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What do I want for Christmas???

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

it's a long shot but...


can't hurt to ask ;D


That's idea is not to far off of the car we are thinking about getting...


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Guest swank

Nice choice Terry, the interesting thing is that this segment of 'crossover' vehicle is very competitive. it is the new "minivan" of our era.

You'll have alot of choice when you're ready.

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Guest swirlundergrounder
They don't have shit on there for me....

Yeah' date=' youre right....sorry. This was the one I think you were looking for.

Terry's new career

You know that's actually really funny that you said that becasue a few years ago I said to myself, you know what, if I fail in my artistic endeavors then I would move to NYC and open up a 'Lumpia' cart somewhere in Time Square.

Dude I would make a killing!! ;D

Then eventually I would have several carts around the city and then it would turn into a chain.... LOL

Those junkie, deep fried Filipino egg rolls are the most addicting food you can eat.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


Hey man.. This is a threadf about what I want for xmas. Not what you want for X-mas

What am I going to do with a bunch of servers anyways?

Those are servers right?? ???

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Guest trancepriest

Hey man.. This is a threadf about what I want for xmas. Not what you want for X-mas

What am I going to do with a bunch of servers anyways?

Those are servers right?? ???

;D They aren't really servers... they are cluster nodes and a RAID array. Only the top piece could be used as a server. You could use the RAID array for music purposes.. work with a ton of tracks and have all the data storage you would need for those large audio compositions (it has 14 hard drives). I have no idea what you would use the cluster nodes for. I would use em for a distributed database or for a render cluster for visual fx work.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

He could use it to render effects and such on his tracks. A lot of effects can't normally be computed in realtime.

Darn Terry you should know this. What kind of sound engineer are you? ;D



STFU.. If I knew those were nodes then I would have known that you can use them for processing real time effects.

I have never seen those cluster nodes b4 then.... But now I know.



Besides, you can just stick 3 of these HD cards in your pci slots (to do all your real time processing of effects) of your computer and use the above audio interfaces and your shit will never choke.


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Guest trancepriest

Well if you are stuck in a G4... Pro Tools world... how would you know such cool things exist? ;D Welcome to Cool World... click below for more info.


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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well if you are stuck in a G4... Pro Tools world... how would you know such cool things exist? ;D Welcome to Cool World... click below for more info.


From that screen shot it looks like the user is using Logic Pro via Pro Tools as the Rewire slave (Pro Tools being the master rewire program).

Meaning (if you don't know already) the person is creating in Logic and doing his sequencing in Pro Tools.

Besides the rack above with the g4 in it was the only pic I could find online right off the bat..

But yes I'm still stuck in the G4 PPC world right now.

It's not bad. I could think of worse computing situations to be in... LOL

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Guest jamu

Besides I have Logic Pro also. ;D

I like creating stuff in it but I don't like editing audio in it.

Dude editing in Logic 7 is so easy. So much easier then Pro Tools. You know I use both, but Logic 7 is so the way to go. Espcially for anything requiring sound design. You probably just need to come over and let me show you some new tricks bro.

I, however, give pro tools the better data organization. They really need to work on that for Logic 8.

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Guest trancepriest

Dude editing in Logic 7 is so easy. So much easier then Pro Tools. You know I use both, but Logic 7 is so the way to go. Espcially for anything requiring sound design. You probably just need to come over and let me show you some new tricks bro.

I, however, give pro tools the better data organization. They really need to work on that for Logic 8.

Same for Final Cut Pro... file management sux in it. I have to go through hell just to delete unwanted video.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Besides I have Logic Pro also. ;D

I like creating stuff in it but I don't like editing audio in it.

Dude editing in Logic 7 is so easy. So much easier then Pro Tools. You know I use both, but Logic 7 is so the way to go. Espcially for anything requiring sound design. You probably just need to come over and let me show you some new tricks bro.

I, however, give pro tools the better data organization. They really need to work on that for Logic 8.

I guess you can say that it depends on the user. Since you say that you are the 'Logic Master' I assume that you use Logic more than you use Pro Tools.

The reverse is true for me. I just can't jive with Logic's interface.

Not to say that it's not great or that I'm correct. It's just my style of editing is more geared towards the interface of Pro Tools. Mainly due to the fact that not only do I need to have an interface that appeals to me functionally (which both Pro Tools and Logic does), I also need something that appeals to me visually.

Logic just does not appeal to me visually. I just don't like all the gray. Even if I try to customize the track and region colors it doesn't work for me.

Now that's just my taste and by all means I'm not trying to knock Logic in anyway what so ever because I have mucho respect for the program..

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