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Cold Wheather where are you??? Why is it still in the 80's??

Guest swirlundergrounder

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Guest clubchicky

ok...republican or democrat or whatever the hell you believe in...it doesn't matter much...facts are facts....if you research the history of the Earth and what has happened in the past....will show that history repeats itself...we will have another ice age and half the population will die off blah, blah, blah....to tell you the truth it really won't matter a hell of alot because by the time this happens we will be already dead!

and I may not be any expert but my science classes have paid off and they don't talk about political affiliation anyway! oh yeah I forgot I am an English major...so I guess I am not qualified to talk about science huh Shaun??? ;D

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Guest slamminshaun

On top of that he wrote a book 15 years ago on the called 'Earth in Balance'

I would think that if one were to write and publish a book that still remians on the NY Times Best Seller List as of this day and to address millions of people in 160 nations around the world and be the leading proponent in the Kyoto Protocol that this person would somewhat know what they are talking about..

I never said Al Gore didn't believe all that guff he spits out. All you've proven to me thus far is that he actually believes what he writes, still haven't proven what his credentials are as a scientist, but sounds like some of his friends might be.

He's an English, Law, Religion major who taught journalism at Columbia. He's qualified to help you find Jesus and pronouns, but not harmful gasses...wait, actually, he is qualified to help you find harmful gasses, just follow that unnecessary private jet he flies around in.

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Guest clubchicky

"He's qualified to help you find Jesus and pronouns, but not harmful gasses...wait, actually, he is qualified to help you find harmful gasses, just follow that unnecessary private jet he flies around in. "


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Guest musicalmissionary

On top of that he wrote a book 15 years ago on the called 'Earth in Balance'

I would think that if one were to write and publish a book that still remians on the NY Times Best Seller List as of this day and to address millions of people in 160 nations around the world and be the leading proponent in the Kyoto Protocol that this person would somewhat know what they are talking about..

I never said Al Gore didn't believe all that guff he spits out. All you've proven to me thus far is that he actually believes what he writes' date=' still haven't proven what his credentials are as a scientist, but sounds like some of his friends might be.

He's an English, Law, Religion major who taught journalism at Columbia. He's qualified to help you find Jesus and pronouns, but not harmful gasses...wait, actually, he is qualified to help you find harmful gasses, just follow that unnecessary private jet he flies around in.


What's the job of a journalist? Observe and report... right? So... if a journalist travels around the world and observes and reports about the work that scientists are doing... then should I discredit his report because he himself is not a scientist??

When you jerk off to Fox News... aren't those human figures on the screen just journalists reporting on things they see and hear...???

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Guest coach

How long has it been since Gore graduated college? Who gives a fuck what he studied in college? What has he been studying *since* is the question.

Oh, and Chicky, whoever told you that history repeats itself was mistaken. If that were true, where are the dinosaurs, now?

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Guest slamminshaun

What's the job of a journalist? Observe and report... right? So... if a journalist travels around the world and observes and reports about the work that scientists are doing... then should I discredit his report because he himself is not a scientist??

When you jerk off to Fox News... aren't those human figures on the screen just journalists reporting on things they see and hear...???

Read carefully and slowly....

I did not say Gore didn't have the right to report what scientists are saying, but reporting what others say and being an "expert" are two completely different things. Just because you agree with what he says, doesn't indoctrinate him as an expert....

Coach, I agree with you. What has he done *since* his old college days? Well, he was a professor at the Columbia School of Journalism AFTER he lost his presidential bid in 2000. Unless he was teaching environmental physics for journalists 101, I seriously doubt he had anything to do with science, proving again he is NOT an expert in science.

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Guest coach
Unless he was teaching environmental physics for journalists 101' date='

[/quote']LOL, man, that hurts my head just thinking about it.

Of course, studying, working in, and teaching journalism would *seem* to be a good way to be qualified to make a movie. At least to me. I mean, you certainly wouldn't want some dorky scientist trying to set a scene or create a storyline.

