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Your downtown noise violation update.

V. Barbarino

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I moved from NJ to lauderdale with 2 grand in my pocket, these ass clowns live in a city the size of dolphin stadium yet they can't move out?????? come on already... A waiter in Miami can make 50k a year!

Keep making excuses tech and coach, you guys make no sense.

ps, How did I get that 2 grand? I delivered lumber with a college degree after 911.

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Guest pod

I'm not, but have you seen rents around here lately? Broward, where you are, is certainly a lot cheaper. I pay more than you and live in half the space, I'm willing to wager.

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Guest endymion

HH in general, or HH in Miami? You know social programs are run a little "differently" around here.

I'm going to repeat a simple fact that I already mentioned once:

The Miami Housing Authority enlisted several different developers to build affordable housing in CRA areas. Miami Habitat was the ONLY developer that was able to actually build houses.

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I'm not, but have you seen rents around here lately? Broward, where you are, is certainly a lot cheaper. I pay more than you and live in half the space, I'm willing to wager.

Should poor people live in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach? Should we built HH homes in these towns to support people who can't afford them?

Last time I checked there are 50 States, plus Puerto Rico, Guam, DC etc, that any American can move to. Didn't someone on this board, move to Texas, and built a freaking mansion for pennies?

Again, excuses.

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Guest endymion

Should poor people live in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach? Should we built HH homes in these towns to support people who can't afford them?

Last time I checked there are 50 States, plus Puerto Rico, Guam, DC etc, that any American can move to. Didn't someone on this board, move to Texas, and built a freaking mansion for pennies?

The black people started moving to Colored Town north of Miami 150 years ago, mostly because they were moving away from white people further north as you suggest that they should do. The white people followed them here and continued to oppress them, and now that you're here you think that they should keep moving until they're in Puerto Rico or Guam or anywhere out of your sight because rich people want that land that they have been living on for 150 years. You want these people displaced after generations in the name of one upscale night life venue?

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Guest frankthetank

Yeah, but the waiter might live in conditions comparable to Overtown.

I live in a yacht club for 650 a month, please stop making excuses.


Is this the yacht club pool or the Overtown pool?

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Guest musicalmissionary

Last time I checked there are 50 States, plus Puerto Rico, Guam, DC etc, that any American can move to. Didn't someone on this board, move to Texas, and built a freaking mansion for pennies?

Again, excuses.

You just blew up the stupid-meter.

Moving 10 miles costs about as much as most of these people's monthly rent. And you suggest they move to a another state?

I hate it when I'm in a Barby thread and I come to the realization that he's just being stupid to fuel the fire to keep his thread going. He must get off to this shit.

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David, you need to relax and stop getting so offended by peoples opinions.

Fucking Relax man you take shit way tooo serious.

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Should poor people live in Beverly Hills or Palm Beach? Should we built HH homes in these towns to support people who can't afford them?

Last time I checked there are 50 States, plus Puerto Rico, Guam, DC etc, that any American can move to. Didn't someone on this board, move to Texas, and built a freaking mansion for pennies?

The black people started moving to Colored Town north of Miami 150 years ago, mostly because they were moving away from white people further north as you suggest that they should do. The white people followed them here and continued to oppress them, and now that you're here you think that they should keep moving until they're in Puerto Rico or Guam or anywhere out of your sight because rich people want that land that they have been living on for 150 years. You want these people displaced after generations in the name of one upscale night life venue?

Displaced??? Dude, leaving over town is not being displaced, it's called getting a better life. It's no different than people in the northeast leaving the Bronx, Jersey City, Newark etc for better lives, so please shut the fuck up with your ideals about being "displaced"... You are making excuse after excuse about these people, they might have been the victims of racism but there is a way out, it's called en education and a moving truck! But to sit there and cry racism won't help a thing nor will HH building homes there.

btw, my parents families all left where they grew up, are they "displaced"??? lol

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Guest pod

I live where I live due to close proximity to my place of employment and primary business interests. Could I afford to live at your yacht club? Certainly. But then I'd lose the savings by having to commute to CJHQ every day. Putting gas in the car, or in my case, buying a car. I'd save $50/month initially by moving to your yacht club, but then I'd lose it by paying commuting costs.

As for the Overtowners? It's a bitch and a half to move. Most places want first, last, and security. For a family of four (mom, dad, kid 1, kid 2), that could easily go to over $4000 or more in a decent neighborhood. I nearly had to pony up $2000 to move into my studio last year. Even that is hellish for an Overtowner.

That being said, the residents of the area tend to be more "grounded" than the ivory-tower elite moving into the condos near Space. Karu & Y might have to make noise concessions, but the local residents are more likely to be grateful for the economic injection the club provides, and 'put up' (i.e. close your windows) with what little noise the club realistically makes.

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Guest musicalmissionary

David, you need to relax and stop getting so offended by peoples opinions.

Fucking Relax man you take shit way tooo serious.

Threatening to bash someone's head in is taking shit way too seriously. I think I'm being rather civil.

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Guest JustDade

I have volunteered for Habitat and I almost went to the Gulf Coast to build for them after Katrina becuase as a firefighter I have disaster area experience. Yes I'd like to see a night club manager try to talk me out of helping to build homes for Habitat for Humanity. Great PR for the nightlife industry. Fire away, Dade. This should be interesting.

First of all, I'm not trying to talk you or anyone else out of anything. Do as you please. I got a call from the Saleen asking me to check this thread and post my story so here goes.....

My wife and I give to several charities every year. We're not major contributors but we give about $10k - $15k per year between three or four organizations we feel make a real difference. Habitat was a part of that list for many years.....not any more.

