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RIP 4:15 AM MY Dog Just Died

Guest mr.miami

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Guest mr.miami

Dont know what it is, but i always have bad luck with dogs. Turns out whenever my parents go out of town and I'm watching thier dog it passes away. I really hoped she would have one of those things where the dog dies in its sleep. Not while its hacking drooling bile from her mouth while I cleaned up her messes. She couldnit even stand so I had to carry her to the bathroom where i gave her one last bath and she was making a mess all over the bathroom floor

Anyway let me just say thank you for being a wonderful dog Guinevere AKA Gooney I salute you for the 17 years you brought happiness into our lives and I will dedicate my partying this weekend to your memory. Here is a pic of the type of dog she was.


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Guest michael^heaven

Sorry to hear about this mate :(!! Your dog lived a long time though. Seventeen years is def. beyond the average. Hope you have an enjoyable weekend & toast a few to man's best friend. ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

17 years is really old for a dog. Isn't the average like 12 or 13 years? I guess it depends on the dog. But those 'big red dogs' (what I call them) like you have are one of the dog breeds that live longer.

Sorry for your loss...

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Guest mr.miami

I highly recommend that people put there dog asleep asap once they get old so they dont have to suffer. Here I am trying to call and get her cremated and my padre is out of town on vacation and wants me to save her in a cooler on ice so he can see her one more time and is rushing back here.

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Guest Slide On The Ice

I had to put my dog to sleep when she was 12 and it was so hard to do what I knew I had to do. Believe me, it doesn't get any easier even knowing that you're ending their suffering. I feel your pain, and feel sorry for your loss.

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Guest JMT


in 2000 my mom had my childhood dog put down at 14 years old... too many health problems that she couldnt even function anymore.

i also think that dogs have a sense where they dont want to die in front of their regular owners or in their house, maybe thats why this happened to you.

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sorry to hear about the lost of your loved one.... Pets are def part of ones family. when my bird died it really hit me hard. though i know a bird is not the same as a dog... its all the same really. these creatures become a part of your life... they depend on you and love you in their own way

sorry for your loss.....

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Guest mursa

......oh man , my total condolences during this difficult time ........I can relate because one of my dogs ( a lab/retriever) is 15 yrs old ....and i can tell his time can come any minute ....i hurt just thinking about it ,when the time does come .

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Guest obby

WOW what a touchy subject for me. What a beautiful dog. Like mentioned, 17 years is a long time so be happy that she was part of your family for 17 years. I've gone through what you are currently going through and it's tough.

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Guest Cosmigonon

Mis condolencias. :(

I feel your pain, I had a St. Bernard die of a disease, a German Shepherd put to sleep and a parrot eaten by a cat, I just couldn't take it anymore and I haven't had a pet ever since, too much pain... :'(

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