I haven't seen the movie, so I would say that its believability would hinge on who is IN the movie and what their credentials are. If Gore is interviewing environmental scientists, then that is legitimate. If he is just spouting off from his own "knowledge" then that would indeed be suspect.

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Guest clubchicky

How long has it been since Gore graduated college? Who gives a fuck what he studied in college? What has he been studying *since* is the question.

Oh, and Chicky, whoever told you that history repeats itself was mistaken. If that were true, where are the dinosaurs, now?

Yeah, where are the dinosaurs ??? ???

Oh I know...I wait on them every night at my bar...ya know the ones that order old crow bourbon old fashions with extra bitters and no sugar ;)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

On top of that he wrote a book 15 years ago on the called 'Earth in Balance'

I would think that if one were to write and publish a book that still remians on the NY Times Best Seller List as of this day and to address millions of people in 160 nations around the world and be the leading proponent in the Kyoto Protocol that this person would somewhat know what they are talking about..

I never said Al Gore didn't believe all that guff he spits out. All you've proven to me thus far is that he actually believes what he writes' date=' still haven't proven what his credentials are as a scientist, but sounds like some of his friends might be.

He's an English, Law, Religion major who taught journalism at Columbia. He's qualified to help you find Jesus and pronouns, but not harmful gasses...wait, actually, he is qualified to help you find harmful gasses, just follow that unnecessary private jet he flies around in.

[/quote']So what qualifies George Bush to send 150,000 troops to Iraq?

WTF man? Does a musician who loves music, works a regular job 9-5 in a job that's not in the music industry, and does not get paid for the music that he has loved all his life, not called an expert in music?

What if the environmental cause was something like a hobbie for Al Gore? He's obviously spent more time observing the environment and gathering information from scientists, more than most people in this country.

Isn't that part of what knowledge is? Isn't gathering and exchanging information part of knowledge?

Just becasue someone doesn't get paid for their passion or earn a degree in something doesn't mean that they are not experts.

Why don't you watch the movie? To chicken?? Bak..Bak..Bak..Bak ...Buck!! :P

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Guest swirlundergrounder
Unless he was teaching environmental physics for journalists 101,

LOL, man, that hurts my head just thinking about it.

Of course, studying, working in, and teaching journalism would *seem* to be a good way to be qualified to make a movie. At least to me. I mean, you certainly wouldn't want some dorky scientist trying to set a scene or create a storyline.

I haven't seen the movie, so I would say that its believability would hinge on who is IN the movie and what their credentials are. If Gore is interviewing environmental scientists, then that is legitimate. If he is just spouting off from his own "knowledge" then that would indeed be suspect.

The movie has footage of him allo over the world with scientists who have been studying this issue since the 60's ...

They even have Al Gore in Antarctica with a group of scientists looking at frozen ice sheets that show the carbon levels of the Earth that have been frozen in time for 600,000 years..!!

There's a whole gang of data on that DVD that Al Gore presents in a Bi-Partisan (non-partisan way).

And the data on the DVD is blatently simple and obvious to understand.

Some of you non believers shouldn't be judging until you've actually seen it.

Like I said before people, PM me with your address and I will mail you a copy of the DVD..

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Guest swirlundergrounder

What's the job of a journalist? Observe and report... right? So... if a journalist travels around the world and observes and reports about the work that scientists are doing... then should I discredit his report because he himself is not a scientist??

When you jerk off to Fox News... aren't those human figures on the screen just journalists reporting on things they see and hear...???

Read carefully and slowly....

I did not say Gore didn't have the right to report what scientists are saying' date=' but reporting what others say and being an "expert" are two completely different things. Just because you agree with what he says, doesn't indoctrinate him as an expert....

[/quote']Dude you're telling all of us not to believe in the information that Al Gore is relaying to the public from these scientists.

Al Gore more than these scientists have the means to deliver their message to more people than they do.

Shaun you are shooting the messenger..

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Guest slamminshaun

Dude you're telling all of us not to believe in the information that Al Gore is relaying to the public from these scientists.

