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For those that didnt go to space sun am, here is what you missed

Guest betamaxDJ

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Guest swank

DJ's shouldn't defend themselves on message boards because unfortunately whatever they say....they end up looking like a girl hobbling away from a fight with a broken heel,messed up hair, and runny mascara.

People will always have opinions...and some have more opinion than others.

my $0.02

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Guest iconlite


Cedric...is one of the girls that requested your track be played ALKI's girlfriend?? Did you poke her too? This is MIAMI you know.....

Cedric = 2

ALKI = 0

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DJ's shouldn't defend themselves on message boards because unfortunately whatever they say....they end up looking like a girl hobbling away from a fight with a broken heel,messed up hair, and runny mascara.

People will always have opinions...and some have more opinion than others.

my $0.02

well said

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Guest tekniQz

the only thing you missed was the destruction that oscar laid down on that main room. :)

Ya man Oscar is by far one of the most dominant djs.He has never dissapoinetd me, not even once and ive seen him alot.Cedric on the other hand is another story,can anyone say cheese for the picture??The trampaline track is probably the worst track that has ever been made it made me laugh though. :-X

But the Borat was worth staying for the terrace for sure. ;D

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all the normal hooligans, heavy drinking, borat and gino made this a fun morning.....cedric :P :-X :P :-X you would think he would bring the noise on his own birthday....sheesh.....can you get any more commercial.....world hold on, i dont want nobody, this is miami, party all the time, spirit in my life. i think he may have left his good records at home and brought his bar mitzvah cd's.

dont get me worng ive heard cedric bring the noise, but sunday he just didnt care.

you are a funny guy you named 5 songs in a 4 hour set witch one was just a accapela 2 were my own remixes and one was my single that girls (some that you probably dont know about ) actully requested me to play all the time but i guess when you stay in miami too long and go to the patio on drugs every single week cause i see you there all the time fuck up out of your mind you become a low life message board hater but what can i said you can hate all you want but you wasting your time son !!!

i had a great time on my birthday and that all it matter so now go fuck your self



Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

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Guest pod

The way I see things though is that, it was his birthday, he was having fun and so forth. No one is at their best on their birthday!

Heck, the few times my b-day has fallen on a weekend where I'm out, my galleries suck.


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Guest houseman

Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

Is he talking shit or stating the facts.....I dont think he cares what u do all week we are talking about the patio on Sunday. I had a fuckin blast and ur the only one talking that shit. The "fact" that u didnt like the set dosnt mean the set sucked or was wack .Some sets are better for other people. I have no problem with world hold on, its about what u play before and what u play after. I have been to alot of cedrics sets and dude has more good nights than fair nights.

As far as his reply dont go to the club and talk shit then get mad when u get called out.

Stop hating or better yet dont stop hating either way dude is making his mark.

check out his dates then look at other miami djs, oscar g, roland, falcon check it out and tell me who is on the up.

Save the post one day u can say that cedic told u to go fuck urself for talking shit to him on his birthday.

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Guest tekniQz

Cedric is an excellent dj who has done alot for Space and our scene in general.I have the utmost respect for the guy and i can still remember the first time seeing him at Tiesto on the bay and thought wow this guy is amazing!!!Then shorlty after seeing him just walking around on South Beach and talked to him and i couldnt believe how nice he was.Also the time when Morillo was at Nikkis for the 4th of July and the world cup was on and sat next to Cedric with a couple of my friends just bullshitting about the world cup,chearing and drinking(great time).Still another instance when i felt he didnt have to be as nice as he was,and to me this is the true judge of Cedrics character.

Ive gone out of my way many times to go see him and have almost never (not liked) a single set he has mixed.I have seen him be unbelievable ala his Birthday 2 years ago in the mainroom which till this day and all the parties ive been to at Space, still talk about with my close friends as being one of the great Space parties.

That being said his set was a bit commercial and i dont see anything wrong with stating your opinion on the topic.Also calling some guy out for going to Space and partying is idiotic.Who the fuck is sober at Space??

