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What are some situations when you get aroused WITHOUT thinking about anything sexual?


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Okay, boys and girls... what are some situations which get a rise out of you (or make you wet) that are NOT related to anything sexual? Here are a couple examples:

One of my guy friends admits getting ROCK hard during live concerts... he says he's gotten stiffies during (and throughout) KISS, Metallica, and AC/DC concerts. Just the excitement of being there, maybe...??!

Personally, I can get excited waiting in line for a roller coaster... not anything dinky like those coasters at Disneyworld or Disneyland, but a BIG one... like the Mantis or Millenium at Cedar Point. Just can't wait to ride... cwm32.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Originally posted by nikluv:

mel-o-d - i feel your minute-man pain!

this is the second time you've mentioned this problem with guys that cant hang .. how about i try and restore your faith in men .. =) .. interested =) ..

happykittn ... u get me excited everytime i think bout you ! whens our date ??


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Originally posted by joeydollaz:

sorry babe ... i have a thing for happykittn ... but dont get jealious she has a boy, so i'm still available ...

nah thats cool.. i'm just messin around... available huh? hmmm...


the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


one should never trust a woman who tells her real age. a woman who would tell that would tell one anything ~ oSCAR wILDE


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