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Residents Battle Proposed Private Party Ban -- Miami Beach


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MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -- Miami Beach residents and city commissioners are going head to head over a proposed amendment that would make it illegal to have private gatherings at home.

Residents met at the Miami Beach City Hall Wednesday afternoon to discuss the deep repercussions for the residents if the amendment passes.

The proposed amendment would ban all large private gatherings and would discourage private parties for events such as the Super Bowl or MTV awards in the city of Miami Beach.

It may also limit the current status as a city that welcomes events of national prestige.

Such restrictions are unheard of in other world-class cities both in the United States and Europe, and residents said they just couldn't allow this in Miami Beach.

"So the intent of the ordinance we support," Alex Heckler, an attorney representing some homeowners', said. "However, the way it is written, it actually affects everyday homeowner and resident from having their own private events."

If passed, the amendment would make illegal any private gathering of guests in your home where together guests may bring in excess of $100 of food, wine or contribution to cleaning.

This would mean that 15 guests, each bringing a gift or bottle of wine worth more $7 each, would be considered a commercial event, in violation of the law.

"Any event were your receive over $100 in gifts, goods or services would therefore be illegal and you would be fined," Heckler said.

The party may be shut down immediately and homeowners or renters would be liable for fines that would begin at $1,000 and may exceed $15,000.

The ordinance would preclude, even on private property, such events as Christmas parties, cocktail parties, birthday parties, barbecues if gifts are exchanged or food or drink contributed wherein and the total value of all gifts exceed $100.

The law was originally intended to protect homeowners from the unscrupulous renting of homes for large parties where ticket charges, sale of alcohol, large amounts of traffic, noise, garbage and other such annoyances are causing neighbors discomfort.

"I think as far as the noise issue is concerned, that needs to be modified," concerned resident Karyn Robinson said. "At 2 a.m., I don't want my kids coming downstairs saying they can't get to sleep because of noise."

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Guest pod
hey! i'm a miami beach resident!

/love it when we make nat'l news

//planning one last "rager" before this passes.

///doesn't think this will really pass. bunch of hullabaloo (sp?).

Haha, I found Ryan on Fark.

It could happen though. Too many people on the sandbar have their heads up their asses.

Coach, look around you, do those people look like they notice or care?

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Guest Devilicious

I'm not Mayor Dermer's biggest fan.

He comes to our events (non-profit work) to show support sometimes, which is great. But when he's there, he's pretty rude. He never gives the attendees or staff the attention or respect they deserve. He is there for the picture, to say he supports the community, but he doesn't even care.

Yesterday he called the meeting of the Commission to order and immediately stepped out for the next hour while the commissioners recognized outstanding citizens for their contributions to the community. Again, rude.

And I for one, do vote, even in our local elections. We have one coming up at the end of the month.

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Guest coach
hey! i'm a miami beach resident!

/love it when we make nat'l news

//planning one last "rager" before this passes.

///doesn't think this will really pass. bunch of hullabaloo (sp?).

Haha, I found Ryan on Fark.

It could happen though. Too many people on the sandbar have their heads up their asses.

Coach, look around you, do those people look like they notice or care?

Were you there for the rallies that defeated the 2am closing? Place was overflowing. I'm sure we'll be back for that again, but it went down once already.

If you have been watching the trend, you will have seen that as time goes on, more and more is going against the big developers and condo owners.

I am sure this was proposed by some 80 year old local who has been here since it was a mangrove swamp. And, like everything in MB, it starts out radical and then will either get modified to something more realistic or get defeated.

I mean, it is a real problem, if small, people renting their big places out and causing trouble in residential areas. If fuctards wouldn't do shit like that, then we wouldn't have these issues arise. But greedy assholes don't want to pay the proper fees to create a real venue, so they have to do it on the sly.

This ordinance is obviously WAY over the top, and will be shot down. I mean, the article is all about how the residents are coming out in opposition of it, so I don't know how you can say that no one cares.

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hey! i'm a miami beach resident!

/love it when we make nat'l news

//planning one last "rager" before this passes.

///doesn't think this will really pass. bunch of hullabaloo (sp?).

Haha, I found Ryan on Fark.

It could happen though. Too many people on the sandbar have their heads up their asses.

Coach, look around you, do those people look like they notice or care?

i'm still looking for you...

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Guest Tru1

If this passes it will hurt Miami Beach, and all of South Florida in the long run.

Sobe has the reputation as one of the premier destinations in the world. What I don't fucking understand is if people buy a multi-million dollar property in miami beach because it is miami beach, why try and make it less of the place that you opted to purchase in the first place?

If you want a quieter lifestyle there are plenty of equally or more posh areas in Broward, Boca Raton, and beyond. Why choose to live around all of the tumult if you don't enjoy it?

These people are retarded...move to one of the hundreds of other nice areas in S. Florida, don't try and mess up our international reputation, tourist, and celebrity appeal. These types of events, and the reputation that S. Florida enjoys from them is part of what is giving our region one of the best economies in the country.

People want to move to here...don't mess with that.

