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MDW South Beach Arrest Pick'em

V. Barbarino

How many arrests this year, last year there were 1,010.  

  1. 1. How many arrests this year, last year there were 1,010.

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Guest karenmartin

i dont see as many people as last year ...by thursday last year it was already packed!

hopefully arrests are less cause cops suck. no offense but they do. hihi

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Guest coach
But let me ask you guys something..if Memorial Day weekend was full of white people who came down to party all weekend and listen to rock music all weekend then you woulddn't have as many people criticizing and making assumptions to how many whites would be arrested but people always try to play the race card simply because the majority is black who came to party and have a good time.

I really don't think it's a race thing, at least not entirely. If you don't live on Miami Beach, you don't understand the politics of the area. The local old-folks complain about *any* noise, white, black, pink and purple. Yes, the city gets a LOT of complaints about WMC. Remember all the threads in the WMC folder about parties getting shut down and whatnot? Of course, the scaredy-whities are going to racially profile, but that is only a small part of the situation, especially when you consider that M. B. is a white-minority city, now.
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Guest pod

Level, there's several huge festivals every year on the beach that bring a predominantly non-ghetto crowd:


White Party


Food & Wine Festival

Pull up the arrest stats for those.

Face it, the nature of Urban Beach Week or whatever, will lead to more arrests.

You act like an animal, don't get pissed off when the zookeeper comes in and cracks some skulls.

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Guest LeVeL

Level, there's several huge festivals every year on the beach that bring a predominantly non-ghetto crowd:


White Party


Food & Wine Festival

Pull up the arrest stats for those.

Face it, the nature of Urban Beach Week or whatever, will lead to more arrests.

You act like an animal, don't get pissed off when the zookeeper comes in and cracks some skulls.

Thats exactly my point, there are several other festivities that happen throughout the year and I can imagine that there are arrests and all but as I sit here and read the media and others make assumptions to how many people will be arrested during Urban week is a little rdiculous.

As I said in my last post most of the people coming down are coming down to have a fun time,drink, bang a couple of chicks..ect. Acourse you will have your troublemakers but you will have those type of people in all the scenes. Calling everyone that is coming down animals is a little extreme especially when half of those people going to those clubs are locals. Not everyone is running to Broward this weekend, you have a lot of people who want to party @ Sobe this weekend due to Urban week.

What I am saying is that you people are making it look like thugs are the ones hanging out at these clubs, ready to cause carnage by shooting and stabbing people. There are a lot of hard working people from out of state coming down to have fun, a lot of record exec's and recording artists with their entourage.

A lot of the people who are coming out of state are aware of the police presence being put by MBP and Miami Dade. They have been warned at message boards at their hotel rooms. And the event organizers have put out the word to come down to Miami have fun but dont cause trouble because in the end it all affects Urban week and the future of these events, they know they have gotten enough bad press in the past and are trying to make a change to the positive.

You dont think the City of Miami beach and organizers of Urban week haven't learned from past issues.

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Guest karenmartin

You act like an animal, don't get pissed off when the zookeeper comes in and cracks some skulls.

hihihihi damn rite

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Guest pod

What I am saying is that you people are making it look like thugs are the ones hanging out at these clubs' date=' ready to cause carnage by shooting and stabbing people. There are a lot of hard working people from out of state coming down to have fun, a lot of record exec's and recording artists with their entourage.


No shit, but don't sugarcoat it, it is a bit more rowdy than any of those events I listed. The only reason the City allows this to go on still is the income coming in balances out the cost of deploying more cops.

Let's be honest here, for Conference and the two GBLT festivals I mentioned, does the City freak out as much? Yeah, those gay guys really get violent. Yeah, those crackheads from Europe really trash the place. There is a precedent of more violence and rowdiness during Urban Beach Week, so enforcement and arrests are stepped up accordingly.

You shouldn't try so hard to defend these people, especially when there's nothing to defend. Yes, the bulk of them come and go without incident, but you're kidding me if you think scaling back enforcement would be wise.

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Guest LeVeL

I never said scale back the Police presence, there are just too many people on South Beach during Urban week that the police have to step up the Police presence in general. During WMC, F & W Festival, White Party its doesn't get as packed as it does during Urban week. Also there is no violence associated with WMC just drug use and drugs.

Yes I agree rowdiness is associated with Hip Hop and those causing problems should be held accountable. But those coming down for Urban week are aware of the police presence before they even come here, they know what to expect. I hope the MBPD doesn't abuse their power on them.

I am not trying to defend anybody, what I am saying is that I have attended events during Urban week and its been some of the best times I have been at a club listening to good Hip Hop and dj's that dont usually frequent these parts.

Your simply associating all the cons of Urban week and not taking into account the pro's of these events. One last thing I want to say is that when problems have risen in the past they have been caused by the locals who are attending Urban week not the people who are coming down from out of state.

I am simply in the minor here...this is a EDM message board but I love my hip hop and I happen to be open minded when it comes to these things.

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Guest pod

Nobody's disputing your love of the genre. That's fine. I may not agree with the way most of those parties are run, frankly I think the crowds down here aren't the best, but still, what gets me is that people think 1,000 arrests out of over 100,000 visitors is some sort of abuse of police powers.

If anything, in my experience, 1,000 isn't enough. The times I've ventured onto the beach during MDW, I'll see 1,000 people that technically could be arrested in the first hour.

This crowd still gets off easy. If the cops wanted to be technical about it, they could and it would be much higher. That being said though, it would scare away a major moneymaker of a weekend.

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Guest coach

This crowd still gets off easy. If the cops wanted to be technical about it, they could and it would be much higher. That being said though, it would scare away a major moneymaker of a weekend.

