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Freedom of the Press according to Angelina Jolie

Guest slamminshaun

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Guest coach

So, you're saying even a major media outlet such as Fox does not know the meaning of the word "censor"? What a bunch of idiots.

They are saying that Angelina does *not* have a right to talk about what *she* wants to talk about? That she must be forced to what her interviewers want to talk about? Hmmm... what do we call that again?

All she wanted was for them to agree to talk about the subject at hand and not digress into other topics. Given that it is HER life, I think she has the right to spend her time how she wants. Not wasting it on questions she doesn't want to answer seems perfectly reasonable. Remember that even a question unanswered takes up her time.

They also seem to have no clue what the word hypocrite means.

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Guest pod

Duh whaa?

I ignored all but the last two words of this thread.

Damn you Shaun.

Here, I'll rescue this thread.


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Guest clubchicky

Damn she is gorgeous.....why shouldn't she be able to protect herself...she shouldn't have to answer anything she doesn't want to. This was to promote the MOVIE not talk about her personal life......now back to how hot she is ;D

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Guest JMT

Jolie Backtracks on Censoring Interviews


Angelina Jolie has backtracked after insisting reporters sign an agreement not to ask "personal" questions at the premiere of A Mighty Heart - she is granting an interview to a news agency that refused to do so. Before Wednesday's premiere in New York, Jolie laid down some strict ground rules for the media, despite the event doubling as a freedom of the press benefit. As reported by Roger Friedman on FoxNews.com, journalists were requested to refrain from asking Jolie "any questions regarding her personal relationships" and if they did she "will have the right to immediately terminate the interview and leave." Reporters were also instructed that "the interview may only be used to promote the picture... The interview will not be used in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning, or derogatory to Ms. Jolie." However, after Associated Press refused to sign a document regarding an interview scheduled for later Friday, Jolie has agreed to do the interview anyway. Associated Press' Paul Colford says, "(We were) asked to sign a document pertaining to an interview with her... but declined to sign because it is not AP policy to do so. Jolie has agreed to the one-on-one interview without the signed document."


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Guest endymion

Reporters Without Borders was created to protect journalists from being persecuted, such as getting their heads cut off.

I was about to post exactly that but I see you already did, thanks.

If I, founder of Information Without Borders, use a spam filter, then are you going to call me a "hypocrite" for blocking email messages to my own inbox?

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Guest slamminshaun

Damn she is gorgeous.....why shouldn't she be able to protect herself...she shouldn't have to answer anything she doesn't want to. This was to promote the MOVIE not talk about her personal life......now back to how hot she is ;D

Yeah, because veins poppin' out of a chick's head is just so hot...

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Guest clubchicky

Damn she is gorgeous.....why shouldn't she be able to protect herself...she shouldn't have to answer anything she doesn't want to. This was to promote the MOVIE not talk about her personal life......now back to how hot she is ;D

Yeah' date=' because veins poppin' out of a chick's head is just so hot...

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hahaha...c'mon, they obviously did a close up on her head and probably photo shopped it just a tad....plus she was laughing....maybe when you laugh you have veins that pop out LOL....I am kind of biased though because my hands and arms are exactly like hers....I have these huge veins that stick out of my arms and my hands....it scares me hahahaha...nothing coming out of my head....yet :o

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Guest slamminshaun

Damn she is gorgeous.....why shouldn't she be able to protect herself...she shouldn't have to answer anything she doesn't want to. This was to promote the MOVIE not talk about her personal life......now back to how hot she is ;D

Yeah, because veins poppin' out of a chick's head is just so hot...

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hahaha...c'mon, they obviously did a close up on her head and probably photo shopped it just a tad....

Actually, any airbrushing and photoshopping done with her pictures is usually to remove veins, not add them.

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