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It is my displeasure to introduce to you the NAFTA Superhwy(Updated-Sept.4.2007)

Guest michael^heaven

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Guest michael^heaven


Quietly but systematically, the Bush Administration is advancing the plan to build a huge NAFTA Super Highway, four football-fields-wide, through the heart of the U.S. along Interstate 35, from the Mexican border at Laredo, Tex., to the Canadian border north of Duluth, Minn.

Once complete, the new road will allow containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoreman’s Union in the process. The Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation’s most modern highway straight into the heart of America. The Mexican trucks will cross border in FAST lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI†system. The first customs stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, their new Smart Port complex, a facility being built for Mexico at a cost of $3 million to the U.S. taxpayers in Kansas City.







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Guest coach

Interesting, I wonder what's in it for Bush? Just more money for his corporate cronies by using Mexican slave labor?

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Guest yume

Building transportation infrastructure is one of the most important steps in nation building (see North American Union)

How will we ever defeat China in World War 4 if we can't compete with their population power and resorces? We need to swallow up more countries, that's how!

It's time to take over the world! Baby steps though, secure a source of oil from Iraq first, then go after Mexico and Canada for additional coastline, human resources, land, money, etc. :D

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Guest coach

Building roads, true. And I am totally for Free Trade. However, my issue is with Bush and his special interests. Free trade, if done correctly, benefits everybody. Free trade, if done the Bush way, benefits his rich buddies at the expense of the rest of our country and all of the other countries.

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Guest michael^heaven

Building transportation infrastructure is one of the most important steps in nation building (see North American Union)

How will we ever defeat China in World War 4 if we can't compete with their population power and resorces? We need to swallow up more countries, that's how!

It's time to take over the world! Baby steps though, secure a source of oil from Iraq first, then go after Mexico and Canada for additional coastline, human resources, land, money, etc. :D

Actually, one of the many purposes of building this highway, is to increase trade with the Far East, mainly China. Thereby, making them richer. In addition, the fact that many U.S. based companies are increasingly relocating their manufacturing jobs to China to take advantage of cheap, slave labor.

As far as population power, don't worry. With an open Mexico/U.S. border, the population will rapidly increase within a very short period of time. Thus, harming the middle-class, Stateside, with an abundance of cheap labor that does not require health benefits or retirement plans.

Regarding oil, the Alberta Sands oil fields in Canada is currently the largest oil reserve in the world that has just recently been tapped into.

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Guest michael^heaven

Stage 1 begins this week! :-\

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Bush administration can go ahead with a pilot program to allow as many as 100 Mexican trucking companies to freely haul their cargo anywhere within the U.S. for the next year, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request made by the Teamsters union, the Sierra Club and the nonprofit Public Citizen to halt the program.

The trucking program is scheduled to begin Thursday.

In court filings this week, government lawyers said that the program is an important interim step in fulfilling the United States' obligations under NAFTA.

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