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need help!


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heres the situation: I have been dating my girlfiend for about 4 months..we have had ups and downs, however, I love her...5 weeks ago she found out she was pregnant..we debated very heavily about this issue..I feel that at this moment I am not at a place in life to have a child..she wanted to keep it...we had tons of fights and then she agreed to get a abortion..right after the abortion, she told me that she hated me and that I made her kill her baby...she wont talk to me and she told me that she never wants to see me again... I do love her and I feel that WE can get through this...I dont want to be with anyone else...now she wont take my calls..what should I do??

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1st.. how old are you? 2nd.. the only thing u can do is give her time.. I know it feels like the wrong thing to do, when u just wanna grap her and kiss her and tell her everything will be alright, but that's not how it works.. If you do get a chance to talk to her, try to explain to her that u and her are more important right now than a baby. And that u can have a baby with her later on.. The bottom line is if u weren't ready to have a baby.. you should have been more careful, but it's too late for that, so the only thing u can do now is hope u get on her goodside, my suggestion, is to show affection by sending flowers, writing poetry , etc I'm sure u can come up with something, if u really want her, she her that u'll fight for her and dont give up no matter how hopeless it seems, although i gotta warn you that if u do win her back things might be very different between u 2 for a while... I hope i helped..



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i don't know if i completely agree with nychunk's advise... i think the whole experience just kinda hit her..i'd imagine she felt like she was dreaming while the whole procedure was happening and she's finally realized what she's done, what's happened in her body... you have to imagine what she's going through... not to take away from what you're going through, cause i know the situation in general is hard, but still... feel for her...

i'd say for right now, leave her alone. don't smother her. she doesn't need flowers now... she needs to collect herself and gather her thoughts...

wait it out and after a few days/weeks (that's your call) talk to her. if she doesn't take your calls, write her a letter and deliver it to her house, or find her and talk to her face to face, which might turn out to be good... tell her how you feel... re-assert your belief about waiting to have a child. explain to her again why you want to wait. let her know you are there for her and you are trying to understand what she's going through... just let her know you love her and you're there for her, no matter what and hopefully she'll feel a little better...

whatever you decide to do, whether it be my advise or hunks, i seriously hope it works...

good luck my friend and next time, be better prepared!!



the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


one should never trust a woman who tells her real age. a woman who would tell that would tell one anything ~ oSCAR wILDE


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p.s. i've never had an abortion, so i really have no clue as to what i'm talking about, but i'm trying to help... just letting ya know... biggrin.gif


the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


one should never trust a woman who tells her real age. a woman who would tell that would tell one anything ~ oSCAR wILDE


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