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2 for 1 bottles at Space...

Guest eroc0411

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Guest eroc0411

cAn u say GhEtto quick enough?...

I guess lp is pouring all his energy in2 cameo... I wonder in Space best day if it ever made more money then Cameo???

I'd assume Cameo has had a few nights where it's made more money then Space... Can some1 look that up???

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Guest colione98

how is that a bad thing to the customer?

It just says that Space doesn't put it self above others. Or at least it doesn't speak of if.... ;)

Raise the price, get grief. Give an extra, get grief.

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Guest pod

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

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Guest colione98

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

wouldn't you think pod would get in a word or two... ;D

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Guest pod

Hahah :) ... Well, Space or not, sometimes I wonder about this guy's postings. He'll come out with some gems, but then lay out some real turds sometime.

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Guest eroc0411

how is that a bad thing to the customer?

Its a great thing 4 the customer... But Um these r not the customers i wanna hang around w/.. And i def would not want 2 bring my gf around... metropolis had the same deals... Yea i didnt see alot of u over there...

How about $5 dollar coronas and for $4 coors lights... I bet u would get a semi decent crowd... All u gonna get now is a bunch of wanna be rich, thug, ghetto ass niggas from Ummm u pick the town! (Hialeah would be a welcome crowd) The bums outside will have more class.

And dont be ignorant in thinking ur gonna get a bunch of beautiful girls in there now!?! it dont work that way!!! unless u count 5'2 140 chonga girls a sight 2 be hold...

U wanna give something back 2 the cusomers how bout the same deal for a Great DJ!!?? U and Space can't chocolate cover this turd buddie!...

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Guest colione98

how is that a bad thing to the customer?

U wanna give something back 2 the cusomers how bout the same deal for a Great DJ!!?? U and Space can't chocolate cover this turd buddie!...

LMAO!!!!!! ;D ;D

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Guest eroc0411

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

haha... sorri.....

But i have been part of this industry for a pretty long time... And the places that i have worked and been a part of have been in the the Hi-end department... ANd when prestigious places start having Big time sales it tends 2 be a Bad Sign...

SO POD u really think space is doing this out the good of there heart or r they just tryin 2 keep up appearances... Ummm i dont ever recall space doing this kinda of thing during the busy season.. Lets say Nov thru May... Hmmm and if they have then I'M sorri!... But Come on now r u really gonna tell me the crowd hasn't gone down just a bit??? just a bit?... Give me that atleast?...

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Guest ICON

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

haha... sorri.....

SO POD u really think space is doing this out the good of there heart or r they just tryin 2 keep up appearances... Ummm i dont ever recall space doing this kinda of thing during the busy season.. Lets say Nov thru May... Hmmm and if they have then I'M sorri!... But Come on now r u really gonna tell me the crowd hasn't gone down just a bit??? just a bit?... Give me that atleast?...

who the fuck cares? If you dont like space.. then dont go. $300 for 2 bottles aint too bad with 4 people. Stop hating.

Also..... your comment about Miami being a shitty sports town proves to me that you are fucking clueless about a lot of things.

Shitty sports town that has won super bowls, nba title, college football championships, and world series... yea.. real shitty there ::)

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Guest pod

Every club does bottle specials. It's nothing new. As a matter of fact, I can't remember as of late hearing any club that isn't doing bottle specials.

Oh, and lovely language in your earlier post. I'm not inclined to do much if someone says you love donkeys or something. And you have the nerve to call someone out on issues with class.

You're still young, so maybe that's it.

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Guest ICON


I was at your favorite hang out Barnes and Noble the other day and they had buy 1 book, get 1 free in there. I couldnt believe how fucking "GhEtto" it was in there. Gangbangers were all over the place just reading and sipping on their coffee.

After dealing with the shitty crowd that you and you "gf" cant handle at the local Barnes and Noble.. I decided to go over to Happy Hour at Kayru & Y.... You wouldnt believe the element in that place for their 2 for 1 specials.

I dont know what this world is coming to.... Businesses trying to lure in the scumbags of the world with great deals. ::) God help us all.

Ill say it again.. If you dont like Miami nightlife. LEAVE. It's not that difficult.

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Guest pod

Yeah, I guess paying out the nose for things is the only sign of class according to him.

Probably makes three times what I do and lives in an apartment smaller than mine. If such a place exists. ;D

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Guest ICON

Yeah, I guess paying out the nose for things is the only sign of class according to him.

Probably makes three times what I do and lives in an apartment smaller than mine. If such a place exists. ;D

No.. You got it all wrong.. He lives in one of those places by Space if I remember correctly. He is all about the Barnes and Nobles, Starbucks, and Panera Breads.

Blow up 11th St so he can walk up to the starbucks when all of the clubs close with his laptop, and bitch and moan on their free wifi on cooljunkie with his laptop.

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

eroc0411 you have to understand that 85% of the people on this board love space more then anything. So if you are going to come out and say something negative about space, be ready to be assaulted. But I have to say, I think if he said this about Nocturnal you guys would be acting different. I don’t mean to be negative, but it is never good when a club does a 2 for 1 bottle deal or any advertised bottle deals other then happy hour. It just does not look good.

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Guest eroc0411

Listen Pod and every1 else... U can question what i say about the night life industry and maybe i'm wrong half the time... I can live w/ that!!!

