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Saddam may hang within hours: senior Iraqi source


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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein could be hanged within hours, a senior Iraqi source told Reuters on Friday after Saddam's lawyer said U.S. forces had handed over the former president to Iraqi authorities for execution.

"Things have changed in the past three hours. There were some issues ... and now that is resolved so it seems it's possible he may be hanged tonight," the source, who is in a senior position of authority, said after a day of confusion.

However, the start of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha on Saturday raised the possibility of a delay until after the week-long holiday is over, he added: "It's not certain," he said.

Najib Naimi, a former Qatar justice minister who served on Saddam's legal defense team, said he expected his client to be executed soon.

"We think he might be executed by tomorrow as a gift for the Iraqis," he told BBC News 24.

"Maybe early tomorrow morning he might be executed ... we are now talking with them regarding the body itself," he said. "We would like to have his body to return it to the family so they can bury him at any place they wish."

Earlier another of Saddam's defense lawyers, Khalil al-Dulaimi, told Reuters that U.S. officials had transferred the ousted president to Iraqi authorities.

Saddam, whose appeal against a conviction for crimes against humanity was rejected this week, has long been formally in Iraqi custody but physically held by U.S. military guards.

As during his appearances in court, U.S. officials are concerned that Saddam be treated with due propriety and so a physical transfer to a site beyond U.S. control seemed to be likely only very close to the execution


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Guest slamminshaun

God bless his soul and the thousands that have died due to our occupation.

Why don't you bless Ahmadinejad while you're at it.

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Guest HouseJunkie

God bless his soul and the thousands that have died due to our occupation.

yeah, and fuck those who died by the hands of Saddam... they deserved it.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

God bless his soul and the thousands that have died due to our occupation.

LOL yeah right... And god bless the souls of the people who will die at the hands of Sadam's Bath party who will seek revenge upon the people of Iraq..
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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well I challenge any of you to show me a better ruler of Iraq? God bless Ahmadnijad, Castro and Chavez.

'God Is Great'... :P
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Guest trancepriest

Well I guess some of you can find a source of pleasure in the fact that we went into a country and fucked it up beyond repair. Now that Saddam is dead maybe you guys can find some pleasure in the fact that Iraq is one fucked up country... perhaps that was the goal after all.

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Guest HouseJunkie

Well I guess some of you can find a source of pleasure in the fact that we went into a country and fucked it up beyond repair. Now that Saddam is dead maybe you guys can find some pleasure in the fact that Iraq is one fucked up country... perhaps that was the goal after all.

Well at least now the Iraqis can post how they truly feel about their leader/country on a message board while eating a Big-Mac and sipping a Deit Coke without any fear of retribution, that aught to be worth something.

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Guest trancepriest

Well at least now the Iraqis can post how they truly feel about their leader/country on a message board while eating a Big-Mac and sipping a Deit Coke without any fear of retribution, that aught to be worth something.

You think they have the freedom to do that... lol? The likely scenario is that they would get blown up while waiting in line for the Big Mac.

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Guest jona7

Well at least now the Iraqis can post how they truly feel about their leader/country on a message board while eating a Big-Mac and sipping a Deit Coke without any fear of retribution, that aught to be worth something.

You think they have the freedom to do that... lol? The likely scenario is that they would get blown up while waiting in line for the Big Mac.

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Well I guess some of you can find a source of pleasure in the fact that we went into a country and fucked it up beyond repair. Now that Saddam is dead maybe you guys can find some pleasure in the fact that Iraq is one fucked up country... perhaps that was the goal after all.

Well at least now the Iraqis can post how they truly feel about their leader/country on a message board while eating a Big-Mac and sipping a Deit Coke without any fear of retribution, that aught to be worth something.

that will never happen

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well I guess some of you can find a source of pleasure in the fact that we went into a country and fucked it up beyond repair. Now that Saddam is dead maybe you guys can find some pleasure in the fact that Iraq is one fucked up country... perhaps that was the goal after all.

Well at least now the Iraqis can post how they truly feel about their leader/country on a message board while eating a Big-Mac and sipping a Deit Coke without any fear of retribution, that aught to be worth something.

A McDonald's in Bagadad? Yeah right.... Good Luck..

A Starbucks maybe but never a McDonald's.. :P

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