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9/11 changed views....take time for this one..its a shocker!

Guest spinderella7713

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Guest spinderella7713

This video is long and worth every minute..your eyes wont leave the screen............pay attention to this1!! (you may need to copy past address and put to ur address bar to view)


this is some very disturbing stuff! please forward this to everyone that you can! it is imperative that we spread this information to all of our family and friends so that everyone can see what is really going on in this country before its too late. our government is out of control! 9/11, George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Nazi party, a one world government, the stripping of our rights, they are even trying to change the constitution so that they can "install" Arnold (AN AUSTRIAN NATIVE, A DICTATOR, A RACIST, AND THE SON OF A NAZI), as our president......... our own government has betrayed us and is currently in the process of turning this country into a place where none of us will want to live, let alone be free! there is appalling evidence that 9/11 was planned and carried out by our government and that if we are "attacked" again they will, SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION and instill MARTIAL LAW!!! we cannot let this happen! spread the word and take a stand for yourselves and for the future of this country. if you think things are screwed up now...... just wait! if we don't do something now, it will be a living hell! click on the link below or copy and paste to your browser and take some time to view all of the videos that you can. you wont be sorry! even if you don't believe in conspiracy theories, you want to know what these documentaries have to say. they are fact filled. it is free to view them and when you are done I'm sure that you will be just as outraged as I am! please... I am only sending this to my family and friends, this is not junk mail and this is not a ploy to get you to buy something. just go see these videos and I am sure that you will be forwarding this email to everyone in your address book as well! the people who created these documentaries encourage you to research all of this information for yourself and they also give website addresses that you can visit to find out more information. our government thinks that they are above the law, that they can do whatever they want, and that we are nothing more than cattle that they can tell what to do and when to do it, and I think its time for us all to stand up and tell them that we are not going to fucking take it!

Thanks for your time! sincerely, Rob Klimp


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Guest trancepriest

HaHa... I thought you were Slammin Shaun posting this.. I was about to have a heart attack. My head was doing some severe twitching.

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Guest Adam Singer

im sorry but that jumble of a paragraph can't be taken seriously by anyone

learn to communicate, then dissemniate information - otherwise your credibility goes way down even before viewing your video

not directed at you spin, i know you just copy-pasted this

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Guest spinderella7713

im sorry but that jumble of a paragraph can't be taken seriously by anyone

learn to communicate, then dissemniate information - otherwise your credibility goes way down even before viewing your video

not directed at you spin, i know you just copy-pasted this

Adam for once dont be a jack off ....watch the video or shush....its really really interesting just spent most of the morning watching it.

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Guest trancepriest

Adam for once dont be a jack off ....watch the video or shush....its really really interesting just spent most of the morning watching it.


4.   jack off   


to look and porn and pop a woody, get some lotion, put a generous amount on your main hand (sometimes other hand if youre looking at porn on internet or computer), grip your penis, then move your hand rapidly up and down the shaft of your penis.

spank the monkey, choke the chicken, beat the meat, yank the yak, masturbate, wank off, whack off, etc.

Whats wrong with being a jack off?

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Guest LeVeL

im sorry but that jumble of a paragraph can't be taken seriously by anyone

learn to communicate, then dissemniate information - otherwise your credibility goes way down even before viewing your video

not directed at you spin, i know you just copy-pasted this

Adam for once dont be a jack off ....watch the video or shush....its really really interesting just spent most of the morning watching it.

Spinderella it looks like you have rubbed Adam the wrong way, he looks like he has it out for you... :o

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Guest spinderella7713

im sorry but that jumble of a paragraph can't be taken seriously by anyone

learn to communicate' date=' then dissemniate information - otherwise your credibility goes way down even before viewing your video

not directed at you spin, i know you just copy-pasted this


Adam for once dont be a jack off ....watch the video or shush....its really really interesting just spent most of the morning watching it.

Spinderella it looks like you have rubbed Adam the wrong way, he looks like he has it out for you... :o

I know. I should post the email he sent to me about respecting me....he's a funny character.

