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Cable or Satellite????

Guest Spankmeister

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Guest Spankmeister

So I have to get a new service and I can't decide between cable and satellite...

Any good, bad, great or horror stories about one or the other from you guys????


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Guest slamminshaun

So I have to get a new service and I can't decide between cable and satellite...

Any good, bad, great or horror stories about one or the other from you guys????


I've had DirectTV, Voom (before it went out of business), Dish Network currently, and Adelphia cable. Cable was by far the most reliable. Direct TV would always go out during a T-storm, which happens often during the summer. Dish doesn't go out as much, but it still does. Every day, when I turn on my TV, I have to wait for Dish to load all the stations before I can change channels...the process takes about a minute and is VERY annoying.

As soon as my contract is up, I'm going back to cable since my carrier now has all the same HD channels my satellite has. That was what attracted me to satellite before...but now, they don't have that edge on cable anymore.

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Guest Spankmeister

So I have to get a new service and I can't decide between cable and satellite...

Any good' date=' bad, great or horror stories about one or the other from you guys????



I've had DirectTV, Voom (before it went out of business), Dish Network currently, and Adelphia cable. Cable was by far the most reliable. Direct TV would always go out during a T-storm, which happens often during the summer. Dish doesn't go out as much, but it still does. Every day, when I turn on my TV, I have to wait for Dish to load all the stations before I can change channels...the process takes about a minute and is VERY annoying.

As soon as my contract is up, I'm going back to cable since my carrier now has all the same HD channels my satellite has. That was what attracted me to satellite before...but now, they don't have that edge on cable anymore.

Thanks Shaun! Our cable currently is pretty good, but has been spotty at times...I am thinking Cable just so I can cable each bedroom without having to get a box for every TV, but I wanted to get some input as to the reliability..:)

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Get DTV.. For one the stories of loosing the signal in storms is drastically over hyped, in fact my cable would go out more than my dtv..

Also if you like football the dtv has the nflst and dtv will own the country in hd next year with 150 hd channels vs 35 for comcast...

If you do sign up for dtv, let me know, I can get a referral fee;D

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Guest Spankmeister

I suppose I should also ask what works best with a Tivo box...I don't like the DVR's that come with both Adelphia or DTV, I like the hackability of the regular Tivo box...I am planning on getting another one soon as well...

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Guest durrtylexx

Besides that' date=' I've been bummin' on satellites since the HU cards became obsolete.... :-X No more free porn!


:'( i miss the good old days.

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Guest lulamishka

Besides that, I've been bummin' on satellites since the HU cards became obsolete.... :-X No more free porn!

:'( i miss the good old days.

Check out PornoTube. It's YouTube for porn! LoL!

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Guest durrtylexx

Besides that, I've been bummin' on satellites since the HU cards became obsolete.... :-X No more free porn!

:'( i miss the good old days.

Check out PornoTube. It's YouTube for porn! LoL!

its not about the porn, i miss all the free ppv events.

btw thanks for the link lol

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as of right now, cable offers a lot more high definition channels than satellite. like slammer, i had direct tv and it would go out in moderate to severe rainstorms. for now i have adelphia digital cable.

spank, i use tivo too and its not too hard to use in conjunction with a digital cable box, but it eliminates the possibility of getting HD. the only other drawback is a two second or so delay in switching channels as the digital box reacts slower than tivo. i like the user-friendliness of tivo, but i am debating ditching the tivo so i can get a HD DVR cable box to watch football... unless tivo comes out with HD tivo. so far no dice.

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Guest Spankmeister

as of right now, cable offers a lot more high definition channels than satellite. like slammer, i had direct tv and it would go out in moderate to severe rainstorms. for now i have adelphia digital cable.

spank, i use tivo too and its not to hard to use in conjunction with a digital cable box, but it eliminates the possibility of getting HD. the only other drawback is a two second or so delay in switching channels as the digital box reacts slower than tivo. i like the user-friendliness of tivo, but i am debating ditching the tivo so i can get a HD DVR cable box to watch football... unless tivo comes out with HD tivo. so far no dice.

