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No Grey Goose at Space??

Guest wasted24_7

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Guest wasted24_7

Sorry if its old news, but I havent been in town for a while. This was my first time in space in a while and apparently they no longer serve goose ??? Kettle one is great, but still...

Story behind this?

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Guest mr.miami

Just be happy they told you they didnt have it and give you something else saying they had it. I swear im gonna have to start bugging bartenders in general that i have to see the bottle so they dont go pouring me stuff that isnt what i want.

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Guest michael^heaven

Just be happy they told you they didnt have it and give you something else saying they had it.

That^ would be illegal. Personally, I've never cared for Goose. Many higher quality & smoother brands out there, IMO, that won't tap your wallet nearly as much.

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Just be happy they told you they didnt have it and give you something else saying they had it.

That^ would be illegal. Personally, I've never cared for Goose. Many higher quality & smoother brands out there, IMO, that won't tap your wallet nearly as much.

Agreed. Goose has always been more of a trendy brand of vodka. When you start drinking the stuff on the rocks, you really get the taste for the stuff and know whats good and whats shitty.

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Guest Ariel

We replaced Grey Goose with LOTS of Level Vodka. :P

IMO it's wayyyy better tasting than Grey Goose.

And we have a bottle Special on it so if anyone wants, let me know. ;)

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Guest mr.miami

i was asking for grey all night sat and the bartenders didnt say n e thing about that ???

Wow really. Did it taste good lol? I wonder what you were really drinking.

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Guest frankthetank

The vodka shouldn't matter if you are mixing it with OJ, tonic, or cran. As long as it's not "Heaven Hill" or "Barton" or some other back yard turpentine vodka then WHO CARES!

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Grey Shit was never a top notch vodka. The fancy bottle just made it look like one. As far as quality goes, anybody who is unbiased and drinks vodka on the rocks will tell you that Grey Goose is mediocre at best. What GG has however, is one of the best marketing plans on the planet. It's expensive because somebody has to pay for the advertising and the fancy bottle designs, and guess who it is? We the Consumer.

Stoli might not look all the that but I guarantee you, it tastes 10x better than Grey Shit.

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Guest pod

I'd say the Goose is a 'decent' brand of vodka. On an overall scale of 1 - 10, I'd give it an 8. If I'm gonna order by name, I'll order up the Stoli. I figure it can't be bad, coming from the country that invented it.

What GG has, like Rick said, is a nice looking bottle, and a helluva marketing campaign.

The best in the world, supposedly, is Russian Standard.


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Guest rhythmdoc

the goose is awesome! it's the only voodka that does not give me a headache the next day! i will not drink any other vodka! a lot of people that i know that buy tables will also agree. space....you suck!

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I think it is rather audacious on GG's part to market itself as the best tasting vodka. As far as taste goes on a scale of 1-10 I rate it a 5.

It like Hennessy VS. As a cognac drinker, I think it's the one of the worst tasting Cognacs. Try drinking it the old school way ( straight up) and you'll want to puke. Hennessy sells because of marketing and the idiotic hip-hop community doesn't know any better, and promotes the hell out of it. Not only that, they drink it on the rocks with coke. Yuck. A good cognac should be smooth enough to drink with no ice, in a sniffter.

Landy Cognac costs at least 30% less and is soo much smoother, makes Hennessy taste like alcohol and food coloring in comparison.

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Guest mr.miami

Maybe someone like ariel can verify this or you were given a bs story from the bartender. We need the facts nothing but the facts. Also while you are at it ask them if they still serve cuervo.

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Guest Tru1

Liquor companies give promo money to bars.

If you offer exclusivity such as only one super premium vodka...the liquor company will give you substantially more money.

I would bet that space is receiving 5-6 figures in "marketing dollars" from another liquor company.

Think about it...LP is as good of an operator as they come. He is not going to pull one of the most recognized and requested brands without a mighty big incentive.

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Guest Devilicious

i drank all the goose in miami...


I lost you sometime Sunday morning ???

I prefer Belve. Goose is all marketing.

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Guest pod

This is true, you don't ditch Goose unless someone else is paying you mad money to do so.

Never had Level vodka straight so I couldn't tell you if it is good or bad or not. I had a bottle once from some promotion or another, but I used it at a BYOB event.

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