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Guest Adam Singer

its just amusing how easily some people are manipulated into believing things

you can't ever just take one side of the story, always consider both:

read the wiki on this and actually take the time to read BOTH sides of the story before forming an opinion:


btw - the makers of your movie 'loose change' have monetized their little movie: http://www.lc911.com/lc911/catalog/Investigate-911-T-Shirt-p-2.html

but hey they are totally philanthropic and want to 'expose the truth' ...lol

by the way - notice at the bottom of the Wiki entry the debunking section with articles from Popular Mechanics AND Scientific America...with well researched and properly sourced articles...

but Mr. Rob Klimp, who writes:

"this is some very disturbing stuff! please forward this to everyone that you can! it is imperative that we spread this information to all of our family and friends so that everyone can see what is really going on in this country before its too late. our government is out of control! 9/11, George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Nazi party, a one world government, the stripping of our rights, they are even trying to change the constitution so that they can "install" Arnold (AN AUSTRIAN NATIVE, A DICTATOR, A RACIST, AND THE SON OF A NAZI), as our president......... our own government has betrayed us and is currently in the process of turning this country into a place where none of us will want to live, let alone be free! there is appalling evidence that 9/11 was planned and carried out by our government and that if we are "attacked" again they will, SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION and instill MARTIAL LAW!!! we cannot let this happen! spread the word and take a stand for yourselves and for the future of this country. if you think things are screwed up now...... just wait! if we don't do something now, it will be a living hell! click on the link below or copy and paste to your browser and take some time to view all of the videos that you can. you wont be sorry! even if you don't believe in conspiracy theories, you want to know what these documentaries have to say. they are fact filled. it is free to view them and when you are done I'm sure that you will be just as outraged as I am! please... I am only sending this to my family and friends, this is not junk mail and this is not a ploy to get you to buy something. just go see these videos and I am sure that you will be forwarding this email to everyone in your address book as well! the people who created these documentaries encourage you to research all of this information for yourself and they also give website addresses that you can visit to find out more information. our government thinks that they are above the law, that they can do whatever they want, and that we are nothing more than cattle that they can tell what to do and when to do it, and I think its time for us all to stand up and tell them that we are not going to fucking take it!"

sounds way more eloquent, armed with his keyboard without an enter key ::)

and i do respect ya spin i just dont agree with some things you write 8)

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Guest spinderella7713

its just amusing how easily some people are manipulated into believing things

you can't ever just take one side of the story, always consider both:

read the wiki on this and actually take the time to read BOTH sides of the story before forming an opinion:


btw - the makers of your movie 'loose change' have monetized their little movie: http://www.lc911.com/lc911/catalog/Investigate-911-T-Shirt-p-2.html

but hey they are totally philanthropic and want to 'expose the truth' ...lol

by the way - notice at the bottom of the Wiki entry the debunking section with articles from Popular Mechanics AND Scientific America...with well researched and properly sourced articles...

but Mr. Rob Klimp, who writes:

"this is some very disturbing stuff! please forward this to everyone that you can! it is imperative that we spread this information to all of our family and friends so that everyone can see what is really going on in this country before its too late. our government is out of control! 9/11, George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Nazi party, a one world government, the stripping of our rights, they are even trying to change the constitution so that they can "install" Arnold (AN AUSTRIAN NATIVE, A DICTATOR, A RACIST, AND THE SON OF A NAZI), as our president......... our own government has betrayed us and is currently in the process of turning this country into a place where none of us will want to live, let alone be free! there is appalling evidence that 9/11 was planned and carried out by our government and that if we are "attacked" again they will, SUSPEND THE CONSTITUTION and instill MARTIAL LAW!!! we cannot let this happen! spread the word and take a stand for yourselves and for the future of this country. if you think things are screwed up now...... just wait! if we don't do something now, it will be a living hell! click on the link below or copy and paste to your browser and take some time to view all of the videos that you can. you wont be sorry! even if you don't believe in conspiracy theories, you want to know what these documentaries have to say. they are fact filled. it is free to view them and when you are done I'm sure that you will be just as outraged as I am! please... I am only sending this to my family and friends, this is not junk mail and this is not a ploy to get you to buy something. just go see these videos and I am sure that you will be forwarding this email to everyone in your address book as well! the people who created these documentaries encourage you to research all of this information for yourself and they also give website addresses that you can visit to find out more information. our government thinks that they are above the law, that they can do whatever they want, and that we are nothing more than cattle that they can tell what to do and when to do it, and I think its time for us all to stand up and tell them that we are not going to fucking take it!"

sounds way more eloquent, armed with his keyboard without an enter key ::)

and i do respect ya spin just not everything you write 8)

You just proved my point MR. Adam Singer.......I'm giving another side of the story. We have all heard the side of the government here is another side of it.

