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UFC: Liddell vs. Ortiz

Guest JMT

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Guest JMT

i caught a replay of this.

it sucks when all you get is a wrestling match but this fight delivered. can anyone stand toe to toe with the ice man? as long as Liddell avoids getting taken down (which he does a good job of) he just stands there with his beer belly and bombs away. he can land dangerous punches from almost any angle.

this made me wonder, since the fighters are all well-rounded is there a style of UFC coming where fighters who focus on one aspect more start winning, like the old days? it seems like liddel is really mostly a puncher who has a great defense.

i gotta hand it to tito for making it interesting. he couldnt get a take-down but he took it into round 3. he just didnt have enough.

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Guest Mattivi

With the money that has poured into this dumb sport and by watching that video it's clear some C level boxer is going to smash them all. This was boxing with a few other moves, I feel sorry for you idiots who buy this crap on ppv..

and whats better douche bag? personnally i luv watching the UFC. although liddel is mostly a striker, he also has very good takedown defence, a decent kickboxer, and has a good chin. these guys wear FOUR ounce gloves btw. put any boxer in the octagon and they will get waxed, and badly at that. the UFC is also adding more and more MMA talent all the time, the sport is relativley in its early childhood. boxing had its heyday in the eighties and by reading the majority of your post so did you. nice try cockwad.

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Guest slamminshaun

With the money that has poured into this dumb sport and by watching that video it's clear some C level boxer is going to smash them all. This was boxing with a few other moves, I feel sorry for you idiots who buy this crap on ppv..

Yeah, because boxing is soooooo interesting right now. ::) Most people can't even name the current heavyweight champ.

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Guest JMT

i love boxing. im someone who can probably name most of the heavyweight title holders. but its apples and oranges. a good boxing match is tops in my book. imo, there is more strategy involved. however, i enjoy both on different levels.

a pure boxer in UFC would most likely end up in submission. its a different ballgame. the gloves dont offer much defense and the ref isnt going to yell "break" when someone gets grabbed or the fight goes to the floor, so you cant be one-dimensional. the wrestling is the part i dont like about UFC, and thats why Liddel is entertaining, he strikes standing up and he tries to keep the fight up the whole time.

the actual fight was about 12 minutes. that clip leaves a lot out. Liddel took some serious shots while getting to Tito but his chin is like steel. and the last guy to beat liddel is coming back.

boxing aint done, but the heavyweight division could use a hero.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

i love boxing. im someone who can probably name most of the heavyweight title holders. but its apples and oranges. a good boxing match is tops in my book. imo, there is more strategy involved. however, i enjoy both on different levels.

a pure boxer in UFC would most likely end up in submission. its a different ballgame. the gloves dont offer much defense and the ref isnt going to yell "break" when someone gets grabbed or the fight goes to the floor, so you cant be one-dimensional. the wrestling is the part i dont like about UFC, and thats why Liddel is entertaining, he strikes standing up and he tries to keep the fight up the whole time.

the actual fight was about 12 minutes. that clip leaves a lot out. Liddel took some serious shots while getting to Tito but his chin is like steel. and the last guy to beat liddel is coming back.

boxing aint done, but the heavyweight division could use a hero.

I totall agree. Both sports are like comparing basketball to football. You can't compare them.

My good friend fights in the UFC. Ivan Salaverry. He's a submission style fighter. He's not the greatest UFC fighter but he's not the worst either.

I like Diego Sanchez... That boy is mean!!

Besides boxing in the Heavyweight division has sucked ever since Lenox Lewis retired..


But this little Filipino (Manny Pacquiao) is the shit!!! ;D

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Boxing is in the dumps, there is no doubt about that, we haven't had a Tyson, Ali, Foreman, Fraizer, Marciano etc lately but it will come back but if you think for one second a pro boxer would loose to those guys then you need a reality check. Even guys like Prince Nasim would crush those losers. Give a pro boxer 4 oz gloves and they legally can't fight, they would kill you. Take those two ass clowns at their prime and put them in the ring with Tyson in his prime and it wouldn't last 15 seconds. How soon we forget how good the baddest man to ever walk this planet was.


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Guest JMT

but you are ignoring the fact that there are weight classes in both sports. thats like saying put Tyson in the ring with Roberto Duran.

there might be a reason why no boxer is yet to dominate the UFC. one-dimensional fighters pretty much got phased out by UFC 5. tyson considered a run in K1 a couple years ago. i dont think he ever tried it.

terry, your boy manny p is an animal. i saw his last 2 fights vs. eric morales on hbo.

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Guest LeVeL

Saleens comments are ridiculous...a Boxer wont last too long in the UFC, he would be taken apart by a Jiu Jitsu, wrestler, sambo, kick boxer or Judo guy.

I saw the fight on Saturday and it was better than the last fight but Liddel wont lose anytime soon. Rampage Jackson is a good opponent and it will equal to a lot of ratings but Rampage is on a downfall in his career. He never got over the hump when he was @ Pride, he was never able to beat Wanderlei Silva. Rampage will get knocked out by Liddel in a fight, the only guy out there that will take it to Liddel on a toe to toe match is Wanderlei Silva which will be hard to see when he is the Superstar of Pride Fighting Championships.