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Guest coach

Like I said, I doubt if this is the millionaires in the highrises. I think this comes from the older folks who lived here from "before." I know a few of the places they are talking about. Heck, I've even been to parties there. It was a dumbass, cheap move to put them in older residential areas. I think the ordinance is even a dumberass move to try to fix a small problem.

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Guest Editor

The ordinance is actually aimed at only a very few promoters who have apparently taken over certain houses and made them into permanent commercial party houses. The reason the city attorneys had to write such chicken-shit language into the ordinance is because the current law which covers it is easily circumvented by, for example...

BigCorp A is required by the promoter to post a $5,000 cash "security" bond with the promoter for a one-night event, then (surprise) the promoter simply says BigCorp violated the some obscure clause in the security bond agreement (wink) and retains the $5,000...and this happens time after time after time...etc. IOW, it's a way for BigCorp A to pay the promoter $5,000 for the party without calling it a "fee."

Personally, I think everything south of Palatka should be a Party Zone, but once again, all might have to suffer because of the actions of a very few people.


If you watch the tape on the city channel you'll hear some interesting bits of info. For example, during the recent war in Israel, the residents of Miami Beach raised $10 million+ dollars for the cause, but after some of these fund-raising events, people who had donated hundreds of thousands of dollars came out of the event to find parking tickets on their cars.

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Guest yume

Who was the wizard that came up with the $100 limit?

Seems like just a way to get some free media attention if you ask me. That number is a bit absurd.

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Guest dancefloored

lmao ;D

absolute joke!

free country lmao

sounds like the city of sobe is hooked up with club/restaurant owners to bring those large house parties injto their places of business

sfl is ridiculous

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Guest coach

sounds like the city of sobe is hooked up with club/restaurant owners to bring those large house parties injto their places of business

Oh, now this is actually a good supposition, I hadn't even considered this.

Kind of like when the Sobe clubs asked for the ban on flyering on the streets to keep the downtown clubs from stealing their people.

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Guest dancefloored

what I said probably off the wall, but lol never say never.

Look how shady the whitehouse is! Think Sobe is any better? And then of course your shadier than ever establishment owners

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Guest myles hie

The ordinance is actually aimed at only a very few promoters who have apparently taken over certain houses and made them into permanent commercial party houses. The reason the city attorneys had to write such chicken-shit language into the ordinance is because the current law which covers it is easily circumvented by, for example...

BigCorp A is required by the promoter to post a $5,000 cash "security" bond with the promoter for a one-night event, then (surprise) the promoter simply says BigCorp violated the some obscure clause in the security bond agreement (wink) and retains the $5,000...and this happens time after time after time...etc. IOW, it's a way for BigCorp A to pay the promoter $5,000 for the party without calling it a "fee."

Personally, I think everything south of Palatka should be a Party Zone, but once again, all might have to suffer because of the actions of a very few people.


If you watch the tape on the city channel you'll hear some interesting bits of info. For example, during the recent war in Israel, the residents of Miami Beach raised $10 million+ dollars for the cause, but after some of these fund-raising events, people who had donated hundreds of thousands of dollars came out of the event to find parking tickets on their cars.

Nail, meet head.

I was reading about something like this in the paper a few weeks ago.

The house party is the new ultra lounge on the beach

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Guest macboy

Funny, I've seen at least half the commission members at two different parties on Hibiscus Island in the last couple months. I'd say it's a little hypocritical, but I haven't seen who is coming down on which side.

BTW, these commisioners sometimes do their politcal fundraisers at these mansions - will they ban those as well? ;D

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Guest james stratus

Anything like this even gets close to passing will bring the ACLU in to play. This is just another attempt at government to take away our right to "peacably assemle", and even in our own homes. Also this is just stupid becasue then you can;t even have christmas! So these idiots think that having your family and friends come over at Christmas time and give you what can amount to $1000s of dollars in gifts is illegal??? Because that would also fall under the criteria of this proposed law. What the Fuck!

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Guest JoeBudious

I have a private warehouse space still available for Superbowl events.

3 blocks from Performing Arts Center

Very nice.

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Guest pod

Very nice, how much. ;D

Seriously folks, we're in the minority here. Do you think Corky Coke-fiend in his condo will notice? Hell no! I doubt they could define the Bill of Rights if I had a gun to their head.

The problem with living in a leisure community is that the residents often are too busy in leisure to pay attention to when the government and the voting populace (old ladies, rich people with agendas) tries to do stuff like this.

Remember kids: Soap Box, Ballot Box, Ammo Box. Apply in that order. We seem to be an intelligent bunch here, I suggest we introduce our neighbors on both sides of the bridge to the benefits of taking direct political action when needed.

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Guest mr.miami

Can someone explain to me how one would determine what an illegal private gathering is? Police going to be going house to house to see if everyone lives there?

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Guest pod

Nope. It'll work on a complaint basis. Someone bitches next door (and you don't cut their phone lines or jam their cells beforehand), the cops show up, and you're fucked.

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Guest pod

Hahah. ;D

That made me feel better for some reason.

In jest yes, but it's the truth. I'm the first one to drop everything and have a drink or ten at the club, but I'm the first to step up if my leisure time is threatened by government intervention.

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