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2 for 1 bottles at Space...

Guest eroc0411

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt


Eroc has umm, like this dual personality I'm becoming aware of. I wouldn't base your marketing on him. ;D

I understand what you are saying, and I have disagreed with eroc as much as anyone on the board (if he is the guy who promoted the Glass and Charka parties). I was the first to call out the parties and say they would not work and I think some of the stuff he has said is just crazy. But I do understand his side on this one and I think some people attached him right away because it was space. Now I do know that space is not going after the "true" VIPs with this deal and that’s why I don’t think its that big of a deal. But the bottles deals do look bad to the vip crowd (not space's crowd, the sobe crowd), that’s all I was saying with my original post.

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

haha... sorri.....

But i have been part of this industry for a pretty long time... And the places that i have worked and been a part of have been in the the Hi-end department... ANd when prestigious places start having Big time sales it tends 2 be a Bad Sign...

SO POD u really think space is doing this out the good of there heart or r they just tryin 2 keep up appearances... Ummm i dont ever recall space doing this kinda of thing during the busy season.. Lets say Nov thru May... Hmmm and if they have then I'M sorri!... But Come on now r u really gonna tell me the crowd hasn't gone down just a bit??? just a bit?... Give me that atleast?...

Just a little more info for everyone regarding this: Space has the VIP bottle special of buy 1 get 1 free bottles before 1am with a reservation made in advance with a promoter, such as myself. We have been doing this promotion for over a year now..and it takes place all year round, not just during our low or high seasons. 305.316.1VIP ;D Thanks!

This is a promoters pre-book buy one get one, Not an advertised special? That’s not bad at all (for a club like space), and if the promoters are using this to get more sales, then good for space. From the first post, I thought this was an advertised 2 for 1. Lots of Older clubs do this, and space has been around for a long time!!

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Guest SpaceLauraVIP

Eroc, Eroc, Eroc...

Are you really that naïve?

Every damn club does bottle and drink specials.

You really should try running a club before you open your trap about it.

haha... sorri.....

But i have been part of this industry for a pretty long time... And the places that i have worked and been a part of have been in the the Hi-end department... ANd when prestigious places start having Big time sales it tends 2 be a Bad Sign...

SO POD u really think space is doing this out the good of there heart or r they just tryin 2 keep up appearances... Ummm i dont ever recall space doing this kinda of thing during the busy season.. Lets say Nov thru May... Hmmm and if they have then I'M sorri!... But Come on now r u really gonna tell me the crowd hasn't gone down just a bit??? just a bit?... Give me that atleast?...

Just a little more info for everyone regarding this: Space has the VIP bottle special of buy 1 get 1 free bottles before 1am with a reservation made in advance with a promoter, such as myself. We have been doing this promotion for over a year now..and it takes place all year round, not just during "the low or high seasons." 305.316.1VIP ;D Thanks!

This is a promoters pre-book buy one get one, Not an advertised special? That’s not bad at all (for a club like space), and if the promoters are using this to get more sales, then good for space. From the first post, I thought this was an advertised 2 for 1. Lots of Older clubs do this, and space has been around for a long time!!

Yes. The promoters market this to their customers. It is not advertised on the website or offered at the door as a walk-up deal. They have to arrive before 1am to the club and make a reservation in advance specifically with a promoter before a certain time. I hope this clarifies everything. ;D

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Guest eroc0411


Eroc has umm, like this dual personality I'm becoming aware of. I wouldn't base your marketing on him. ;D

I understand what you are saying, and I have disagreed with eroc as much as anyone on the board (if he is the guy who promoted the Glass and Charka parties). I was the first to call out the parties and say they would not work and I think some of the stuff he has said is just crazy. But I do understand his side on this one and I think some people attached him right away because it was space. Now I do know that space is not going after the "true" VIPs with this deal and that’s why I don’t think its that big of a deal. But the bottles deals do look bad to the vip crowd (not space's crowd, the sobe crowd), that’s all I was saying with my original post.

I am NOt the GLASS ChahKRA promoter guy!!! so lets get that straight!!! PLEASE...

ANd u ppl wow talk about mangling some1's quotes... I guess i understand y celebrities hate the press!!!!!

I have said that 11th st can work only if they incorporate other alike businesses... Like the village in nyc...

and whats my dual personalites... Hmmm??? i haven't changed my mind about anything that i've said.. and if im wrong then i say I'm sorry i was wrong and i move on... So i guess some of u are thinking shit and talking shit and it's not even the right person... NICE!!!!

Lucki 4 me i got a thick skin... But i guess it would be kool if sum of u said sorri... But either way i dont care... It's my opinion...

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Guest Ryan EliteEnt


Eroc has umm, like this dual personality I'm becoming aware of. I wouldn't base your marketing on him. ;D

I understand what you are saying, and I have disagreed with eroc as much as anyone on the board (if he is the guy who promoted the Glass and Charka parties). I was the first to call out the parties and say they would not work and I think some of the stuff he has said is just crazy. But I do understand his side on this one and I think some people attached him right away because it was space. Now I do know that space is not going after the "true" VIPs with this deal and that’s why I don’t think its that big of a deal. But the bottles deals do look bad to the vip crowd (not space's crowd, the sobe crowd), that’s all I was saying with my original post.