I didn't say that, believe what you want. But please go back and read my posts more carefully. I was pretty clear. I said Al Gore is not an expert, and a bunch of you had a coronary over it. Saying Al Gore isn't an expert has nothing to do with the credentials of the people he's "reporting" on.

What if the environmental cause was something like a hobbie for Al Gore?

Exactly my point. Anyone who tours the world in a private jet and has two homes the size of a football field obviously isn't serious about saving the Earth, it's more like a hobby. It's easy to tell others how to live, just as long as he doesn't have to make any sacrifices himself.

Shaun you are shooting the messenger..

I thought Al Gore was an expert. Now he's just a messenger? I see I've made some progress with you in this thread.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I thought Al Gore was an expert. Now he's just a messenger? I see I've made some progress with you in this thread.

Since when does being a spokesperson (messenger) disqualify you from being an expert?

Dude quit trying to twist shit around.

Let me give you an example of something that may make more sense to you.

Say someone who did not know me and my wife spoke to both of us about music with the knowledge that one of us has a degree in music but did not know which one of us had a degree in music.

That person would say that clearly Terry has the degree in music not his wife.

Wrong! My wife has a degree in music from Duke University. But between me and her I know far more about music than she does!

So are you going to try and tell me that you would disqualify my obvious knowledge and expertise in music just because I did not formally study it and obtain a degree in it?

And if I sat down and told you about topics in music that I was knowledgable in than you would just call me a messenger and not an expert?

Dude you are way off base this time.. !

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Guest slamminshaun

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact, I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side. Apparently, considering both sides of this issue should be grounds for decertification of your scientific credentials. Check out what a Weather Channel climatologist has to say....

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I thought it is supposed to be really cold down here this time of the year? We only got maybe a week of cold wheather.

I thought it was supposed to be steady 60's from December through March??

WTF?? It's going to be in the 80's this weekend again??

This is BS.. I want to wear some jackets for a few months before it ges nasty hot again..

then move to a cold state.. i personally like the weather right now and hate the cold weather.

GLOBAL WARMING MY ASS. If it's global warming then how come the hi record was 82 for this day back in 1955? and today it was 70 something? I thought global warming just started during Bush's term (according to most left wingers)

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact' date=' I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side.

[/quote']Wait you also consider the doom and gloom side of the issue?

Sounds like you're "FLIP-FLOPPING" to me!! ;D

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Guest slamminshaun

More idiots! Can someone please explain why this guy deserves an award? Flying across the ocean in a jumbo jet to pick up a conservation award seems pretty ironic to me.

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Guest coach

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact' date=' I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side.


Because that is the way you come off. If you find that people are often misreading you, that probably means you need to work on your presentation.

Your link is on crack. Just gives a lot of strings of error nonsense.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact, I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side.

Because that is the way you come off. If you find that people are often misreading you, that probably means you need to work on your presentation.

That's so true...
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Guest slamminshaun

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact, I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side.

Because that is the way you come off. If you find that people are often misreading you, that probably means you need to work on your presentation.

If I blindly agreed with everything you posted you would perceive me as enlightened and perceptive.
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Guest coach

It amazes me that I'm the one considered "hard-headed" and "ignorant" when in fact' date=' I actually consider BOTH sides, not just the doom and gloom side.


Because that is the way you come off. If you find that people are often misreading you, that probably means you need to work on your presentation.

If I blindly agreed with everything you posted you would perceive me as enlightened and perceptive.

No, but it is extreme statements like this that make you seem closed minded and hard headed. I'm not saying you are, I'm just pointing out why people seem to misread you from the way you really are.
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Guest swirlundergrounder

So when this turn into a thread about Global Warming anyways?

It's snowing in L.A! Where our cold wheather???

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Guest coach

Heh, try telling my friends back in Dallas that global warming is here. It freaking snowed pretty heavily there a couple days ago. Maaaaaaaaybe we just live in paradise (but don't tell anyone).

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