Look at this question that Wanderlei was asked about Liddel...

What about your fight against Chuck Liddell, it will finally happen?

Man, I am almost embarrassing to talk about that. I challenged him, I went up in the ring and the guy never shows up. The truth is that I am here, I am the category champion and I am ready to face anyone.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I totally agree that no boxer would last long in a street fight with a UFC Champion in the same weight class.

Bottom line, there are 2 kinds of bad asses in the world. Well make it 3 if you include the complete psycho bad ass who get phased by nothing..

The other 2 are 2nd and 3rd degree black belts in any of the martial arts disiplines.

And the third is a wrestler!

I don't care how good you are in the boxing ring. If any skilled wrestler gets you on the ground you're screwed...

There are way to many rules in boxing. Not enough of the body is used in boxing.

In fact fighting a submission style fight for 3 minutes is more exhausting than fighting a boxing round for 3 minutes any day!

I once got in a fight with someone when I was younger and were evenly matched. I'm not at all saying that I'm a complete bad ass or anything but when you fight someone who is equally skilled as you are the fight can go on a long time.

The average street fight lasts no more than 20 seconds. Imagine fighting a street fight for close to 20 minutes like in my case. It was the most exhausting thing I had ever done in my life.

In boxing you can rest your body against the person you are boxing against. You can even rest laying up against the ropes.

In the UFC Octagon, you are constantly tangled up with someone and you are spending every moment locked in combat with that person. None of this dancing around the ring shit..

In the UFC, if a fighter grabs someone wrong or loses his grip for a split second during a submission hold against someone who has good defense on the gorund, their done...

BTW watch out for the growing womens UFC league. I have a lady friend in that also and I wouldn't fuck with her....


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Guest Mattivi

JMT and Terry are right, u cant compare the two, and and a MMA fighter is a more well rounded fighter than a boxer, hence the phrase "MIXED MARTIAL ARTIST". who cares how big the fuck tyson is how fast sugar ray's hands were?, when a MMA shoots him to floor and grounds and pounds his face to a bloody pulp. its no contest, thats your reality check, because once these guys get these 'boxers' to the ground its game over.

i payed to watch the fights and it was worth every frigging penny. dont get me wrong, im not hating on boxing, but i would rather watch a UFC fight any day over the week over a boxing match. to come in here and try to marginalize the sport with trumped up comments about it being some lapdog to boxing is moronic at best. good day.

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Guest Tru1


I agree with you most of the time on the club stuff...but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about here.

Case in point, in the early UFC's (remember the joyce gracie days) they paired up all kinds of the top strikers in the world against the submission guys..guess what happened... Submission guys won amost every time.

You have to be well rounded.

I have been a martial artist just about my entire life...(dad got me into shotokan karate at four, got my black belt at 15). I was a captain of my high school wrestling team.

I have had the pleasure of training with one of the Gracie brothers during a clinic while I was in college...let me tell you something, this guy was about 5'9" and maybe 180. You lock him in a room with just about anyone on this planet and my money says he is the one that would be walking out.

The only weakness that a pure submission fighter has in the real world is what happens when you are on the ground submitting a guy when his buddies come over and hit you over the head with a rock.

You gotta be well rounded...if you are fighting a champion boxer...take it to the ground. If you are fighting a collegiate all american wrestler...don't let him get his hands on you...stick and move...sprawl.

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With the money that has poured into this dumb sport and by watching that video it's clear some C level boxer is going to smash them all.

this is exactly how i feel about nascar, going around in a circle 200 plus times and they spend billions...even if i were blasted id still fall asleep.

freestyle/cage fighting has been around for years but since it started as a non american sport, it's automatically a dumb sport.

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Boxing is in the dumps, there is no doubt about that, we haven't had a Tyson, Ali, Foreman, Fraizer, Marciano etc lately but it will come back but if you think for one second a pro boxer would loose to those guys then you need a reality check. Even guys like Prince Nasim would crush those losers. Give a pro boxer 4 oz gloves and they legally can't fight, they would kill you. Take those two ass clowns at their prime and put them in the ring with Tyson in his prime and it wouldn't last 15 seconds. How soon we forget how good the baddest man to ever walk this planet was.


No wonder you love your displacements V8's, you are a true classic example of the average patriot that has passion in an "american" sport because of how BIG something is.

Big is better is basically what you are saying. Tyson has great punches...can he also do submissions? I didn't see any in that video, let me watch it one more time.

Jiu Jitsu guys will take any average 200-300lbs amateur boxer on the street, if he's really paranoid he might even get you close to death as i've seen in many incidents on the news. It's not about how big your biceps are, yes that helps, but it won't really mean much when you're chin is scraping the floor and you're lungs are reaching for that last breath of air. It's all about the submissions, that's what makes it a true intense sport, agility to act fast, know what your opponent is going to do next, ect.