If you actually hear what they have to say in the video and the evidence maybe you could see two sides of the story.

manipulated???nah I wouldnt say I'm that easy...it just has some good points. REally good points.

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Guest JMT
note that im serious on the boards...but jokes about 9/11 kinda tasteless...

the link you posted is a joke to me, sweet cheeks. and its an old one.

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Guest spinderella7713

note that im serious on the boards...but jokes about 9/11 kinda tasteless...

the link you posted is a joke to me, sweet cheeks. and its an old one.

Ive never seen it before.....or even thought about it that way. And ur entitled to your opinion. sweet cheeks.

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Guest mp3some

It's part of american culture... To question and to hide.

So many mysteries we will never know the truth to.

We can sit around and believe conspiracy theories just as much as we can sit around and believe what is fed to us through the media. It is by no means unbiased on the bigger scale...

It raises some good points for discussion, but the bottom line is that people have to be objective in their opinions only after reviewing scientific facts.

You have to admit that the whole Commercial Jet Liner flying into the pentagon and then vaporizing/disapperaing leaving no debris, and just a little hole in the wall is a little flaky at best.

I dont gain anything questioning these, nor do I wish to do so at this point, but it is definitely food for thought................

Just remember that:


The truth is out there.


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Guest Seb

I really think Bush is actually a retarded grey alien.

ya I'm more interested in the 4 dead aliens that have hidden in Roswell ;D

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Guest Miss_Digital

it was an inside job ???

people get over it well never know what the truth is.. whatever it may be

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Guest spinderella7713

ur right we wont ever know the truth for sure...but I dont want to be clueless.....its nice to see some facts to form an opinion. I dont think its something to just "get over"....this has changed American lives for ever.

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Guest obby


The chupacabra ("goat sucker") is an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico, Miami, Nicaragua, Chile, and Mexico. The creature's name originated with the discovery of some dead goats in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds in their necks and their blood allegedly drained. According to UFO Magazine (March/April 1996) there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico attributed to the chupacabra.

Puerto Rican authorities maintain that the deaths are due to attacks from groups of stray dogs or other exotic animals, such as the panther, illegally introduced in the island's territory. The director of Puerto Rico's Department of Agriculture Veterinary Services Division, Hector Garcia, has stated that there is nothing unusual or extraordinary about the cases they've observed. One veterinarian said "it could be a human being who belongs to a religious sect, even another animal. It could also be someone who wants to make fun out of the Puerto Rican people."

Like other creatures in the cryptozoologist's barnyard, the chupacabra has been variously described. Some witnesses have seen a small half-alien, half-dinosaur tailless vampire with quills running down its back; others have seen a panther like creature with a long snake-like tongue; still others have seen a hopping animal that leaves a trail of sulfuric stench. Some think it may be a type of dinosaur heretofore unknown. Some are convinced that the wounds on animals whose deaths have been attributed to the chupacabra indicate an alien presence. However, they do not attribute the "mutilations" to the aliens themselves, but to one of their pets or experiments gone awry. Such creatures are known as Anomalous Biological Entities [ABEs] in UFO circles.

Those who think the chupacabra is an ABE also believe that there is a massive government and mass media conspiracy to keep the truth hidden from the people, probably to prevent panic. This view is maintained despite the fact that the President of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives Agricultural Commission, Mr. Juan E. [Kike] Lopez, introduced a resolution asking for an official investigation to clarify the situation. Inside Edition sent a crew to Puerto Rico to investigate the ABE story. They allegedly ridiculed the Mayor of Canavanas, a witness to the chupacabra, and basically made fun of the whole idea.

Jorge Martin, a Puerto Rican journalist who describes himself as a "leading UFO researcher," reports that it has been brought to his attention that the U.S. and Puerto Rican governments have captured two of the creatures. Perhaps there will soon be a film on the ABE autopsy to rival the discredited alien autopsy film. Martin cautions us not to exclude other reasonable possibilities.


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Guest obby

The Loch Ness Monster, sometimes called "Nessie" or "Ness" (Scottish Gaelic: Niseag) is a creature or group of creatures said to live in Loch Ness, a deep freshwater loch (lake) near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland. Nessie is generally categorized as a lake monster.