I know that Cedric is a very nice person from every experience ive had with him and maybe he just is having a bad day like anyone else does at times.I think with anyone you can push the right button and this guy punched the button.Lol

Cedric is classic.lol

Also for what its worth "Happy Bilated Birthday Cedric" you made the party fun man.

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Guest pod

No, not at all. Steve can say what he wants, and so can Cedric.

And so can I. I was just stating what I saw. Cedric was having a good time, and from experience, no one is at their "best" on their birthday, especially in this industry.

I shot my own birthday party at Space three years ago, and I wasn't thrilled with the photo quality. I had a blast though. LP bought out some bottles for David and I, and Biz got on the mic and told everyone it was our birthday.

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Guest tekniQz

Exactly,Pod u said it exactly right man.Cedric was playing to the crowd and there is nothing wrong with that at all.I think we all know what Cedric can bring to a party,and it is CRAZINESS!!LOL ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

He is truly a great dj and great djs have to adapt to ther crowds.This i understand. ;)

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No, not at all. Steve can say what he wants, and so can Cedric.

And so can I. I was just stating what I saw. Cedric was having a good time, and from experience, no one is at their "best" on their birthday, especially in this industry.

I shot my own birthday party at Space three years ago, and I wasn't thrilled with the photo quality. I had a blast though. LP bought out some bottles for David and I, and Biz got on the mic and told everyone it was our birthday.

Dan i agree 100 percent, it was a great party overall. Packed to the walls, champagne flowing, girls, borat. Cedric was having a great time and you could tell, i wasnt knocking him or talking shit. I, MYSELF,PERSONALLY would have liked to hear him rock it like he did for his album release, or the million other times i have gone out to support. I was not hating, nor have i ever talked shit about cedric as a dj. i enjoy the tracks and style he throws down. I am sure he was probably throwing down those tracks for the chicks and the flow of people that dont normally come to Space. Why the fuck does he have to attack me personaly for stating my opinion. Yea there were a bunch of tracks that i did enjoy, even older ones....Royksopp, new tracks like soul heavan...and i even enjoy the trampolene song. All i stated was that he thre it down a bit commercial ....for fucks sake IT WAS! Anyone that was there can say the same thing.....that has no relation to cedric or the party....the party was great and i didnt say shit about cedric as a dj.....i TALKED ABOUT ONE SET!!! i think how he came at me was fucked up.

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Guest tekniQz

And fuck it was Cedrics B-Day he can say whatever the hell he wants!!!!Especially if its funny like this. ;D ;D ;D

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Guest ramon

it's a shame its all about the patio to most of you because oscar was fantastic inside. :(

and we saw a few hours of that before, he was doing what he always, does great stuff like normal

did u leave when he stopped downstairs or just after i saw you on the terrace?

i left at 830 or so.

i was up on the patio for 30 minutes .. boy has it changed.

Try 9, lol. I left around 8:30 and you were walking up and I was stumbling down, hehe.

You left hella earlier than 830 believe me. I looked at my watch saw it was 830 and it was time to go. Sadly i could not secure breakfast on the way home.

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Guest JMT

Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

Is he talking shit or stating the facts.....I dont think he cares what u do all week we are talking about the patio on Sunday. I had a fuckin blast and ur the only one talking that shit. The "fact" that u didnt like the set dosnt mean the set sucked or was wack .Some sets are better for other people. I have no problem with world hold on, its about what u play before and what u play after. I have been to alot of cedrics sets and dude has more good nights than fair nights.

As far as his reply dont go to the club and talk shit then get mad when u get called out.

Stop hating or better yet dont stop hating either way dude is making his mark.

check out his dates then look at other miami djs, oscar g, roland, falcon check it out and tell me who is on the up.

Save the post one day u can say that cedic told u to go fuck urself for talking shit to him on his birthday.

i'm pretty sure there's a rule, if you're going to throw your 2 shitty cents in, you have to know how to use the quote function first.

