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Global warming news for the day....

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest swirlundergrounder

I took an ice cube out of the freezer and put it outside and the thing actually melted. :o That is the global warming update for the day.

Wow you are so whitty.. I bet your dates just love to listen to your dry jokes..
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Guest slamminshaun

You seem to think that I'm a freak about global warming or something. But you know who is the bigger freak on here? Slammin Shaun posts more articles that attempt to dimiss global warming than any of us so called 'Green Freaks' do about human causes of GW..

C'mon Terry.....most of the stuff I post doesn't attempt to dismiss global warming. I like to poke fun at people like Al Gore who preach to me about how to live my life, and then has a $1,200 electric bill himself. I like to poke fun at environmentalists who set out to prove global warming in the Arctic, but instead their toes fall off from frost bite. I like to post articles on how a Global Warming Panel was cancelled because of a snowstorm. It doesn't prove anything, it's just funny!

I'm more about posting stuff that makes fun of the alarmists and how extreme their views are, not disproving science. But when you say there's not one credible scientist who doesn't believe humans are the cause of it all, I like to post article to the contrary. Again, I'm not disproving your theory, just the extremes that you'd like to take it.

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Guest coach

I'm always wondering what it'll take to convince the naysayers. Is it when your coastal-living ass is 22 feet underwater?

I mean, the deal is, if me and Terry are wrong, then we all end up spending a little extra money in the short term to upgrade our energy efficiency. (Of course, we all save money in the long term, anyway). If Shaun and Barbarino are wrong, then we all die in a firestorm (or flood or some such). If we wait too long to fix the problem, to the point where every greedy corporate executive is actually convinced that we fucked things up, then it will be way too late.

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Guest slamminshaun

I'm always wondering what it'll take to convince the naysayers. Is it when your coastal-living ass is 22 feet underwater?

Al Gore predicted in his book in 1992 (most likely written up to a few years prior) that within 20 years, Bangladesh would be underwater and that 10 million residents would be displaced!

Source: Earth in the Balance page 73

That scare tactic is gettin' old Coach....

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Guest endymion

Al Gore predicted in his book in 1992 (most likely written up to a few years prior) that within 20 years' date=' Bangladesh would be underwater and that 10 million residents would be displaced!

Source: Earth in the Balance page 73


Bzzzt. He said "next few decades".

"About 10 million residents of Bangladesh will lose their homes and means of sustenance because of the rising sea level, due to global warming, in the next few decades."

Since Gore's book, the data continues to say the same thing, including this report released just yesterday, specifically including an assessment of the situation of those people in Bangladesh:

"Warming temperatures will cause more drought and higher seas in Australia and New Zealand by 2030, according to excerpts released Tuesday from a report on how global warming will affect specific regions.

The South Pacific Islands will be swamped by sea level rises as well as by more frequent cyclones, according to the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a United Nations network of scientists.


In Asia, climate change could put close to 50 million people at risk of hunger by 2020, with that number rising to 132 million by 2050 and to 266 million by 2080.

Some 94 million people will face floods, most in coastal areas of India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Myanmar, said R.K. Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC.

Warmer temperatures in coastal waters are expected to exacerbate the abundance and toxicity of cholera in South Asia."

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Guest slamminshaun

Al Gore predicted in his book in 1992 (most likely written up to a few years prior) that within 20 years, Bangladesh would be underwater and that 10 million residents would be displaced!

Source: Earth in the Balance page 73

Bzzzt. He said "next few decades".

Few decades = 20 years

Perhaps he meant by the close of the 2000-2010 decade. Either way, the guy was off his rocker.

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Guest endymion

Al Gore predicted in his book in 1992 (most likely written up to a few years prior) that within 20 years' date=' Bangladesh would be underwater and that 10 million residents would be displaced!

Source: Earth in the Balance page 73


Bzzzt. He said "next few decades".

Few decades = 20 years

Perhaps he meant by the close of the 2000-2010 decade. Either way, the guy was off his rocker.

A "few" means 'at least three', not "two". The study that I cited that was released yesterday says, "...climate change could put close to 50 million people at risk of hunger by 2020, with that number rising to 132 million by 2050 and to 266 million by 2080."

2020 is 30 years, or "a few decades" from 1990. Your "off his rocker" remark just fell apart, please try again.

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Guest slamminshaun

Cool. You're coming around. I like the gist of that article: plant more trees, just do it responsibly.

Coming around? Do you want me to tell you how many trees I've planted with my own two hands in the past year? Don't forget, I'm the biggest greenie on here if you base it on actions.

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Guest coach

Cool. You're coming around. I like the gist of that article: plant more trees' date=' just do it responsibly.


Coming around? Do you want me to tell you how many trees I've planted with my own two hands in the past year? Don't forget, I'm the biggest greenie on here if you base it on actions.

How many?
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Guest slamminshaun

Cool. You're coming around. I like the gist of that article: plant more trees, just do it responsibly.

Coming around? Do you want me to tell you how many trees I've planted with my own two hands in the past year? Don't forget, I'm the biggest greenie on here if you base it on actions.

How many?

My house came with 4 oak trees per code. That wasn't good enough for me.

I had to count them in my head, but today I have 23 trees, a mix of big sweeping sabel palms, christmas palms, fox tail palms, bottle palms, oaks, logustroms (spelling?), and bohemiam firebrush. That doesn't include shrubbery and foliage that I added....and an SUV parked out front! ;D

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Guest endymion

I think it's ironic, like environmentalists looking for global warming who get frostbite. Shaun to points to something that Gore said 20 years ago about something that would happen "a few decades" from then, and a study released yesterday concludes exactly what Gore predicted 20 years ago.

Same numbers of people, effects starting in 2020, and the study from yesterday indicates that the problem is bigger than just the 10 million in Bangladesh. Ironic that you ended up pointing to a slam-dunk prediction in an attempt to paint Gore as "off his rocker".

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  • 1 month later...
Guest endymion

Ok' date=' I'm confused....does global warming cause hurricanes or destroy them?


Hurricanes are complicated. Sea levels are simple.

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