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Former??? I feel like eating some right now..lol All kidding aside.. I did it twice, loved it, but probably would never do it again. I saw two of my best friends go through horrific bad trips and that scared the shit out of me. Better to go out on top and with good memeories


YaY to all my P-E-E-ps who BUMP and grind their way through this K-razy life

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I've done it *enough*, but haven't touched it in nearly four years. I've had some great experiences, but a few awful ones. In the end the paranoia was much greater than the fun I was having, so I stopped. Altho, for the first time in years, I'm tempted to try it again.



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Haven't touched the stuff for about 6 years, but before that I did it all the time. I have to agree that the paranoia gets to be too much. I probably gave my head enough shit to think about for the rest of my life. Thank god for E.

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Originally posted by hroark:

what did they say the bad trips were about? like what happened to them?

Actually both bad trips happened in the same night. The first time I did acid like 20 of us did it for the first time (40 total did it that night) Most of everyone had a fun a crazy time HOWEVER my friend mike did not. It was his first time and being a tough guy thinking he decided to take two hits.. BIG MISTAKE!! A couple hours later I find him hundled in a fetal position on his couch eyes WIDE open murmuring too himself. All of a sudden he jumps up and grabs and starts ranting and raving that he had killed a little girl. I'm like what the hell are you talking about and then he just ran out of the building (I later found out why he thought this; Apparently as he was peaking he was kicking a trashcan in the hallway. Another kid who was fucked up at the time goes "why you kicking that little girl" The image I guess got implanted in his mind and just got worse from there) A couple hours later (I'm fine at this point) we get a phone call from him. Derek...This is Mike, I'm in South Philly (Our school is by Princeton)We're like Howd the fuck he get there. Apparently after he left the house he wandered around till he found one of his friends who was going to south philly to pick up pills. So he got in. On the way he became really paranoid and thought his friend was trying to kill him and ended up calling his dad. "Dad...help Josh is trying to kill me" and hangs up quickly. (This is at 3am) Dad not knowing what is happening jumps into his and drives all the way from Long Island to pick see what is wrong and picks up his son (Winter break starts the next day). Finally he gets back from Philly and 10 minutes later his dad shows and they embrace in hug outside. He later told his dad what had happened and his dad understood.

2nd bad trip (Same night) Other friend Marc gets home from the bar ripped at 2am sees us all trippin and is like hell yea (he takes 4 hits) Hes done it like 15 times never a bad trip. Well the the acid doesnt kick for hours (I think when you drink it doesnt hit till you digest some of the alcohol) I got to bed at 4am. I wake up at 10 and go into my friends room and I see him hundled over a a trash can puking his brains out, sweating like he was in a desert and shivering with chills. "Derek, Derek, you gotta help me, make this stop, its a nightmare" Thats all he kept on saying. I had no idea what to do I had never talked anyone out of a bad trip before. I just tryed to help him as much as I could. Apperently it hit him really hard at 6am and he couldnt take. I guess the tequila didnt help the trip. One crazy night.

I got a bunch of these stories, my schools crazy (actually my fraternity is crazy, my school sux) Yes I'm in a fraternity but we're not the normal kind (abercrombie preps, hellz no) What fraternity throws a party saturday nights, shuts the party down at 5am just so they could hit up Factory..lol Oh well hope that is what you wanted to know


YaY to all my P-E-E-ps who BUMP and grind their way through this K-razy life

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by shroomy

That goes to show you... never trip without rolling too..

Trolling :D

Candy flipping is great but just because you're on E doesn't necessarily mean you won't have a bad trip. First hand knowledge is a bitch.

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F*&% acid man, i took some liquid for my first time up at school this past semister.... holy shit!!!! i am almost positive that i wont touch any of that again. first we took some that our dealer put on hard candies. well i guess the liqiud didnt absorb in because not much happened. so like an hour later we went back and this time he dosed us up on our tounges. when he went to give me mine, it spilt all over my lower lip and chin, i figured that the amount on my chin was enough and i would trip but the dealer insisted on giving me more right on my tounge. alittle later i didnt have the slightest clue what was goin on, i was completely brain dead for like 5 hours, and trying to talk forget about it. i just sat ariound on my couch listening to people talk about how i was given to much and this and that... i thought i was gonna be tripping forever, and live the rest of my days in some psych hospital with sid barret~

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I did lsd 2 or 3 times a weekend for 8 years. I still feel 'not quite right' i dont think i ever came down..hmmm. The most i ever did was accidentally a 1/2 vial of some lsd-25 back in the day. Wow that was a experience i dont ever want to repeat very often. Never had a bad trip though, I know they are out there because i dealt with them alot. But i usually associated them with people that shouldnt have been tripping in the first place..newbies..weak minded people and what not...

:bounce: :bounce: :goofy:

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