When we were building Nocturnal we rented a warehouse on 20th Street, just West of Miami Avenue. It was a basic two-story building with office space and a big warehouse. Across the street, Habitat built a series of homes for the local "deserving" poor. I remember the day of the big celebration when they opened and the news stories about the families who were lucky enough to get the new homes. I felt great as I not only donated money to the project but was able to meet the lucky recipients. It only took a matter of weeks for the thrill to wear off.

One Sunday evening I received a call from the alarm company informing me that the alarm at the office had been triggered. I rushed to the office to find that the police had actually caught the thieves. There were four black men ranging in age from 13 to 19 years old. They had been caught red-handed coming out of the office with our computers. ALL FOUR WERE NEW RESIDENTS OF THE HABITAT HOUSES. The police informed me that when they arrived, the kids' mothers were on the front porches yelling "RUN...IT'S THE POLICE! GET OUT...THE POLICE IS HERE." In other words, their mothers were acting as the look-outs from the front porches of their brand new Habitat for Humanity homes. This was not a case of one bad apple either. They were from 3 different houses and all three mothers were there. When I asked the oldest kid, (who, at the time, was recently released from jail for burglery), why they did it he responded "They gave us the house but they didn't give us no computers. Y'all white folk in that office can afford it anyway. We see y'all in your fancy cars every day". All the while their siblings and mothers were yelling obcenities at me and the cops from across the street.

I was shocked. I believed that Habitat was like Extreme Makeover Home Edition in that everyone who got help was deserving. Not only that but I actually thought that anyone I helped like that would appreciate it enough not to rob the people right across the street.

I called Habitat to express my outrage. They could not have cared less. I wrote to them and sent copies to everyone including Jimmy Carter. No response. They did take the time to explain to me that they were in no way responsible for the actions of the people they help. In other words, they gave the homes I payed for to people who were criminals and didn't even feel a responsibility to apologize to a donor who became a victim.

They are now off our list of charities. As I said, I don't care who you donate to or give time to but you asked so now you know.

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Guest pod

Sad that something like that had to happen. You and your wife are in the position to help out in so many ways, and you clearly do, but a recipient didn't seem to care that a major benefactor was offended...

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Pod more excuses. Did you hear me right, I moved 1000 miles from home on 2 grand!

I made 100 bucks a night plus being a valet in college. I made 80 bucks a night being a bus boy and going to school full time. I beat the fuck out of people as a bouncer for 50 bucks a night going to school full time.

We know bartenders who make 500 bucks a night in south beach!

I'm with president Regan, who after considering welfare reform, opened up the LA times and found something like 40 pages of companies looking for work. He wondered why those who were on welfare weren't working, I wonder the same.

Here by my house, there is job posting after job posting looking for marine mechanics. You wash boats for 80 bucks a day until you get more experience. 80 a day is: 20k a year. I once lived off of 24k a year, I was broke and miserable, but I knew my ship was coming in, and now it did and I'm loving it!

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Guest pod

Again, I'm not excusing anyone. I'm just a slave to convenience. All my life thus far, I've moved according to where my primary place of employment was. Even when I did have a car, I was a ten minute commute from where I worked. Again, in my situation, I could move to your yacht club, I just don't want to. For me and you moving and building ourselves back up is easy to do. We're single with no kids. It's a whole different enchilada when you've got a family to worry about. And yes, I'm not blind to the fact there are some people who would just rather live off the system. There are ways of sorting them out from the real people in need, but for whatever reason, it isn't done.

Oh, and some bartenders might make $500 a night, but for all we know, they might have families and other expenses, that makes that $500 a night vanish into thin air. I know one guy who makes around that tending bar and that's exactly what happens. He's got a wife and 2 kids to take care of, plus all the other expenses of living in South Florida. Both kids go to private schools, since as we know, the American public school system is an abject failure, so there's another cost.

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Guest coach

Barbarino, I can't imagine why you would think that people who can barely afford to live in Overtown would have enough money to move somewhere else.

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Guest coach

And speaking of excuses, you are the one making excuses for your callous and uninformed opinion. There is *no* "excuse" for poverty in America.

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Guest pod

What Barbarino is saying, is that the people in Overtown should get new jobs, save up, then move out.

That's the theory anyhow. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

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What Barbarino is saying, is that the people in Overtown should get new jobs, save up, then move out.

That's the theory anyhow. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I went to the herald.com

went to jobs

typed in Miami, left the type of job blank and got this:

" 9,079 jobs

found within 30 miles of Miami, Florida"

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Guest endymion

That's a pretty frustrating story, Dade. Thanks for taking the time to post it. It's sad and ironic that it was residents from the Habitat homes who robbed your office after you personally donated to have them built. I'd be pissed too.

I was shocked. I believed that Habitat was like Extreme Makeover Home Edition in that everyone who got help was deserving. Not only that but I actually thought that anyone I helped like that would appreciate it enough not to rob the people right across the street.

So you gave up on the idea of affordable housing?

You created an "upscale" venue in the middle of a poverty-stricken area in order to make a buck, where people didn't have the clout to complain about your noise. You were obviously moving into a high-crime area when you decided to build there. Did you employ any locals or did you just plunk a posh multimillion-dollar venue in their midst and tell them that they're not allowed inside? You took from the neighborhood and the neighborhood predictably took back from you. You can't claim to be surprised.

I stood there in your empty shell of a club when you were showing it off before it was ever built, thinking, "Damn there is no way my upscale friends are going to risk their lives to visit this posh nightclub in this high-crime area, what the hell are they thinking?" I know that I'm no smarter than you are so I know that you were aware of that fact at the time as well.

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