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poem for your partner


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give this to your partner i wrote it...

"To Live..."

Beauty is the sight of you in which I behold...

Desire is the touch of your skin against mine...

Sleeping is where I dream of a girl like you...

Safety is the feeling of you at my side...

Warmth is your body next to mine...

Pure is the emotions that I feel for you...

Light is what emits through my body when you smile...

Breathless is the state in which you leave me...

and to live... is the journey of exploring you...



"a mind stretched by new dimensions can never be the same again"

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okay like.. i know this is the sex board.. but since this topic wuz opened.. i have to post this poem.. a friend of mine got it yesterday in the form of a greeting card from her boyfriend... (she gets a card atelast 3xs per week from him.. sweet right?).. So .. sorry u guys if im not being a filth bag for a minute.. but.. this is way too beautiful to pass by the opportunity to share.. (by the way.. after this post imma post a msg that wuz written in early december, to be read aloud as a "hiphop" based poem..)==

You have given me the niest thoughts

I have ever had. I'm so amazingly glad just to be wtih you.. Thanking my lucky stars that someone like you really exists. The joy of sharing our feelings. A long, lingering kiss. Looking at you with smiles that just cant stop smiling. Wondering how ill ever be able to thank you for all this. Praying that what we have will always bring this much joy to me and you. What a thing to have happen! Maybe dreams really DO come true.

The sigh of every sweetness. The tenderness of ever touch. The nights when were togehter. The days when I miss you so much. The phone calls "just to say...".

The long talks when we dream of the way its going to be. The precious times when it already is.. everything ive ever waneted. Living in a fantasy. Being best friends. Wishing i could find a way to tell you that youre my favorite person in the whole iwde world. Walking hand in hand in a direction that doesnt always give us much to go by, but knowing well always get by, as long as we go there together. I am overwhelmed by the feelings I have for you. No one has ever given me this mouch to hope for or made me this happy.

And if this is what love is.. then consider yourself deeply, and completely loved.. by me.



"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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0kay.. last one i promise lol

im gettin all corny now..

but these things are very tro0 to my heart.. so .. .. here goes --

some of ya might not understand this.. some of you may.. its a wierd one -


Its after midnite, and 8 days have gone.

Riding the rails and admiring the art..

Yea I know him. And him and her too…

Looking and looking, but none are of you.

Shouts come from a far

Of –Mommy errr. Mahhhhhhh

I wondered once, and I still do now --

Will that be me…

Will I ever be blessed w/ one they call she..

Or maybe a he… .. Only he can see…

Ill Leave that to him.. & unknown to thee..

Yeah Yeah Yeah,, NOEL NOEL

How about this one..

You can all go to hell

.. Holiday cheer

and frosty glee

Fuck that shit man

This year.. Its all about ME..

Thinking of timez

When I heard all those liez

About how you love me and need me

And care and your true

Well ya know wut baby

How about this one..


Callin u daddy

Late nights wuz layin on ya chest

Then I realize and think of the rest

Of the times when ya stayed out .. and didn’t come home

Of the timez that I called, and heard voicemailz on ya phone..

Of how shes no good to you…. cuz yew cant place ya seed

Heres an idea -- Stop being selfish, consider her needz


Forever ever

Forever eveR?

Forever never seemed so long until ya grown—

& forever seems even longa when ya alone.

While im on that topic –

I should probably say

A sorry to Ms. Jackson

Is due and expected –

She didn’t do nothing

To be disrespected!!

Yano..they say love is blind.. and I believe that true.

So when ya back in the game, believe me you’ll see..

Wut u lost was more then ass, more then 6 outta 12

More then a 12oclock meal more then a touch and a feel…


All my love is all I have.. and my heart is VERY special

All my life I looked for you….and my day my dreamz came true.. But…

. .. Im not gonna cry Im not gonna cry Im not gonna shed no tears

No im not gonna cry

No not this time.

Cuz your not worth my tears.


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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i dont think i should read them now lol or i might try to steal you from her

hahaha.. just kidding.. NEVER THAT..,, thats for skandalous hoeS heheh

.. stay romantic.. its reassuring to know that there are some nice ones around.. im used to straight up jerkoffs.. WeRD


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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Originally posted by shady609:

Hate to be a hater, but they're rap lyrics not original poetry. cwm10.gif



caps suck -- .. anyway.. yeah -

i am fully aware of the fact that those are rap lyrics silly lol.. that is why i threw them into the context of the poem.. there are about 4 different phrases from songs in that poem.. the reason they're in there.. is because.. the person which i wrote the poem about - has a wide appreciation for hip hop.. as I do.. and the songs that i included in the poetry have significance to my relationship w./ him...

which is why i wrote in the beginning of the poem.. sum might get this.. sum might not..

k.. thats it =)


"ouT 4 doL"

"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus 1, so I never have to go a day with-out you"

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