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Low iPhone activations?

Guest pod

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Very few phones have a true GPS receiver built in. With the iPhone, I think you have to figure out where you are first.

Well, still, it's a very cool feature. I mean, I usually know generally where I am and can figure my specific intersection by looking out my car window. Since Google maps allows you to easily zoom and scroll, you can locate yourself and search from there.

I am quite surprised that the iPhone does not track itself via tower triangulation (or whatever) like a regular cellphone does. That would sure be a sweet combo with the Google maps.

you can get google maps on any blackberry...i got it....it really is the best "tool" i've ever had, i use it whenever i'm out of town (which is happening a lot recently!). and finding out where you are isn't that difficult...try looking at the little number on a building, then the sreet sign at the corner....not rocket science. :P

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Guest pod

Yeah, but try that in a foreign country with non-Latin signage. Russia, most of Eastern Europe, Japan, Korea, etc.

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Guest ICON

They should have never made it only ATT for 2 years.. dumb move apple!

I totally agree... Tell me they didnt expect millions to cancel their current provider just to switch over to AT&T for a damn phone?

Do they realize that it costs like $200 to cancel current plans, etc?

I really dont understand why they decided to do this with only AT&T.

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Guest pod

AT&T was the only one who was willing to meet Apple's terms. Apple wanted (and got) unprecedented control for a manufacturer. Everyone else was unwilling to meet them.

Usually, when you break a handset, the cell company determines whether to repair or replace. In this case, Apple determines whether to repair or replace, and whether it's a warranty-covered issue or not. So in essence, you drop your shiny new iPhone, it malfunctions, AT&T has to send it to Apple, and they make the decision on whether you get it fixed or replaced, and if it costs you.

Also, none of the cell networks at the time supported the features Apple needed for the iPhone to really work, such as more robust data network, and re-engineering of the voicemail system to support the Visual Voicemail feature.

Apple wanted a lot from people carrying the iPhone, and they got it. Nevermind you're really hard pressed to see any AT&T branding on the device. Usually, you get a carrier-subsidized cell, it's branded inside and out with the carrier's logo and designs. All my phones have T-Mobile branding galore, even though they're unlocked.

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