I don't know, Pod, the exact same could be said for downtown Miami on any given weekend. I think the police go WAY easier on the regular crowds than the MDW crowd. I mean, if they wanted to, they could have all the clubs downtown out of business in 2 weeks just by arresting everyone who was technically doing something illegal.
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Guest pod

Yeah I know, but still, in either case, people get off easy and should realize this.

I'm hoping you're smart and somewhere else. ;D

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Guest LeVeL

That being said though, it would scare away a major moneymaker of a weekend.

Exactly..the Urban week organizers in the past have thought of changing it to Las Vegas. They are aware that the politicians and law enforcement down here are keeping a clsoe eye to the situation on the beach.

I am really hoping that people get the message and try not to cause too much trouble and arrests can go dramatically down this year. This Urban week has been given nothing but bad press, it needs a change for the better.

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Guest mr.miami

I wonder if anyone from the aclu will throw a fuss over seeing a black man arrested for actually committing a crime. This should be a fun news weekend.

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Guest kmix


normally i dont bother with this stuff but the level of ignorance in this post is completely off the charts....first off the rules are completely different during mdw than at any other point of the year...cops arrest people for even just crossing the street against the light...your argument even sounds like the klans.."more blacks are in jail than whites so they are inherently more violent"...let me ask you this...how many of those arrested are even charged?????or even convicted of anything more than misdemeanors???? ::)

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Guest HouseJunkie

I wonder if anyone from the aclu will throw a fuss over seeing a black man arrested for actually committing a crime. This should be a fun news weekend.

Its very unfortunate that a black man should have to go to jail for a crime that someone saw.

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Guest coach

It's unfortunate that anyone goes to jail for a crime they didn't commit. It is also unfortunate that some people get arrested for crimes that others get away with. Apply the laws evenly or not at all.

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Guest Sela V


normally i dont bother with this stuff but the level of ignorance in this post is completely off the charts....first off the rules are completely different during mdw than at any other point of the year...cops arrest people for even just crossing the street against the light...your argument even sounds like the klans.."more blacks are in jail than whites so they are inherently more violent"...let me ask you this...how many of those arrested are even charged?????or even convicted of anything more than misdemeanors???? ::)

Like christmas decorations, this MDW post gets dusted off, re-edited and re-issued every year. I am amused by it. And the excuse for this mantra is that it applies to the "animals" who come down here for Urban week. Kmix is right. There are laws that are reinforced during Urban Week that normally would not be. For instance, walking down Ocean Drive with a nice cold one from Wet Willie's could get you arrested during Beach Week and totally ignored any other time. The most significant numbers are not the amount of arrests but the amount of money that gets pumped into the the local coffers during Urban Week...

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Guest pod


Spare me the liberal bullshit. Black or white, if you fuck around on my watch, I do advocate police actions. Frankly, most of the time, Whitey needs a good rap on the skull too. Frankly, I'm all about the object lessons. I'm an asshole, but I normally keep my temper in check since I've seen some object lessons handed down before.

I don't care where you're from or what color your skin is, chances are I probably won't like you and still call you an animal or a savage. Never once did I equate the problems on Memorial Day Weekend with race. If I was to go down there now, I'd see jackasses. I don't care if they're black, white, green, or magenta. They're jackasses, and as long as the costs of enforcement don't encroach on the income coming in, Urban Beach Week will continue.

"Urban" culture right now advocates all the wrong things, I think we can all agree on that.

If you wanna call me racist, that's fine. I really don't care since I don't do business with you or associate with you. And by the looks of it, I won't, since frankly, you're way off base and I'd rather not deal with you.

My friends, regardless of fucking color, know I'm not a racist. Call me a fucking idiot for all I care. I'm just seriously thrilled right now you took time out of your day to call me out. I'm that fucking important, I guess. Egomaniac? That's me. Asshole. Yep. Alcoholic? Most certainly. Racist. Not on your life, jack.

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Guest coach
Black or white, if you fuck around on my watch, I do advocate police actions.

If this were true then 90% of your Space buddies would be ticketed every weekend as they jaywalk all over downtown, peddle drugs in plain sight, and drive off in their cars shit-faced drunk. (Obviously, this applies to all nighclubs.) So, you cannot claim that you are for strict policing.

In any case, the point some folks here are trying to make is that the policing is *much stricter* during MDW - that is, the police will arrest "urban beach week" partygoers for indescretions that would otherwise go unpunished. I'm not talking about the violence, nobody is claiming that that should be let go. But arresting or ticketing people for minor crimes that are allowed the rest of the year *is* discriminatory.

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Guest Mattivi


normally i dont bother with this stuff but the level of ignorance in this post is completely off the charts....first off the rules are completely different during mdw than at any other point of the year...cops arrest people for even just crossing the street against the light...your argument even sounds like the klans.."more blacks are in jail than whites so they are inherently more violent"...let me ask you this...how many of those arrested are even charged?????or even convicted of anything more than misdemeanors???? ::)

Like christmas decorations, this MDW post gets dusted off, re-edited and re-issued every year. I am amused by it. And the excuse for this mantra is that it applies to the "animals" who come down here for Urban week. Kmix is right. There are laws that are reinforced during Urban Week that normally would not be. For instance, walking down Ocean Drive with a nice cold one from Wet Willie's could get you arrested during Beach Week and totally ignored any other time. The most significant numbers are not the amount of arrests but the amount of money that gets pumped into the the local coffers during Urban Week...

its amazing how some of you guys get offended at the facts. and the odds are that whenever large scale "urban events" like this are planned, someone gets stabbed, shot, robbed, or beat down. its like spring break on steroids... "tear da club up" as the mantra goes..

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