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What now?


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Ok, I met this girl from a couple months back at another girl's b-day. We didn't really hang out till recently, we started hitting the clubs a lot. This past weekend things got hot (literally - the dance floor was stuffy and I was topless) and we kissed. Here's the catch: she has a boyfriend. I knew all this time and she knows I know. Yet there's this attraction/chemistry between us. And from what I can tell she's not too happy with her boyfriend, yet they've been together 4 years! I'm somewhat confused. Is she just keeping me on the side as a play toy or what? Either way I'm taking full advantage of the situation. Just not sure what to do from here on. ANYONE?????? cwm14.gif

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not to sound like an bitch, but i know from experience that sometimes, it isn't really chemistry that you're feeling, it's just the fact that you know you can't have her, at least right now, that makes her so desireable... you always want what you can't have.... i'm not trying to say you really don't like her, i'm just offering another explanation, cause it's happened to me before...

as for her and her boyfriend, there could be plenty of reasons why she's still with him, yet hooking up with you at the club... chances are, if she's unhappy with him, she's just to afraid to live life without him, being she's lived her life with him in it for 4 years... but i could be wrong again... i wouldn't kiss her or do anything else for that matter until she's decided what to do about her boyfriend... it will definitely confuse thing's if you get into it and you might end up getting hurt in the end... just my 2 cents... hope something i said in my essay helps you out a bit...

~mOONsHINE cwm30.gif


we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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cool... i hope everything works out the way you want it.... keep me posted on the situation.. i'll be curious to see how she handles herself...


we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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Originally posted by deanna11:

"werd, djmoonshine.... they may still have yet to learn how to be by themselves"

couldn't have put it better myself deanna... cwm41.gif


we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams... wILLY wONKA~

the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE

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watch your step cuz do u know her boyfriend? some b-friends will flip if u even look at their girl...so hopefully a fist fight doesn't break out. yo, whatever happens happens...see what's up between her and her boyfriend and get to know her more before u bust another move. cwm38.gif


* starcapone * modus operandi * athenalust@hotmail.com

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