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Bulletins on myspace

Guest meta

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Guest meta

I have just received a bulletin on myspace about this rape that happened.

First off i first read it in feburary for the alications being in metropolis. But now i get it and its for crobar. Crobar has been closed for a few months. ever since the spring for renovations. so no way this story could be tru for crobar. But did this really happen at metropolis, which is where i origianlly heard the story.

But if its a joke its a messed up joke.

A woman at the nightclub Crobar ( Miami Beach) on Saturday night was taken by 5 men, who according to hospital and police reports, gang raped her before dumping her. Unable to remember the events of the evening, tests later confirmed the repeat rapes along with traces of Rohypnol in her blood, with Progesterex, which is essentially a small sterilization pill.

The drug now being used by rapists at parties to rape and sterilize their victims. Progesterex is available to vets to sterilize large animals. Rumor has it that Progesterex is being used together with Rohypnol, the date rape drug. As with Rohypnol, all they have to do is drop it into the girls drink. The girl can't remember a thing the next morning, of all that had taken place the night before. Progesterex, which dissolves in drinks just as easily, is such that the victim doesn't conceive from the rape and the rapist needn't worry about having a paternity test identifying him months later.

The drugs effects are not temporary- They are permanent!!!!-Progesterex was designed to sterilize horses. Any female who takes it will never be able to conceive a child. The perpetrators can get this drug from anyone who is in vet school or any university. It's that easy, and Progesterex is about to break out big everywhere. Believe it or not, there are even sites on the Internet telling people how to use it.

Please FORWARD this to everyone you know, especially girls. Be careful when you're out, and don't leave your drink unattended. Please make the effort to pass this onto all you know..

Guys, please inform all your female friends and relatives. This has now been reported to have been used on 360 women around London.

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Guest lulamishka

Yea, I remember reading that bulletin on MySpace a while ago mentioning Metropolis. Not sure if ANY of this is even true, but I remember that bulletin.

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Guest Devilicious

Thank you for the concern.

Even if/though it's completely fabricated, a woman can never be too careful or too aware of her surroundings, especially when alcohol is involved. Women DO get things slipped in their drinks, I've seen it happen.

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Guest pod

A legit concern, sure. But take into account the source. Myspace is like a car accident. It's disgusting and twisted, but you can't help but look.

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Guest coach

A legit concern, sure. But take into account the source. Myspace is like a car accident. It's disgusting and twisted, but you can't help but look.

I was just about to point that out. MySpace is a terrible place to get your news. Always fact-check anything that comes through. www.snopes.com is your friend.
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Guest meta

A legit concern, sure. But take into account the source. Myspace is like a car accident. It's disgusting and twisted, but you can't help but look.

I was just about to point that out. MySpace is a terrible place to get your news. Always fact-check anything that comes through. www.snopes.com is your friend.

Very tru. But atleast about the drug it's tru. may not be called Progesterex, but there is one that is like that. heard it from my ex-mother in law, which is a horse trainer and expert.

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Guest Adam Singer

A legit concern, sure. But take into account the source. Myspace is like a car accident. It's disgusting and twisted, but you can't help but look.

I was just about to point that out. MySpace is a terrible place to get your news. Always fact-check anything that comes through. www.snopes.com is your friend.

Very tru. But atleast about the drug it's tru. may not be called Progesterex, but there is one that is like that. heard it from my ex-mother in law, which is a horse trainer and expert.

Progesterex is a fictitious date rape drug. It is part of a hoax that began to circulate in 1999 via e-mail on the internet. No actual drug by this name or even with these properties exists, and no such incident has ever been documented or confirmed

On 18 April 2006 UK Member of Parliament Lynne Featherstone submitted a Written Question to the Home Secretary on whether the Home Office had calculated the number of date rape incidences that had been connected with Progesterex. Home Office Minister Paul Goggins replied that the drug did not exist [1] [2]


there is no drug like this!!

why do you think animals (or humans) must undergo a physical operation in order to be rendered sterile

not trying to be a dick, but spreading (mis)information is my pet peeve...

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Guest Devilicious

^that's exactly where I went to check the info on this ;)

It doesn't matter though, please listen when I tell you date rape drugs ARE used [personally I think 99% of the time it's G] and even though this particular story is a hoax, it's not a harmful one. If this bulletin makes one woman more aware so she doesn't get raped, it's been worth it.

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Guest meta

A legit concern, sure. But take into account the source. Myspace is like a car accident. It's disgusting and twisted, but you can't help but look.

I was just about to point that out. MySpace is a terrible place to get your news. Always fact-check anything that comes through. www.snopes.com is your friend.

Very tru. But atleast about the drug it's tru. may not be called Progesterex, but there is one that is like that. heard it from my ex-mother in law, which is a horse trainer and expert.

