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Ladies: How do you really feel about...


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It really does depend on the guy, on some blokes it looks so out of place and just icky. But then on others it's kinda cute, and on yet more it just looks right.

All i can say is that sometimes, on long train journeys, it gives you something warm and cuddly to use as a pillow. And sometimes there's nothing better to snuggle up to. But just my opinion.


Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

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Originally posted by spragga25:

With a tool like mine, you gotta build a shed over it!


Hey Dreamy...are you saying that you don't prefer a tight six pack? I've noticed that muscles and six packs are more for the man's sake than the woman's. JMO.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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Just me but I do not think that beer gts are inevitable. Of course women can still love you and be sexually attracted despite a gut.

But why not do them and your sex-life a favour by making it even easier for them to be turned onn by you? My belief is that yeah, guys get into the vanity of their own bods a bit much, chicks dig six-packs and tight butts on guys.

And of course thereare all the health issues but even leaving hem aside, its not that hard to be as sexy as you can be and the rewards are huge. I just don't see why you wouldn't do it?

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A ripped stomach turns me on more than any other physical atribute, but to put it in perspective it's just like a guy saying bouncing titties or a nice round ass does it for him... Most of us are far from perfect, you know? Still it doesn't hurt to do a few crunches every now and then.

Also something I've noticed, many guys seem to feel that it's okay for them to let themselves go, but if their girl does it, all hell breaks loose... I know, I'm in that situation right now... even though i'm in better shape than he is... Women like to look at nice things too you know.

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just wanted to chime in and tell you that i ended up breaking up with my sweetheart of almost 2 years because when it came down to it, i became unattracted to him. i used to not care about a little belly, but eventually i got distracted and wanted to play with other boys. i still love him as my best friend, but to me, it does matter how you take care of yourself.




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Originally posted by ancientskewl:


Hey Dreamy...are you saying that you don't prefer a tight six pack? I've noticed that muscles and six packs are more for the man's sake than the woman's. JMO.


I never said that! It's just on some blokes it looks good, i can imagine a few guys i know who would look laughable if they attempted a nice firm sixpack. Looks arn't of great importance to me, so if all looks like it's meant to be there I'm happy. smile.gif


Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

Stay tuned,

Stay shiny,

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Originally posted by spragga25:

Man that's shallow - what about a guy's, um, personality??

Shallow-no.Think about it, when you meet someone, what you see is what your attracted to first, and if you "hang out", and let's say you hang out with more than one, when you compare and it comes down to it. You wanna be with the one with a bangin body,who will make it fun, and more steamy and s*xual. Not to say belly boys can't but when you can have both of best worlds..why settle for less?

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All I would say is that with half of the energy it takes worrying about and feeling insecure about one's belly oone can have a flat stomach. Throw in the other half and you are six-pack bound.

Yes, women can love us and even lust after us despite this or despite that. But why not make it easy for them. We are supposed to love them right?

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Originally posted by dragonfly:

Shallow-no.Think about it, when you meet someone, what you see is what your attracted to first, and if you "hang out", and let's say you hang out with more than one, when you compare and it comes down to it. You wanna be with the one with a bangin body,who will make it fun, and more steamy and s*xual. Not to say belly boys can't but when you can have both of best worlds..why settle for less?

Best of both worlds? Say that in 10-15 years when your husband's belly sags to his knees...What will you do then, move on and find someone else?


AIM: Spragga25

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yes, but think about how you would feel when in 10-15 years your wifes tits and ass get all saggy and sh*t... how would you feel about that?> will you go on and find someone else? listen, the way you feel about t&a is the way we, well i should speak for myself, i, feel about a guy's stomach...


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Statistically speaking, Spragga is right. Most people will sag as they get older and obviously people will still love each other.

Myself, I am an exception in that I plan on partnering only with someone who would be as willing to stay fit as I am. So I guess you are both right. Different priorities for different people.

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Guest lulululu

okay okay here it goes....if you're just meeting the guy then a beer gut is not gonna make you want to go over and talk, but if you've been wiht your guy for a while and he gets a little pudgy, you can tell him in a nice way it's not your favorite thing, but you 're not gonna leave your boo for that... if you are any kind of a decent loving girlfriend...am a right in this girls?


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Originally posted by lulululu:

okay okay here it goes....if you're just meeting the guy then a beer gut is not gonna make you want to go over and talk, but if you've been wiht your guy for a while and he gets a little pudgy, you can tell him in a nice way it's not your favorite thing, but you 're not gonna leave your boo for that... if you are any kind of a decent loving girlfriend...am a right in this girls?


To me, it seems like most ladies in here are shallow as hell cwm23.gif


AIM: Spragga25

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Originally posted by spragga25:

Best of both worlds? Say that in 10-15 years when your husband's belly sags to his knees...What will you do then, move on and find someone else?

No, my man and I are going to enjoy staying in shape. I'll keep him in check, and he'll do the same for me


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These ladies are not shallow. Sexual attraction is not fair. It is what it is. Its when we try to make it PC that we get screwed.

Yes, at any given moment we might fall for someone despite them being unattractive physically. It happens all the time. But as a general rule, of course the physical matters for lust. I mean why not find someone to love who you can easily lust after rather than someone where you have to work at it?

Not trying to get into a fight. I myself was out-of-shape until recently. Not very chubby but no tone, no muscle. I spent all this energy rationalizing and saying that chicks could still dig me and many did. But I swear it took about half as much energy as I spent rationalizing to get some obliques and stomach definition as well as all-around physical condition. And the rewards are big. Why should we expect women to be that differnt than us? They already tolerate flab morethan we do and are less visual and look for inner qualities more than we do. But we cannot expect the difference to be vast -they are not saints. And I'm not sure we want them to be as sex with saints must be boring.

So within reason, I say bring on the shallow chicks because they areusually hotties and good in bed. And it takes but a few hours a week and some sensible eating for me to fulfill their expectations. Not a bad trade.

And of course haven't even touched the health aspects of this.

But call me shallow...

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Originally posted by mrdick:


These ladies are not shallow. Sexual attraction is not fair. It is what it is. Its when we try to make it PC that we get screwed.

Yes, at any given moment we might fall for someone despite them being unattractive physically. It happens all the time. But as a general rule, of course the physical matters for lust. I mean why not find someone to love who you can easily lust after rather than someone where you have to work at it?

Not trying to get into a fight. I myself was out-of-shape until recently. Not very chubby but no tone, no muscle. I spent all this energy rationalizing and saying that chicks could still dig me and many did. But I swear it took about half as much energy as I spent rationalizing to get some obliques and stomach definition as well as all-around physical condition. And the rewards are big. Why should we expect women to be that differnt than us? They already tolerate flab morethan we do and are less visual and look for inner qualities more than we do. But we cannot expect the difference to be vast -they are not saints. And I'm not sure we want them to be as sex with saints must be boring.

So within reason, I say bring on the shallow chicks because they areusually hotties and good in bed. And it takes but a few hours a week and some sensible eating for me to fulfill their expectations. Not a bad trade.

And of course haven't even touched the health aspects of this.

But call me shallow...

Whatever man...sounds like you're pandering to them for some poontang


AIM: Spragga25

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