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London Bomb Scare....

Guest Fuerte44

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Guest Fuerte44


ok, now i understand people could have gotten hurt today, but no one was. Why do I need to have 24 hour coverage of the same information?

Two cars had crude bombs wired in them, they found them, dismantled them....and as of now, nothing else has happened. Why the fuck am I watching 24 hour american news coverage(all networks) of a British close call? I know we are allies, and we have much to do with each other...but what is the deal? I could give a shit about this after knowing no one was hurt and people did their job to protect Londoners.

We are getting up to the second reports by that pussy Shepard Smith about a possible suspicious vehicle who ran a red light on Park Lane, and littered at the same time, so there might be a possible Al-Qaeda connection.....Christ people....we act like this is end of days....

How many people live in London? How many people were injured? This is not the end of the world...people are at war all over the globe and I have to hear about a failed, and in my opinion, horribly constructed attempt to blow up a couple cars.

Why must we shove this down people's throats? I can understand that criminal network Skyy News covering this all day in England, but why on my TV? I care about these people, but as soon as I know everyone is ok....I want to be brought back into the half assed attempt to cover American issues and news by these networks...

We have every anchor spewing shit from their, how can these talking heads who have no expertise on anything present suppositions that Al Qaeda could be responsible, but then say we are not sure about that statement....DONT FUCKIN SAY IT until you can back it up....

We will have for the next three weeks the same expos e's on British extremist Muslim groups who support it and how a similar device is used everyday in Iraq....meanwhile convincing the idiots who actually believe in the media that terror is upon us and we are next...it further divides ideologies and when sensationalism and over-reporting such as the mockery of news coverage I have watched today happens....we all lose...

ok im done ranting....

by the way what is everyone's opinions on Gordon Brown, new brit pm????

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Guest coach
Two cars had crude bombs wired in them, they found them, dismantled them....and as of now, nothing else has happened. Why the fuck am I watching 24 hour american news coverage(all networks) of a British close call?

You know why.
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Guest General

British police have a "crystal clear" picture of the man who drove the bomb-rigged silver Mercedes outside a London nightclub and officials tell the Blotter on ABCNews.com he bears "a close resemblance" to a man arrested by police in connection with another bomb plot but released for lack of evidence. Officials say the suspect had been taken into custody in connection with the case of al Qaeda operative Dhiren Barot (pictured) who was convicted of orchestrating a vehicle bomb plot involving targets in London, New York, Newark, N.J. and Washington, D.C.

Officials say a surveillance camera caught the suspect "staggering from the Mercedes" shortly after parking it outside the Tiger nightclub.


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Guest Fuerte44

you are right coach, i do know why and thats why i am angry

its not the fact that it might be ALQaeda linked...it probably is....any muslim can be categorically linked to Al Qaeda....just as I being Italian american can be linked to the mob in some indirect way....all you need is just need some good inference and unsubstantiated circumstantial evidence of connection for these idiots to make and report that claim....

this is the British government we are talking about, im sure they knew who they were linking to this plot sometime last week....london was first on my list to move to coming out of high school, but with all the CCTV surveillance i would never want to live there....they would see me coming out of Fabric and immediately arrest me on fed. drug charges.....not my cup of tea

my point is that this cycle of horrible over reporting and pointing of the finger only yields mindsets that produce even more of these events...threatening or not...al qaeda or not....muslim or not....arab or not....credible or not...legal citizen or not...dark skinned or not...guilty or not....getting my vibe???

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British police have a "crystal clear" picture of the man who drove the bomb-rigged silver Mercedes outside a London nightclub and officials tell the Blotter on ABCNews.com he bears "a close resemblance" to a man arrested by police in connection with another bomb plot but released for lack of evidence. Officials say the suspect had been taken into custody in connection with the case of al Qaeda operative Dhiren Barot (pictured) who was convicted of orchestrating a vehicle bomb plot involving targets in London, New York, Newark, N.J. and Washington, D.C.

Officials say a surveillance camera caught the suspect "staggering from the Mercedes" shortly after parking it outside the Tiger nightclub.


this guy failed 2 bombing plots? what a freaking loser. islam shoud excommunicate him.

i heard it got foiled because the "organizers" posted it on the internet before they did it.

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Guest Fuerte44

this guy failed 2 bombing plots? what a freaking loser. islam shoud excommunicate him.

i heard it got foiled because the "organizers" posted it on the internet before they did it.

in other words the "organizers", i.e. the tech people under Blair managed to create the web page and alter the appropriate info to make it seem like someone did a great job at protecting us from these evil evil horrible masterminds....

these masterminds who somehow manage to forget not to post about it beforehand, or manage to somehow not be able to set off a cellular controlled bomb my little cousin could make....

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Guest slamminshaun

ok, now i understand people could have gotten hurt today, but no one was. Why do I need to have 24 hour coverage of the same information?

This statement is why Al-Qaeda wins the "media war". Anytime the good guys thwart a plan to blow something up, everyone shrugs their shoulders and says "big deal" or "they probably couldn't have pulled it off anyway". Here's some more examples of plots that were thwarted but downplayed.

Library Tower in L.A.


Chicago Tower

10 Planes over the Atlantic

Richard Reid, the shoe-bomber

Various London plots

my point is that this cycle of horrible over reporting and pointing of the finger only yields mindsets that produce even more of these events

Funny, if I'm not mistaken, O'Reilly made this same point against NBC the other day. Olbermann blasted him for it, and you supported Olbermann.

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Guest Fuerte44

i support olbermann wholeheartedly...mind you i believe we were speaking of "foiled" terror plots in relation to real actual newsworthy events related to terrorism, iraq, gaza/palistine...

there is a huge difference of someone like me wanting to hear actual news and developments on this huge issue...not made up cheesed out governmentally created terror plots with a bomb in a shoe...

or a bomb in my water bottle

or a three guys who were going to take over an entire army base with 2 ak's...

or the two guys who planned on blowing up jfk with a pipe bomb...

come on shaun....there are true threats and events and there is this government orchestrated bullshit....

its like a bad movie i tell ya...and i am the only one in the audience watching it it seems....the rest of the people are in the movie as either the villains, the villains henchmen, or extra's

we must ask ourselves....whats our role in this B-film?

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Guest Fuerte44

dont get me started on that....

that was preventable...we all know this...

but then again, if they hadnt succeeded not one bit of the new legislation created by bush and co. would be possible...and we wouldnt be able to use the "hijackers" as an excuse to invade an uninvolved country rich in oil and ripe for corporate takeover...

so i am sure our government, if they had the choice, would still not choose to prevent it now if they had the second chance...

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Guest slamminshaun

so i am sure our government, if they had the choice, would still not choose to prevent it now if they had the second chance...

Bush's approval rating and legacy is fucked. Democrats control Congress. I guess this is all part of Bush's master plan???

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Guest yume

Bush's approval rating and legacy is fucked. Democrats control Congress. I guess this is all part of Bush's master plan???

LOL. It's all part of Bush's new misdirection plan. :P

I may be moving to London this winter for 6 months. The news gave me a little slap in the face. If I do move, you can be sure I'll be frequenting large London nightclubs. I'd prefer if there weren't bombs outside of them. :-\

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