin syndrome? HMMM. thanks for backing up what I said.

I did however forget to add that SSRI's could cause seratonin syndrome as well, however this is a side effect of the drug alone and isn't related to just MDxx intake.

This risk of having problems happen is far greater w/ an MAOI then w/ an SSRI. The side effects that she may experiance (that i notice) are no different then the side effects if she stopped taking it and didn't do MDxx. I can tell when she stops her medicine even if it is only for one day.

-MAO inhibitors- increases the levels of monamines (norepi, 5HT) by inhibiting the activity of monoamine oxidase, the enzyme that breaks down monamine NT’s in the cytoplasm of the neurons

-SSRI’s- Prozac, selectively blocks 5HT uptake

[This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 06-18-2001).]

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Oh yea. forgot to add.

MAOI's can cause seratonin syndrome as well.

You can even get SS taking 5htp w/ an SSRI. Which is why whenever you are taking medication you should consult with your doctor if you are concerned.

I again state, I am not a doctor nor do I pretend to be. If anyone takes this information to state that it is okay to do E while taking an antidepressant needs to check with their doctor first.

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Originally posted by lowmazda:

Well. In short form.

There are different types of antidepressants.

SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

(Prozac, Paxil, Celexa)

They block seratonin from going back into the vesicle. (where the seratonin is stored). What happens if you are on an SSRI is that when the MDxx enters your blood stream, it will try to get into the vesicles to force the release of seratonin. The SSRI is blocking the uptake of the MDxx (that is its job) so you don't really feel a rush, depending on the dosage of the medicine you might feel something but nothing like you would if you weren't on it at all. It is basically 'safe' to take E while you are on an SSRI. My girl stopped taking her Celexa on a Tuesday and she didn't roll at all on Saturday. The drug was still working in her system.

MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors).

(Marplan, Nardil, Parnate)

There is a protein that is responsible for breaking down seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. This is a normal process in the brain. However people that are diagnosed as depressed are believe to have low seratonin counts. The purpose of a MAOI is to basically stop the breaking down of those neurotransmiters. They are not blocking the uptake of MDxx. When someone takes MDxx and they are not on MAOI's the body will break down the seratonin and you get the 'coming down' feeling. When you take MDxx when you are on a MAOI the body doesn't stop the uptake of the MDxx, which is the desired effect. However the seratonin doesn't get broken down. This can cause a condition called seratonin syndrome. Symptoms of serotonin syndrome include nausea, vomiting, blackouts, memory loss, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. Not good.

MAOI's can be dangerous when taken with certain food / or other medications (cough medicine w/ dxm for example)


Ummmmmmmm........what? wink.gif

Thanks for the info. but I'm gonna have to try reading this tomorrow, or next week.



You're only young once


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Originally posted by lowmazda:

SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). . . It is basically 'safe' to take E while you are on an SSRI. . .

You DID say it was a safe combination. Also, she IS a doctor.



"Anyone who wants to understand DJ culture has to go to the club."

- Neil Tennant (Pet Shop Boys)

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So in short too all that shit said, don't mix your fucking drugs, if your on an anti-depressant, E is not the best thing in the world. Talk to your fucking doctor not a goddamn junkie message board! no offense i'm a junkie too. smile.gif

Well you can mix a few, hehehehehe wink.gif


I do drugs and I AM CANADIAN, eh!

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