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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

just letting everyone on the boards know...


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that due to a complaint about quality, i have decided to cease posting topics... sorry about the poor quality of my posts... during my absense from the boards, i will strive to be a better board member... until then... SHOW ME HOW IT'S DONE...



the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


one should never trust a woman who tells her real age. a woman who would tell that would tell one anything ~ oSCAR wILDE


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you need to loosen up and not try so hard, nobody is trying to make a this into marathon race and keep up with the boards.. When you come onto the boards you should feel relaxed and not with anxiety to post something so people would be interested.. It almost sounds as if this is your job..



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Why let someone that you do not even know stop you from having fun ?!? cwm5.gif

Even if you purposefully were posting bullshit just to get a higher # , cwm13.gif how do think most of them got there???...

Who cares about the counter anyway..

I don't value someone's opinion just because they said it 1375 times. I value it because it's different/original/thought provoking cwm15.gif

On a personal note I DO prefer quality over quantity, but that Too is subjective

One man's trash = another man's treasure.


Peace & Blessings,


"The DJ From Another Planet"â„¢

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Okay I was *going* to be nice about this but since she just *had* to go and make a post about to make it know, I am going to come back!

I was the board member who made the comment about "quality over quantity" yet apparently someone has taken it too much to heart. I personally could not care who has the most posts on the board because I think its rather childish to judge by numbers.

Apparently DJ moonshine, you need to realize that nothing was meant by it rather then just making a statement. Im one of the few people on this board who prefer laughter over drama. I dont like drama in any way and like to avoid it.

I can continue with this and make some more comments but Im just going to stop there if you dont mind. But now I feel you are challenging me by making this post. I didnt direct it towards you but if you would like to take it that way then go ahead and be my guest. It doesnt affecting my sleeping in the evening nor will it put a frown upon my always smiling face. Continue your posts if they make you happy and fulfill some part of your life by doing so. Isnt that the true purpose of posting here??

Thats all for now.




All new SAUCE FRIDAYS @ Cream with Resident, DJ DIVINE. Opening party March 16th, 2001 with special guest DJ, Marcell Whitehead. email divineproductions@hotmail.com for Guest List info.

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no drama here, just a bruised ego... thats all...


the secret of being a bore is to tell everything ~vOLTAIRE


one should never trust a woman who tells her real age. a woman who would tell that would tell one anything ~ oSCAR wILDE


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Come now. I'm sure no harm was meant. No need for the sharp claws. Ouch!! I'll vouch that moonshine is totally cool and kind. I think everyone over-reacts to criticism or criticizes unfairly on this board from time to time. Whichever it is, I hope that at the end of it both of you still get along. You both are great people and I think it would be better that way smile.gif

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moonshine, dont be silly smile.gif dont take it persoanally misskitty is very friendly and very nice.....i am sure it was said in a good humor.....common i will miss your posts




"Luna, thank you so much!"

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