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1 Billion people live in slums world wide.

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

About 1 out of 6 people live in slums around the world.

Below is Kiebra Niarobi (in Kenya), thought to be the largest slum in Africa. There is an estimated 2 million people who live there. To put that in perspective, this slum is as big as the city of San Francisco.

Most people live here with their family members in single room homes with no plumbing earning less than $1 a day.

Kiebra Niarobi is surrounded by rich and wealthy areas where people who live in this slum go to work as servants, maids, body guards, drivers etc..

All of the waste and sewage from Niarobi flows here. And the waste and sewage created by humansin Kiebra stays in Kiebra.

A plastic bag full of human waste is also known as a 'flying toilet' since there is no where for humans to relieve themselves. Kiebra is litered with these flying toilets.







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Guest trancepriest

Someone should just drop a low yield nuke on the slum. Poverty is not an excuse for living like shit. They should be out farming and raising livestock. Instead they want urban symbolism and a lifestyle which consist of living like filth. All that suffering when the most that they'll achieve is a BMW. Its kind of like peasants in America... wasting all their money on private transportation.

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Guest trancepriest

not to be insensitve but why are they shitting in bags? they havent invented outhouses yet?

I don't like any group of pathetic people... nuke the place. They can't even organize public latrines amongst themselves. People like that would never get a penny of my money. They are like viruses. The only reason why they are in the slums in the first place is because they left their villages to pursue city life. Coca Cola, Pizza, TV and motor cars.

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where's the collective vision of a better life? everyone's just pretty much content to live like that. they're just waiting for help.

they should create their own government there. make it a better place. first thing's first...designate a "dump" and put all the trash there.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

not to be insensitive but why are they shitting in bags? they havent invented outhouses yet?

I was listening to this story on NPR this afternoon and they say that any outhouses that are built get pad locks and chains put on them so that no one else can use them.

But what happens is people take their flying toilets and put them in front of the door to these locked out-houses so that the owner of the out house has a hard time getting to the door.

I guess besides people pilling up their bags of shit in front of these out houses, people also piss all over the bags and the out house...

How sick is that??? :-X :-X

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Guest trancepriest

where's the collective vision of a better life? everyone's just pretty much content to live like that. they're just waiting for help.

they should create their own government there. make it a better place. first thing's first...designate a "dump" and put all the trash there.

In a mad rush to live like europeans... the natives lose their minds. This happens all over the third world. They give up land and livestock for a life of poverty, movies and seeing other peoples cool cars. They then go back to the rural areas and speak of the joys of seeing the latest movies, the latest car, etc.... then they beg for some food to carry back to the city. Its the sickness of the modern age. This sickness is even in our society. Obesity, depression, drug addiction, malnourishment, etc.

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where's the collective vision of a better life? everyone's just pretty much content to live like that. they're just waiting for help.

they should create their own government there. make it a better place. first thing's first...designate a "dump" and put all the trash there.

In a mad rush to live like europeans... the natives lose their minds. This happens all over the third world. They give up land and livestock for a life of poverty, movies and seeing other peoples cool cars. They then go back to the rural areas and speak of the joys of seeing the latest movies, the latest car, etc.... then they beg for some food to carry back to the city. Its the sickness of the modern age. This sickness is even in our society. Obesity, depression, drug addiction, malnourishment, etc.

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

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Guest trancepriest

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

All you have to do his look at how the modern man demonstrates his manhood:

I didn't do anything I have no control nor did I even see it..

However, just to be exactly clear, I want to make sure i got this correct.

A 31 year old with no car is calling me "gay" and using fake screen names.

Seriously, how old are you?

Me making fun of you having no car is making fun of your man-hood, and the best you can come back with is, "you are gay"..????

Rick, i'm done with you, I'm clearly dealing with a person who is not an adult, you are a kid. The deal still stands, 30 bucks for proof you own a car.. Till then good luck and good night.

So these people in the third world are basically going crazy over cars.... to put it simple. Same with the peasants in America. They give up land and livestock... for the symbol of a car... they then spend years trying to get a better symbol... slowly refining the symbol.. lol. Meanwhile the aristocrats buy a nice ranch in the country side. Cities then becoming modern day plantations for the depraved. The upper middle classes on up... escaping back to Tuscan lifestyles.... creating new value symbols that the other classes fail to comprehend... walking, cycling and riding on italian scooters or horses... all the while preaching "whole foods" and clean organic living.

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Guest trancepriest

also these people need to stop having kids.


If they were living off the land.. what difference would it make? The main problem is that they are giving up something of value... land and livestock... for nothing.

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Guest HouseJunkie

where's the collective vision of a better life? everyone's just pretty much content to live like that. they're just waiting for help.

they should create their own government there. make it a better place. first thing's first...designate a "dump" and put all the trash there.

In a mad rush to live like europeans... the natives lose their minds. This happens all over the third world. They give up land and livestock for a life of poverty, movies and seeing other peoples cool cars. They then go back to the rural areas and speak of the joys of seeing the latest movies, the latest car, etc.... then they beg for some food to carry back to the city. Its the sickness of the modern age. This sickness is even in our society. Obesity, depression, drug addiction, malnourishment, etc.

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

Don't underestimate the power of Hope, as in you buy a camera with the hope that one day someone will pay you to take their picture as opposed to you buy a camera and hope that no one steals it from you.

The first instance will motivate to work hard to get the camera which you might turn around and sell and buy and even better camera.

In the second instance you buy a camera and then what.....?

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Guest swirlundergrounder

where's the collective vision of a better life? everyone's just pretty much content to live like that. they're just waiting for help.

they should create their own government there. make it a better place. first thing's first...designate a "dump" and put all the trash there.

In a mad rush to live like europeans... the natives lose their minds. This happens all over the third world. They give up land and livestock for a life of poverty, movies and seeing other peoples cool cars. They then go back to the rural areas and speak of the joys of seeing the latest movies, the latest car, etc.... then they beg for some food to carry back to the city. Its the sickness of the modern age. This sickness is even in our society. Obesity, depression, drug addiction, malnourishment, etc.

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

Thing is about poor people having kids is that they can send their kids to go and work at a very young age at companies who would exploit young children.

Sad but true..

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Guest JMT

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

All you have to do his look at how the modern man demonstrates his manhood:

some people like cars, others like computers.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i think you're right with that assessment (to adegree, of course).

also these people need to stop having kids.

All you have to do his look at how the modern man demonstrates his manhood:

some people like cars, others like computers.

Driving casues stress anyways..
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