I am NOt the GLASS ChahKRA promoter guy!!! so lets get that straight!!! PLEASE...

ANd u ppl wow talk about mangling some1's quotes... I guess i understand y celebrities hate the press!!!!!

I have said that 11th st can work only if they incorporate other alike businesses... Like the village in nyc...

and whats my dual personalites... Hmmm??? i haven't changed my mind about anything that i've said.. and if im wrong then i say I'm sorry i was wrong and i move on... So i guess some of u are thinking shit and talking shit and it's not even the right person... NICE!!!!

Lucki 4 me i got a thick skin... But i guess it would be kool if sum of u said sorri... But either way i dont care... It's my opinion...

Well if you are talking to me, I am sorry if I thought you were someone else. But I am also the only one that suck up for you at all.

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Guest eroc0411

Oh and pod and for the rest of you... I'm the kind of person that fits in everywhere... FOr 1 i'm colombian but i look white. black chicks love me. My best friend is black. I made friends in this industry not cause i talk shit or pretend im some1 im not... I've made friends, connections cause i work hard. And im respectful 2 those that show respect back... But i'll be damned if i'll follow the flock off the cliff!! (I need a new line) I can say that in the same night i've been at partys w/ coke whores, sipping chamapne at Mynt or hanging out w/ capponi and getting invited 2 private mansion parties, but i have said no. i'll tell myself, Today i feel like SPACE... I love space only becase it brings me back 2 reality!!!! It's an escape... It just so happends pod that the last few times i been 2 space the crowd wasn't as good! sorri if that offends u...!!! And i've been in nyc the past 2 months and i still read "the herald" and my friends keep me posted of whats going on the beach...

and as far as marketing... Im the kind of person u want in a club 4 the simple fact that i dont hurt the atmosphere.. I fit in everywhere i go... It suxs though when ppl can't accept you 4 questioning what should be questioned... u dont know shit about me so don't be judging me as a round peg when i could just as easily be a square 1... Or maybe not a fucking peg at all!

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Guest eroc0411

Born and raised In Medellin, Grew up in NYC and hopefully spending the rest of my days iN MIAMI!!!

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Guest eroc0411

Hey RYAN i know this is a space crowd i've been battling these dudes a long time now... And if u slip once the whole crew jumps on u... HAha but thanks 4 getting my point!!! but be careful now they might attack u now 4 not agreeing w/ the flock... Good night ppl!!! ;D Mucho Love!!!!

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Guest 4040

I'll make sure to call LP myself so he can charge you $400 a bottle so you can feel nice and classy.I just don't understand how ppl have no simple business sense.

One day the clubs sucks cause the drinks are to expensive and the other day i wouldn't dare to step foot in that club cause they're trying to give me a bottle for free. Dude I think this has to be one of the all time bitchiest post if there is such a word.

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Guest malbicho

Oh and pod and for the rest of you... I'm the kind of person that fits in everywhere... FOr 1 i'm colombian but i look white.

You think it would be any different if you looked black, chinese or hispanic? You're on a roll buddy!! ::)

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Guest Mattivi

i will agree with him on one point, miami is definitley not a true sports town; just go, live, or frequent Detroit, Boston, Chicago, NYC. those are true sports towns, miami has no backbone.

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Guest pod

This guy seems like the one the cell phone companies ditch for calling in too many complaints.

He loves Miami, but the Miami as envisioned by his white friends.

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Guest coach

Eroc, I don't understand why you care. I mean, I'm not a big fan of Space, but I don't go on and on about it. I just hit up places that I like more. Did something happen there to give you such a big grudge against them?

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Guest frankthetank

Eroc, I don't understand why you care. I mean, I'm not a big fan of Space, but I don't go on and on about it. I just hit up places that I like more. Did something happen there to give you such a big grudge against them?

Scott Baio stole his g-friend there. :)

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Guest RzO

Space has done these specials every year over the summer. Nothing is different, it is a viable marketing idea. Maybe you haven't been here the last 4 years and seen this happen, but i assure you they will be ok...

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Guest Floribel

but i assure you they will be ok...

It's amusing to me how predicting Space's demise seems to be the sport of choice around here.

Yes, it's far from its heyday, but there is no other club like it in Miami, from what I've seen since I've moved here.

Oh... and I have a b-day coming up later this month... how do I go about taking advantage of this special with my Ghetto girlfriends? I can't walk in afterhours and request it, right?

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Guest eroc0411

Eroc, I don't understand why you care. I mean, I'm not a big fan of Space, but I don't go on and on about it. I just hit up places that I like more. Did something happen there to give you such a big grudge against them?


Listen i dont have a grudge against space.. I like space just fine, I just don't love it! And that seems 2 be the CRImE!!!

So w/ that said i ain't gonna fight the whole lot of u on the forum. U can PM anytime u like... :)

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Guest frankthetank

Eroc, I don't understand why you care. I mean, I'm not a big fan of Space, but I don't go on and on about it. I just hit up places that I like more. Did something happen there to give you such a big grudge against them?


Listen i dont have a grudge against space.. I like space just fine, I just don't love it! And that seems 2 be the CRImE!!!

So w/ that said i ain't gonna fight the whole lot of u on the forum. U can PM anytime u like... :)

PLEASE SHARE!!! It makes for better entertainment...half the reason I post and read this shit. And I don't even live in Miami or close proximity:)

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