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Who Would Have Thought.....

Guest obby

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Guest obby

Full Artcle Here

Who would have thought? Global warming culprit could be…….guess what? Of all things? THE SUN!!!! The sun might be to blame, nah, it’s American suv’s that makes more sense ?

How many SUV’s are running around Mars? Could it be the Mars rover made by man causing this?


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Guest swirlundergrounder

Well ultimately the Sun is going to gobble up the solar system as it cools and becomes larger.

But this isn't going to happen over night.

So lets keep on polluting our planet. Fuck it. We can always move off this nasty ass rock and go some place like Mars or the Moon.

I have asked this question here on Cool Junkie for the last 4 years or so. And none of you people can ever answer it.

"What happens to all the pollution that is created? Where do these so called Green-House gases go"?

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Full Artcle Here

Who would have thought? Global warming culprit could be…….guess what? Of all things? THE SUN!!!! The sun might be to blame, nah, it’s American suv’s that makes more sense ?

How many SUV’s are running around Mars? Could it be the Mars rover made by man causing this?


a fringe theory. come on man. :-\

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ive always wondered... instead of creating landfills and accumulating piles garbage on land, why don't they create some type of garbage space rocket thing that launches the garbage into space? If they can launch ppl into space, it cant be that hard to build a shuttle or rocket thing that isnt as expensive as the ones they make now and fill it up with garbage and send it up there....

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Guest pod

Did you just watch Futurama? ;D

First of all, launching stuff into space isn't cheap. It's tens of thousands of dollars per pound. You'd spend billions just to loft a few tons of trash, which wouldn't make a hoot of difference.

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Guest swirlundergrounder

ive always wondered... instead of creating landfills and accumulating piles garbage on land, why don't they create some type of garbage space rocket thing that launches the garbage into space? If they can launch ppl into space, it cant be that hard to build a shuttle or rocket thing that isnt as expensive as the ones they make now and fill it up with garbage and send it up there....

Not only is launching garbage into space expensive, more importnatly it's very dangerous.

That's all we need right? To have a rocket with tons and tons of jet fuel which is exploding under a large container in order to jetison waste into space and having that explode and pollute our atmosphere...

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