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Just bought a Samsung HDTV


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Guest swirlundergrounder

ok comcast provides the cable. they can come as early as wed but im not home so trying to schedule an appt when my sister is there all day ..

30 bucks for installation includes the hdmi cable ;D

Dude why would you pay them $30 to install it?

You can do it yourself.

Step 1- Power off all your stuff

Step 2- Unplug the old cable box and remove

Step 3- Place new cable box where old cable box was

Step 4- plug in cable from wall into new cable box

Step 5- Plug in HDMI cable into cable box and then the other end to your HD TV.

That's it!

Why don't you just send me that $30 via Paypal and cancel your Comcast appointment.


I can't believe you are having Comcast come out there for something that's going to take less than 5 minutes to do...

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Well, I think the 30 covers the cable in this case. HDMI cables are not cheap.

yep that covers the cables im surprised but they only give em i think if they install themselves. :)

so its worth it..... plus at least i know when i get home ill have HDTV whhooooo hoooooooooo too bad i wont see it till sat since i wont be home fri :-X

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Don't forget, not every network is gonna come through in HD. Some just don't offer the programming yet. Even the ones in HD sometimes change resolutions depending on the program. I know NBC does like daytime stuff at 480p 4:3, and primetime and such at HD resolutions.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well, I think the 30 covers the cable in this case. HDMI cables are not cheap.

I wouldn't buy any equiptment from Comcast. Their shit is so cheaply made.

I have live in my new house since Labor Day weekend. I have already had 6 different DVRs from Comcast.

The again, I do live 6 blocks from a Comcast office and if my DVR even makes a weird noise, I will go back and exchange it.

But 6 times since labor is way to many times for a device to break on you..

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Hmm OK. No experience with those. I've only dealt with straight up TiVos and the Scientific Atlanta DVRs, and they have held up well. What sucks is that you're stuck with whatever Comcast foists on you, since each cable network is custom. You can't toss another unit on there and get all the EPGs and shit.

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