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Are Girls attracted to SHEMALES? (question for Girls and Guys)


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As I conclude from prior post about female bi-sexuality – It seems that a lot of girls prefer that gentle smooth touch of a woman – but to put it bluntly still crave the dick – well what about the best of both worlds from one person – this question always somewhat puzzled me confused.gif because my own lady is repulsed by them but yet she loves my “anatomy” and she likes the female form –but never together – how bout the rest of you?

PS well guys can answer this post too – are any of you attracted to SHEMALES – do you think that makes you gay/straight? confused.gif


cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND

K alwayscomesbac K



AIM: ZUinc2000

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In the beginning G** created the heavens and the earths. So evening came and morning came; it was the first day.

G** said let there be a vulva between the waters, to separate piss from pussy juice. Evening came, and morning came the second day.

G** said,"let the pussy juice under the heavens be gathered into one place so that dry land may appear; and so it was. G** called the dry land pussy lips and gathering of the water he called orgasm squarting. He saw that it was good. then He said "let the earth produce growing things; let there be on the earth plants that bear seed" (need i explain that the creation of penis thus happened" Evening came, and morning came the third day.

G** said, "let there be penis in the vulva of the heavens and let them serve as signs both for festivals and orgasms. Evening came, and morning came, the fourth day.

G** said " Let the water teem with living creatures and let stars of orgasm fly above the earth across the vulva of heavens. Evening came, and morning came, the fifth day.

G** said, "let the earth bring the living creatures, according to their various kinds:cattle, creeping things, and wild animals, all according to their various kinds" so it was G** made cattle, wild animals and creeping things and he saw that it was good. the G** said " let us make human beings in our image. he finally united ovulating vulva with seeminated penis and thus came out Adam and Eve.Evening came, and morning came, the sixth day.

thus the heavens and the earth were completed. On the sixth day he brought to an end all the work he had been doing; on the seventh day, having FINISHED ALL THE WORK, HE BLESSED THE DAY AND MADE IT HOLY!

so see my point is the holy He never created a shehe........so :P

p.s. i want to apologise right if it has offended anyone. if you are really bothered by this post please let me know and i will erase it! i dont mean to offend anyone or start any sort of drama.



"Luna, thank you so much!"

[This message has been edited by orchid21 (edited 02-21-2001).]

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From a guy perspective - I don't think if you find a shemale attractive makes you gay.. People who think that way are insecure with their sexuality. Same goes with people who are homophobic - saying that they would never party in the same room with gay people cause their friends would think of them of being gay cause they hangout with gay people...I'm very open-minded and secure with my sexuality and not afraid to hangout with the same sex.. Yes!!! I'm 100% straight but if I see a beautiful person then I'll acknowledge their beauty doesn't matter if it's a he or she... "Beauty is beauty" I have friends who are gay-straight-bi's and she-males.. People are people - get with the program... smile.gif

Not for nothing but some of these she-males look better looking then some of the real woman... just my opinion - and yes my girlfriend finds them attractive also - she is bi smile.gif Like she said - it's a dream come true for bisexual people having both sex in one... Anyway Unbound if your girl is into SHE-MALES and you yourself I recommend these 2 places..

Club Edelweiss

578 11th Ave.

corner of 43rd st... (3 Blocks away from SF)

(212) 629-1021



22 Seventh Ave.

corner of Leroy St.

(212) 802-9502

Monday or Saturday

[This message has been edited by ~richie~ (edited 02-21-2001).]

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I like my men

I like my women

I do not like them mixed up.

It's just that sometimes I crave a slinky gal, soft, feiminine, sexy.

And sometimes i want a rugged man. Hot, horny and fuck-a-liscious.

But that's just me.

(fuck-a-liscious? where the hell did i get that from?) cwm13.gif

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Originally posted by pendragon:

I like my men

I like my women

I do not like them mixed up.

It's just that sometimes I crave a slinky gal, soft, feiminine, sexy.

And sometimes i want a rugged man. Hot, horny and fuck-a-liscious.

But that's just me.

(fuck-a-liscious? where the hell did i get that from?) cwm13.gif

- just a curiosity are you male or female?


cwm29.gif Unbound getting UNWOUND

K alwayscomesbac K



AIM: ZUinc2000

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