Tivo just came out with a HD box...it is getting rave reviews, but it is expensive...around $800...check it out...


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Besides that, I've been bummin' on satellites since the HU cards became obsolete.... :-X No more free porn!

:'( i miss the good old days.

Check out PornoTube. It's YouTube for porn! LoL!

that site rocks...looks like u already know about it though... :o;)

as far as the cable v satellite, the one thing i would miss about cable is the on demand, that shit is awesome, other than that though i am thinking of goign dtv when i move next month

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Guest lulamishka

Besides that, I've been bummin' on satellites since the HU cards became obsolete.... :-X No more free porn!

:'( i miss the good old days.

Check out PornoTube. It's YouTube for porn! LoL!

that site rocks...looks like u already know about it though... :o;)

:P Yea, I have a coworker of mine to thank for that.

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You can hack the Dish, it's so easy. You just can hack DTV anymore, but Dish has everything you could ever watch for free..

DTV has an HD DVR that is 100 bucks, and their other DVR which I have is pretty good. Again, in q2 in 07 DTV will launch two new birds that will push out 150 HD channels, vs comcasts 35...

Hmmm, I'll stay with DTV....

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unless he has hd that would work for him, not sure if he has it or not...i dont have a hd ready tv yet, so dont really care for 200 extra channels, i guess it also depends on how much u want to spend extra vs the amount of time ur actually going to watch tv

i had dish for years both in tampa and when i lived in va/dc area, everytime there was a storm it would go off and say "searching...", can't say i never had any problems w/ on demand cable, but it is alot less than dish network.

my lcd widescreen pc monitor is hd n dvi-d ready, tv is not

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  • 3 months later...
Guest JMT

so on friday i dropped tivo for a HD DVR from adelphia. best move i ever made. i love HD! all i want to do it watch HD sports now. the adelphia/comcast DVR is not as user-friendly as tivo's but the positives outweigh the negatives. plus my bill stays about the same when i net out the HD box and the dropping of tivo.

the primary negatives of switching that ive noticed: the DVR does not have season pass options like tivo. you only have the option to record EVERY episode of a show, and you cant delete a rerun from the queue without deleting EVERY future taping. thus you have to wait for the show to record first, then delete it. also, the progam guide sucks compared to tivo. it does not show nearly as much information on the screen at one time, and it only goes about a week into the future, where tivo sees much further ahead.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

You shouldn't ask anyone here on CJ about their service unless they live close to you (the same street for example).

The infastructure of cable networks vary from area to area.

The older networks that have been around say for 5 yearsd or more, are much more stable then newer networks.

So what may be good for where I live may be horrible where you live.

You should really ask you neighbors that have different services and see how theirs are.

I have Comcast Cable and I'm happy with it for the most part. I also have Tivo but I just use the DVR in my tci box so that I can have cable TV, DVR and Internet all on 1 bill. Roughly $85 a month is what I pay.

I you do find however that most people in your neighborhood do use cable for the Internet, then I would get anohter Internet service since cable internet bottles up during high volume times.

That is if you are also looking to get Internet from your service provider

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Guest Electric Eel

I'm signed up on a website that does research surveys and recently I took a survey having to do with comcast and tivo. Sounded like they were coming out with tivo for comcast just trying to figure out the best way to market it. So if thats the only reason you wouldnt get cable maybe you'll be lucky after all.

I have directv and yes the only thing that sucks is you lose signal when its raining badly but I love it otherwise.

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Guest cutchemist

i like the user-friendliness of tivo, but i am debating ditching the tivo so i can get a HD DVR cable box to watch football... unless tivo comes out with HD tivo. so far no dice.

I ditched tivo for HD DVR, its been about a year now. The only downside is i have had to have the HD DVR replaced last month and lost all my stuff I had saved on it. :'(

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