Along with Bigfoot Nessie is one of the best-known mysteries in cryptozoology though most mainstream scientists and other experts find current evidence supporting Nessie unpersuasive and regard such reports as hoaxes or misidentification of mundane creatures.


Carvings of this unidentified animal, made by the ancient inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands some 1,500 years ago, are the earliest evidence that Loch Ness harbors a strange aquatic creature. This resembles the stone carvings of the Chupacabra.

Rumors of a monster, or animal, living in the loch are claimed by believers to have been known for several centuries, though others have questioned the accuracy and reliability of such tales, which were generally unknown before the 1960s. The earliest claimed reference is taken from the Life of St. Columba by Adamnan. It describes how in 565 Columba saved the life of a Pict, who was being supposedly attacked by the monster.

Critics have questioned the reliability of the source, noting a different story in which Columba slays a wild boar by the power of his voice alone. They also point out that the event is said to have occurred on the River Ness, not in the Loch, and that Adamnan reports Columba encountering and conquering assorted "monsters", at various places in Scotland, throughout his "life". Additionally, they point out that the Loch Ness monster has no other reported instance of attacking anyone, and in fact is generally portrayed as shy and people-avoidant.

The first modern sighting occurred on May 2, 1933. The newspaper Inverness Courier carried a story of Mr. and Mrs. John Mackay, who reportedly saw "an enormous animal rolling and plunging on the surface." The report of the "monster" (a title chosen by the editor of the Courier) became a media sensation with London papers sending reporters to Scotland and a circus, even offering a reward of 20,000 pounds for capture of the monster. Later that year, A.H. Palmer, who allegedly witnessed Nessie on August 11, 1933, at 7 a.m., described the creature as having its head, which they saw from the front, set low in the water. Its mouth, which had a width of between twelve and eighteen inches (30-45 cm), was opening and closing; its maximum mouth aperture was estimated to be about six inches (15 cm).

The modern preoccupation with the Loch Ness Monster was aroused by a photograph allegedly taken by surgeon R.K. Wilson on April 19, 1934, which seemed to show a large creature with a long neck gliding through the water. Decades later, on March 12, 1994, Marmaduke Wetherell claimed to have faked the photo after being hired by the Daily Mail to track down Nessie (the photo had by that time been printed worldwide as "absolute evidence"). Wetherell also stated that Wilson did not take the photo, and his name was only used to give added credibility to the photo.

Regardless of whether anything is actually in the loch, the Loch Ness Monster has some significance for the local economy. Dozens of hotels, boating tour operators, and merchants of stuffed animals and related trinkets owe part of their livelihood to this monster, although people visit the loch for many reasons other than to see the monster. Hence, the legend is likely to endure for quite some time.

In 1962 The Loch Ness Investigation Bureau was formed to act as a research organization and clearing house for information about the creature. In the beginning it only conducted research for a few week in the year, but by 1964 they established a more permanent presence around the Loch. Eventually the Bureau established camera stations with both still and cinema cameras with telephoto lenses. They had vans which served as mobile camera stations, and underwater listening devises. Searches were conducted using hot-air-balloons and infrared night time cameras, sonar scanners and submarines. A great deal of information was discovered about the Loch, but they have yet to produce any concrete evidence of a monster.

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Guest slamminshaun

HaHa... I thought you were Slammin Shaun posting this.. I was about to have a heart attack. My head was doing some severe twitching.

My commentary was not needed in this case. With all the powerful liberals in the intelligence community wanting nothing more then the political death of all Republicans, it seems really ironic that out of everyone, we became "enlightened" by a couple of pimple-faced kids and a camcorder. Talk about making chicken salad out of chicken shit.

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Guest spinderella7713

HaHa... I thought you were Slammin Shaun posting this.. I was about to have a heart attack. My head was doing some severe twitching.

My commentary was not needed in this case. With all the powerful liberals in the intelligence community wanting nothing more then the political death of all Republicans' date=' it seems really ironic that out of everyone, we became "enlightened" by a couple of pimple-faced kids and a camcorder. Talk about making chicken salad out of chicken shit.


Did you just say 9/11 was "chiken shit??".....or did I misinterpret ur analagy.

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