Progesterex is a fictitious date rape drug. It is part of a hoax that began to circulate in 1999 via e-mail on the internet. No actual drug by this name or even with these properties exists, and no such incident has ever been documented or confirmed

On 18 April 2006 UK Member of Parliament Lynne Featherstone submitted a Written Question to the Home Secretary on whether the Home Office had calculated the number of date rape incidences that had been connected with Progesterex. Home Office Minister Paul Goggins replied that the drug did not exist [1] [2]


there is no drug like this!!

why do you think animals (or humans) must undergo a physical operation in order to be rendered sterile

not trying to be a dick, but spreading (mis)information is my pet peeve...

hey well its just what i heard. and she agreed that there was a drug like that. I guess i have to stop be gullible sometimes.

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Guest meta

^that's exactly where I went to check the info on this ;)

It doesn't matter though, please listen when I tell you date rape drugs ARE used [personally I think 99% of the time it's G] and even though this particular story is a hoax, it's not a harmful one. If this bulletin makes one woman more aware so she doesn't get raped, it's been worth it.

this is very tru. I have had a few friends that have been in that situation at leasr not with the drug but with being raped and its not the best thing in the world. it stays with them forever and changes who they are.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

^that's exactly where I went to check the info on this ;)

It doesn't matter though, please listen when I tell you date rape drugs ARE used [personally I think 99% of the time it's G] and even though this particular story is a hoax, it's not a harmful one. If this bulletin makes one woman more aware so she doesn't get raped, it's been worth it.

Word. Even urban legends can do well and good to open people's eyes a bit to the possible dangers out there.

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Guest Adam Singer

^that's exactly where I went to check the info on this ;)

It doesn't matter though, please listen when I tell you date rape drugs ARE used [personally I think 99% of the time it's G] and even though this particular story is a hoax, it's not a harmful one. If this bulletin makes one woman more aware so she doesn't get raped, it's been worth it.

Word. Even urban legends can do well and good to open people's eyes a bit to the possible dangers out there.

i disagree.

you're spreading fear and false information

if you want to do good, there are some excellent PSA's on the subject out there - spread those and get the facts, which can actually help

if you're going to spread something, do it in the right way:


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Guest coach

Adam is right. Incorrect information just confuses people and may make them either not trust good information or prepare for the wrong kinds of issues. Ever heard the parable of the wolf who cried boy? False alarms, even if well-intentioned, do more harm than good.

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Guest lulamishka

Adam is right. Incorrect information just confuses people and may make them either not trust good information or prepare for the wrong kinds of issues. Ever heard the parable of the wolf who cried boy? False alarms, even if well-intentioned, do more harm than good.

Lol, don't you mean, the boy who cried wolf? :P

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Guest Devilicious

I am most certainly not advocating the proliferation of misinformation, but in this particular case I think it is less harmful that the bulletin be posted than that a girl be raped.

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Guest Adam Singer


that's a real, unfortunate story - but offers much more of a take-away than an urban myth, and i think would have even stronger effects if someone read it

we all need to look out for everyone around us, its a shame that this type of thing even happens in the first place...

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Guest coach

Adam is right. Incorrect information just confuses people and may make them either not trust good information or prepare for the wrong kinds of issues. Ever heard the parable of the wolf who cried boy? False alarms, even if well-intentioned, do more harm than good.

Lol, don't you mean, the boy who cried wolf? :P

You never heard the story of "The Wolf Who Cried Boy"?

See, there was once this family of wolves who romped and played in the mountains. They all slept in a nice copse of trees, but they knew they were not safe from the evil hunters. So, every night, they set one member to watch for the hunters.

One small wolf got it into his head that it would be funny to play a trick and when it was his turn, he waited until all the other wolves were comfortably asleep, and then he barked, "Boy! There's a boy coming!" All the other wolves scampered off to hide and he just laughed and laughed as they all cowered in the bushes.

They scolded him, warning him of the dangers of passing misinformation, but the next time it was his turn, he again barked out, "Boy! There's a boy coming!" He laughed and laughed as they all woke up and ran away. And they vowed never to listen to trickster again.

As it happened, when it was his turn again, some hunters really did approach and when he saw them, he yelped, "Boy! There really is a boy coming!" But, the other wolves all ignored him and drowsed back to sleep, so they were unprepared when the hunters did come upon them and...

What is the moral of that story?

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Guest r3nz0
What is the moral of that story?

Fingering a girl is kinda fun, but it's much more fun when you're both drunk, in a club, and everyone is looking?

Eh, am I right? Is that the moral of your faggelito story or what? :)

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Guest JMT
wolves aren't as smart as they look?

Fingering a girl is kinda fun, but it's much more fun when you're both drunk, in a club, and everyone is looking?

Eh, am I right? Is that the moral of your faggelito story or what? :)

ha ha ha

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Guest snipper
What is the moral of that story?

Fingering a girl is kinda fun, but it's much more fun when you're both drunk, in a club, and everyone is looking?

Eh, am I right? Is that the moral of your faggelito story or what? :)

That is pretty much the moral of all my stories.
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