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Kiss for you all...


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Originally posted by dreamtemple:

It's a long story I wont bore ppl with. But it ends with me being ditched by my friend (who was my boyfriend, we broke up in Jan) because his fucking BITCH of an ex has come back on the scene and she doesn't approve of him speaking to me. He says that while she's here he doesn't want to upset her, I say that he's my mate and shouldn't break contact with me for someone who isn't even his girl. Plus she was only meant to stay on Sunday but she hasn't gone home yet. Personally I think there's more going on than he's letting on, if there is that's fine. I just want him to be happy. But I don't want to loose my friend in the meantime. I'm just hurt about being left on the sidelines. Everyone went out on monday, all my friends. But I wasn't invited because of her. This feels unfair. So that's why I'm down.

Awww, honey...thats rough. What's really fucked up is the part about your friends not inviting you because of her!! What the fuck is that all about! I feel for you, I know how that feels. Hang in there and when this passes, I would seriously consider getting some new friends. We love ya!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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hey all,

Thanks for the kiss CMB1975 - you rock. Consider your lips nibbled and your tongue tickled smile.gif

We don't have to stop there unless you want to ....

No really, I hate Valentines day and am happy to share my bitterness smile.gif


Sorry to hear that. But there sounds like there is a lot more going on here than you want to have it. There is nothing wrong with him asking you to skip one night, even with your mutual friends, until he can sort the situation out. Obviously he has to telll her about your part in his life - if any - but he doesn't have to do it right away. He can take a week to sortthings out.

Sounds to me that you may still like him and be a bit jealous. And maybe you guys can't really be friends right away. Maybe you can. Maybe she is right to demand a bit of distnace between you - maybe not. Anyways, what do I know. Just saying that in my experience these situations tend to be unstable and more complex than yopu are projecting - especially less than one month after the break-up!!! Be careful. Be honest. Be really honest with yourself first - do you want him back?

But most importantly remember that welove you smile.gif Happy V-Day and try to take it easy on yourself. You are probably hurting more than you let on smile.gif

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Originally posted by dreamtemple:

Nice piccy. Cheered me up a bit today when all i feel like doing is crying. (And no, that's got nothing to do with V/day ppl.)

whats the matter honey?



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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It's a long story I wont bore ppl with. But it ends with me being ditched by my friend (who was my boyfriend, we broke up in Jan) because his fucking BITCH of an ex has come back on the scene and she doesn't approve of him speaking to me. He says that while she's here he doesn't want to upset her, I say that he's my mate and shouldn't break contact with me for someone who isn't even his girl. Plus she was only meant to stay on Sunday but she hasn't gone home yet. Personally I think there's more going on than he's letting on, if there is that's fine. I just want him to be happy. But I don't want to loose my friend in the meantime. I'm just hurt about being left on the sidelines. Everyone went out on monday, all my friends. But I wasn't invited because of her. This feels unfair. So that's why I'm down.


Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

Stay tuned,

Stay shiny,

Stay twisted :)


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Mr Dick you're so right. I'm jealous. I'm still love and I want him back and I can't have it. oh well, roll on the summer (just like to say I'm v. excited cause today is the first sunny day we've seen in London since about november and I just saw someone walk past my window with his shirts off.)


Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

Stay tuned,

Stay shiny,

Stay twisted :)


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Awesome Honesty Dreamy.

Now you just have to avoid him until you no longer feel that way or until you are willing to risk total humiliation with one last attempt to win him over that will probably destroy any hope of friendship if you fail.

Personally, I'd at least try to avoid himk for a few months and then if you are still seiously in love maybe think about doing something stupid smile.gif

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Final update on my saga: yesterday I informed the blokey that it would no longer be possible for me to spend time with him as I was getting mixed messages and becomming confused. So that's good. However his words to me were, "yeah right, I'll see you this weekend then." this is bad. As he has been unable to get the message (i've explained it to him about 5 times now, he says I can't live without him!) I've decided the best thing to do is just ignore his phone/texts totally. so that is it....

END OF STORY! smile.gif


Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

Stay tuned,

Stay shiny,

Stay twisted :)


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This guy is being an ass. What does he mean when he says you can't live without him? Is he just dismissing the fact that you might still have feelings for him and thinking that you guys should be friends? That's dumb but not mean. Or is he deliberatley trying to mess with you?

Anyways, it sounds to me that you haven't quite spelled everything out to him. You might want to try talking to him and sayingthat of course you want to be friends but that you can't right now but maybe in the future. If he understands that then he will realize his best chance to keep you in his life is to back-off and not flirt or play with your feelings but rather be consistent about the fact that he isn't in love with you anymore and stop hurting you.

Just my advice. Let us know how it goes smile.gif

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