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Cold Wheather where are you??? Why is it still in the 80's??

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

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Guest Cosmigonon

I hear you Terry. I love Miami winters cause it's just the right amount of cold for a couple of weeks, but this is just ridiculous. I want to wear some winter gear!!!

We have the rest of the year to melt in the scorching sun... >:(

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Guest Major

Kirkland, WA 28F feels like 28F. Wet & windy all week. Don't forget to take your raincoat from Northwest Apparel and your umberella fom Bon Marche. ;D

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Guest Seb

I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

maybe it has something to do with that "myth" they call Global Warming ;D

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Guest slamminshaun

I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

maybe it has something to do with that "myth" they call Global Warming ;D

That's a cop-out. In fact, the normally very-liberal Brian Williams even reported that El Nino is in fact the cause of the warm weather this year. He had one of the top scientists from NOAA come on his program and say so. Dennis Feltgen, NOAA Meteorologist: "It's not global warming at all, Brian. It is El Nino, El Nino, El Nino." So what happened next?

Well, NBC's liberal fan base went bonkers, posting fucked up shit on NBC's Nightly News blog and telling Brian he should've blamed Bush for the whole thing. And how did NBC respond to this? LOL...they re-ran the segment the next night, but this time they brought in a "global warming" scientist who dutifully blamed Bush and more or less said the guy at NOAA doesn't know what he's talking about. NOAA doesn't know anything about the weather and a few nutty bloggers do?

NBC's blog

Way to pander to your audience Brian. As far as they're concerned, if you blame anything other than Bush, you're not a real reporter. ::)

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I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

maybe it has something to do with that "myth" they call Global Warming ;D


what did you sayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Guest clubchicky

I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

maybe it has something to do with that "myth" they call Global Warming ;D

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...now i am not saying we are going to become like "The Day After Tomorrow" any time soon but small changes can be felt now....but screw it, yes we do live in Florida and I say HELL YEAH...let me get my bikini out :-*

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

maybe it has something to do with that "myth" they call Global Warming ;D

..but screw it, yes we do live in Florida and I say HELL YEAH...let me get my bikini out :-*

Comments such as this will prompt the pervs on this board to demand you to post pictures of you in your bikini... :P
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Guest coach

How can you possibly complain??? I think it is luverly! What is up with this wind, though?!

Maybe we'll go to beach this weekend and enjoy some bikini babes.

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Guest AlanS

Fortunately, the Democrats now control Congress, so we can expect cold winters from now on, right?



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Guest slamminshaun

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...

And now you're an expert because you rented the DVD? That's like saying I'm an expert on the Kennedy Assassination because I watched JFK.

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Guest Devilicious

Fortunately, the Democrats now control Congress, so we can expect cold winters from now on, right?


Personally I like a bit of chilly weather for a few months. It's going to be 90 again before we know it :-\

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...

And now you're an expert because you rented the DVD? That's like saying I'm an Ass.

HA HA you know yourself so well.. :P
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Guest pod

Shit happens. We'll just build arcologies and let the planet go hang. Either that or I'll steal Space Ship Two and go elsewhere. Oh wait, it's suborbital. Damnit. Hold off on that.

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Guest clubchicky

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...

And now you're an expert because you rented the DVD? That's like saying I'm an expert on the Kennedy Assassination because I watched JFK.

that's cute...did you come up with that all on your own??? haha...I never said I was an expert..I was just interested in seeing it and learned alot.

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Guest slamminshaun

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...

And now you're an expert because you rented the DVD? That's like saying I'm an expert on the Kennedy Assassination because I watched JFK.

that's cute...did you come up with that all on your own??? haha...I never said I was an expert..I was just interested in seeing it and learned alot.

Sorry, I was just hungover that day. But I will say this, how can you say something is "definitely" affecting our weather if you're not an expert? The only point I was making was, maybe you "think" it's affecting our weather....but you don't "definitely" know for sure do you? Welcome to Junkie Chat... ;D

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Guest clubchicky

yeah I realize it was my so-called "definitely" that put the bug up your ass LOL......next time I will be more careful with my word choices for you ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I agree...I rented the movie that is out now called the "Inconvenient Truth"...and it definitely is affecting our weather conditions every where...

And now you're an expert because you rented the DVD? That's like saying I'm an expert on the Kennedy Assassination because I watched JFK.

that's cute...did you come up with that all on your own??? haha...I never said I was an expert..I was just interested in seeing it and learned alot.

Sorry' date=' I was just hungover that day. But I will say this, how can you say something is "definitely" affecting our weather if you're not an expert? The only point I was making was, maybe you "think" it's affecting our weather....but you don't "definitely" know for sure do you? Welcome to Junkie Chat... ;D

[/quote']If an expert told you something then you can almost say for sure....

Here it comes from SS...."Al Gore is no expert on Global Warming'...

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Guest slamminshaun

Here it comes from SS...."Al Gore is no expert on Global Warming'...

Al Gore majored in English at Harvard (where he was in the bottom 20th percentile of his class). Then he switched his major to government. After returning from the Army where he was a journalist, he studied law and religion at Vanderbilt. After he lost his presidential bid, he became a professor at Columbia School of Journalism.

Help me Terry, I'm failing to see his expert qualifications in science. Fuck man, I'll even accept 3rd place at his middle school science fair....I don't think he even did that!

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Here it comes from SS...."Al Gore is no expert on Global Warming'...

Al Gore majored in English at Harvard (where he was in the bottom 20th percentile of his class). Then he switched his major to government. After returning from the Army where he was a journalist' date=' he studied law and religion at Vanderbilt. After he lost his presidential bid, he became a professor at Columbia School of Journalism.

Help me Terry, I'm failing to see his expert qualifications in science. Fuck man, I'll even accept 3rd place at his middle school science fair....I don't think he even did that!

[/quote']Wow. Thats quite a list of stuff he's done in his career..

Maybe if you watched his movie you could see all the credentials he has working on the environment including footage of him in a variety of time periods and numerous locations around the world accompanying scientists that have verified their finds from Antarctica to Greenland to the North Pole..

On top of that he wrote a book 15 years ago on the called 'Earth in Balance' and he also was the main proponent behind the Kyoto Protocol.

I would think that if one were to write and publish a book that still remians on the NY Times Best Seller List as of this day and to address millions of people in 160 nations around the world and be the leading proponent in the Kyoto Protocol that this person would somewhat know what they are talking about..

What's your address? I will send you a copy of his DVD... I challange you to watch it. It's only 70 mins long.

That is if you are open minded enough for something like that....

If you have a DVD about something that Dick Cheney believes in I'll watch it... Send it to me..


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