But If ur gonna say MIAMI IS A GOOD SPORTS TOWN U HAVE 2 b FUCKING KIDDING ME!!! U HEAR ME!!!!! i would gladly take all of u on a tour of great sports town... Yea miami has won championships and what not, but once ur team stops winning all the fans r gone.. turn on sportscenter once in awile... If a miami team is not winning NO1 shows up... Wheres the soccer team, wheres arena football team ,Where the fuck is the marlins new stadium??? This town only supports a Winner! that my friend is not a good sports town!!! Even when they had the great dan marino there were empty seats ANd they were fUCKing winning!!!!! so yea again Pod i might be wrong about space and the club scene but not about how bad this TOWN is 4 sports teams!!!!!! so yea. Acutally sporting news weekly and sports illustrated once a yr has a cover story of great american sports towns. ANd guess What MIAMI IS no WHERE NEAR THE TOP. Theres a better chance of lp calling me right now and saying "Hi Eddie would u like 2 run space this weekend then u my friend winning the argument the miami is a great sports town...

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Guest pod

Partially true, yes. But still, my point remains is that everyone does bottle specials.

I just wonder about this guy, because, like I said, he'll post something somewhat intelligent, and then he'll squeeze out a real stinker like this one.

Plus, it's a riot that he rails on people for having no class, but yet he's hardly shown much on his own up to this point.

And also, we assault all new people. I'm willing to bet you probably got ripped a few times too when you signed up :).

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Guest ICON

eroc0411 you have to understand that 85% of the people on this board love space more then anything. So if you are going to come out and say something negative about space, be ready to be assaulted. But I have to say, I think if he said this about Nocturnal you guys would be acting different. I don’t mean to be negative, but it is never good when a club does a 2 for 1 bottle deal or any advertised bottle deals other then happy hour. It just does not look good.

its called running a business during OFF SEASON. Its no different than Wal-Mart having Back 2 School specials. It's no different than Chili's having 2 for 1 Happy Hours. It's no different than Nissan giving you $1500 cash back if you buy their fucking cars.

Do you people work and understand what a business is? Geeeez.

Eroc... Miami is not the #1 sports town.... But i know damn well that I can go to any type of sporting event to I want to goto. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Hockey - AND FUCK SOCCER.... and Arena Football is for towns like Tampa and Orlando.

You act like its so fucking bad here with Sports, clubbing, etc...

So, you are telling me that MEMPHIS is better than Miami for sports? When you say it's the worst... mean it and stop exaggerating everything that comes out of your mouth.

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

eroc0411 you have to understand that 85% of the people on this board love space more then anything. So if you are going to come out and say something negative about space, be ready to be assaulted. But I have to say, I think if he said this about Nocturnal you guys would be acting different. I don’t mean to be negative, but it is never good when a club does a 2 for 1 bottle deal or any advertised bottle deals other then happy hour. It just does not look good.

its called running a business during OFF SEASON. Its no different than Wal-Mart having Back 2 School specials. It's no different than Chili's having 2 for 1 Happy Hours. It's no different than Nissan giving you $15000 cash back if you buy their fucking cars.

Do you people work and understand what a business is? Geeeez.

Yeah I do!!! I run many clubs in Miami too and advertising 2 for 1 bottles can make your club look cheep or ghetto. I know space is just trying to get some extra sales during the slow season. But it can look bad, look how eroc took it. Do you really think he is the only one that thinks that way? I don't think less of space for it, but some might. That is all I was saying.

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Guest pod


Eroc has umm, like this dual personality I'm becoming aware of. I wouldn't base your marketing on him. ;D

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Guest eroc0411

pod y r u on my case all of a sudden?... I never said i was full of class i have worked my ass off 2 live in a small shitty studio on the 13th n collins. But it has a great fucking view... A view where i c the ocean 2 my left and i c down town miami to the right!!! I c all the potenciall of Miami.. It just so happends that it's on 11th st.. And i c Miami 4 what it can be.. Not 4 all the freaking corruprion that runs rampant in this town... What got u so mad??? cause i sad more getto ppl r gonna show up at space??? WHAt is THAT NOT TRUe????? r u going 2 sit there and tell me that its gonna get a better looking crowd???

OR im a suppose 2 agree w/ what ur cronies say???

aND YEA NO SHIT ITS A FUCKING BUSINESS THATS THE POINT... duh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING DUH!! IS THAT CLASSy ENOUGH 4 all of U!!!... its a business move thats all... But dont tell space is doing this 4 the customers...

I sure as fuck know that i care about miami as a whole more then 90 percent of u!... So w/e...

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Guest SpaceLauraVIP

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

haha... sorri.....

But i have been part of this industry for a pretty long time... And the places that i have worked and been a part of have been in the the Hi-end department... ANd when prestigious places start having Big time sales it tends 2 be a Bad Sign...

SO POD u really think space is doing this out the good of there heart or r they just tryin 2 keep up appearances... Ummm i dont ever recall space doing this kinda of thing during the busy season.. Lets say Nov thru May... Hmmm and if they have then I'M sorri!... But Come on now r u really gonna tell me the crowd hasn't gone down just a bit??? just a bit?... Give me that atleast?...

Just a little more info for everyone regarding this: Space has the VIP bottle special of buy 1 get 1 free bottles before 1am with a reservation made in advance with a promoter, such as myself. We have been doing this promotion for over a year now..and it takes place all year round, not just during "the low or high seasons." 305.316.1VIP ;D Thanks!

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