UFC, AFC, Pride, u name it....i dont call it "wrestling" because "wrestling" is entirely something else...since "vale tudo" or "freestyle/cage fighting" has many different martial arts that can be used by fighters such as aikido, jiu jitsu, boxing, u name it...the point of the game is to end the fight as fast as you can, not to give a show to the crowd. I've seen not so BIG fighters end fights in less than 30-60 seconds. It's not the wrestling as some may call it, it's all about submissions.

I grew up around Judo, know many people that do jiu-jitsu, a client of mine(big guy, 5'11 @ 240) has been doing cage fighting for many many years, not professionally. Good sport.

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Guest XHF037

Didn't something like this already go down back in the 70's with Ali and some japanese judo wrestler?

Wasn't that in the WWF?

As for the Tito vs Liddell fight,it was a good one as a matter of fact all the fights that night were great or had some great knockout blows.I was rooting for Tito but Liddel is just too good to be beaten at this time,Ortiz took him to the ground once and couldn't do anything.If Tito could've taken him to a 4th round then maybe he could've had a chance,we all know how great Tito is in conditioning and Liddell was showing signs of fatigue.I think that will be the last Ortiz-Liddell fight.

I'm hoping to see Liddell vs Silva or vs Rampage Jackson in where Jackson defeated Chuck in a Pride fight but it will be great to see them go at it again.I hope that happens very very soon.

UFC-PRIDE > Boxing anytime...We all know that the techniques of a UFC fighter is much more then a boxer.A boxer on the ground won't have any success.If it to be a street fight a boxer will be out of there.Boxing isn't what it use to be and with time UFC will be bigger then boxing.

Btw what was up with Forrest Griffen crying like a baby after he got his ass kicked?! ??? ::)

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Guest LeVeL

Btw what was up with Forrest Griffen crying like a baby after he got his ass kicked?! ??? ::)

Dude Forrest was winning the fight before he got knocked out, these fighters train for months for some of these fights. By losing to the "Dean of Mean" Forest ruined his chances at a title fight. Now he is going to have to go up the ladder again.

I would cry too...your only human.

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Guest swirlundergrounder


I agree with you most of the time on the club stuff...but you clearly have no idea what you are talking about here.

Case in point, in the early UFC's (remember the joyce gracie days) they paired up all kinds of the top strikers in the world against the submission guys..guess what happened... Submission guys won amost every time.

You have to be well rounded.

I have been a martial artist just about my entire life...(dad got me into shotokan karate at four, got my black belt at 15). I was a captain of my high school wrestling team.

I have had the pleasure of training with one of the Gracie brothers during a clinic while I was in college...let me tell you something, this guy was about 5'9" and maybe 180. You lock him in a room with just about anyone on this planet and my money says he is the one that would be walking out.

The only weakness that a pure submission fighter has in the real world is what happens when you are on the ground submitting a guy when his buddies come over and hit you over the head with a rock.

You gotta be well rounded...if you are fighting a champion boxer...take it to the ground. If you are fighting a collegiate all american wrestler...don't let him get his hands on you...stick and move...sprawl.

^Someone point this guy out to me next time I'm out so I don't fuck with him...LOL

That's the thing. An average street fight usually ends up on the ground within a matter or seconds and if you have no skills on the ground your fast boxing hands aren't going to help you...

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Guest lyrik

Didn't something like this already go down back in the 70's with Ali and some japanese judo wrestler?

Wasn't that in the WWF?

No did a brief look up because I could have sworn this happened and it did back in 76...Ali and a Japanese Judo Champion went 15 rounds of what was broadly titled the most boring 15 rounds in Ali's ring history...basically the Judo fighter wouldn't get off his back to stand and fight and Ali was too good of a fighter to be taken down that way by low leg kicks from a guy sitting on his ass...its all about technique and power...meaning he would have nocked the dude out of the ring had he stood up and tried to punch with him...but instead this guy just played defense the entire fight.

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Didn't something like this already go down back in the 70's with Ali and some japanese judo wrestler?

Wasn't that in the WWF?

No did a brief look up because I could have sworn this happened and it did back in 76...Ali and a Japanese Judo Champion went 15 rounds of what was broadly titled the most boring 15 rounds in Ali's ring history...basically the Judo fighter wouldn't get off his back to stand and fight and Ali was too good of a fighter to be taken down that way by low leg kicks from a guy sitting on his ass...its all about technique and power...meaning he would have nocked the dude out of the ring had he stood up and tried to punch with him...but instead this guy just played defense the entire fight.


It's pretty obvious I'm right on this one, no one wants to go near a real pro boxer, especially some dude who likes to cuddle on the ground. They are out gunned, this ass clown didn't even go near Ali.

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that wasnt a real fight. the rules did not allow the judo champion (Inoki) to strike Ali with his fists, and he was not allowed to take Ali down to the mat. it was a farce and ended in a draw. Inoki was also a "professional wrestler".

Rocky Balboa vs. Thunderlips was a better fight.


watch the video, the guy was so scared of Ali he didn't get even close enough to him to punch Ali...

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Guest JMT

he didnt punch him because he wasnt allowed to with a bare fist. just like he wasnt allowed to wrestle him to the ground.

basically, the fight was mutually fixed publicity event.

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