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Guest tekniQz

Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

Is he talking shit or stating the facts.....I dont think he cares what u do all week we are talking about the patio on Sunday. I had a fuckin blast and ur the only one talking that shit. The "fact" that u didnt like the set dosnt mean the set sucked or was wack .Some sets are better for other people. I have no problem with world hold on, its about what u play before and what u play after. I have been to alot of cedrics sets and dude has more good nights than fair nights.

As far as his reply dont go to the club and talk shit then get mad when u get called out.

Stop hating or better yet dont stop hating either way dude is making his mark.

check out his dates then look at other miami djs, oscar g, roland, falcon check it out and tell me who is on the up.

Save the post one day u can say that cedic told u to go fuck urself for talking shit to him on his birthday.

i'm pretty sure there's a rule, if you're going to throw your 2 shitty cents in, you have to know how to use the quote function first.

Hhahhhaaaa love this thread first BORAT!Now this.Man today is a good day!!

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Guest Buck White

Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

Is he talking shit or stating the facts.....I dont think he cares what u do all week we are talking about the patio on Sunday. I had a fuckin blast and ur the only one talking that shit. The "fact" that u didnt like the set dosnt mean the set sucked or was wack .Some sets are better for other people. I have no problem with world hold on, its about what u play before and what u play after. I have been to alot of cedrics sets and dude has more good nights than fair nights.

As far as his reply dont go to the club and talk shit then get mad when u get called out.

Stop hating or better yet dont stop hating either way dude is making his mark.

check out his dates then look at other miami djs, oscar g, roland, falcon check it out and tell me who is on the up.

Save the post one day u can say that cedic told u to go fuck urself for talking shit to him on his birthday.

i'm pretty sure there's a rule, if you're going to throw your 2 shitty cents in, you have to know how to use the quote function first.

lmao !

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Guest pod

What I meant was that it's perfectly alright for Steve to say what he wants, and it's alright for Cedric to say what he wants too. Steve said what he did, and Cedric responded. What I meant towards you was that you're a bit paranoid if you think that people are only allowed to post 'good' things. People post bad things all the time, hell there was a big fight this weekend over something 'bad'.

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Guest tekniQz

My left rib is bruised, did one of you hit me?

You probably fell.Pod i told you that you should have worn your drinking shoes.lol

Oh i forgot you did.You may need to asses your drinking shoes man.hahaha ;D

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Guest coqui x

Damn son,

That is pretty low trying to attack me personally for stating my opinion. I have no need to attack you directly. I have always had respect for you and enjoyed your track selection and that is some fucked up shit. I just expected more, and that i is why i came out sunday. You guys were all partying and having a goood time, great., i had a fucking good time as well. So i stated the facts, you didnt play like you did for the yoshitoshi album release party you played alot more commercial and i wasnt feeling it........so you have to talk shit about someone who criticises one set? This post shows alot about your character. you dont know what the fuck i do every week, yea i come out to the patio who the fuck cares. i bust my ass throughout the week as a proffessional and i come out to party.

Is he talking shit or stating the facts.....I dont think he cares what u do all week we are talking about the patio on Sunday. I had a fuckin blast and ur the only one talking that shit. The "fact" that u didnt like the set dosnt mean the set sucked or was wack .Some sets are better for other people. I have no problem with world hold on, its about what u play before and what u play after. I have been to alot of cedrics sets and dude has more good nights than fair nights.

As far as his reply dont go to the club and talk shit then get mad when u get called out.

Stop hating or better yet dont stop hating either way dude is making his mark.

check out his dates then look at other miami djs, oscar g, roland, falcon check it out and tell me who is on the up.

Save the post one day u can say that cedic told u to go fuck urself for talking shit to him on his birthday.

wow wow wow.... :o

am i the only one that sees how he mentions he HAS heard cedric do an awesome job, but he PERSONALLY didnt like w.e it was that didn't do it for him that day.

this forum stuff can get pretty seious huh?

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