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Ladies: You ever smack someone.....


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Wasibefree's post got me thinking. I never actually saw it happen or even heard of it actually happening outside of a Movie set but:

Have you ever smacked someone because they said something that offended you or used some poor excuse for a pickup line...I'm talking about a complete stranger that you've never seen before in your life?

I just wonder if it only happens in the movies.



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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No, I've never smacked anyone but there have been a couple of times in clubs where I had to push some skeeze away from me because he was leering at me and blocking my path.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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i never slapped a guy but my girl was drunk one night at the club and this guy kept trying to get up on her and she kept pushing him away and after like 10 minutes of him trying and trying he just reached out and grabbed her ass.. she totally totally karate kicked him right in the face..it was halarious, unbelievable, but halarious none the less..

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Originally posted by muchachamala:

i never slapped a guy but my girl was drunk one night at the club and this guy kept trying to get up on her and she kept pushing him away and after like 10 minutes of him trying and trying he just reached out and grabbed her ass.. she totally totally karate kicked him right in the face..it was halarious, unbelievable, but halarious none the less..

NOW THAT...is fuckin funny...I would pay to see that!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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Originally posted by muchachamala:

i never slapped a guy but my girl ... totally totally karate kicked him right in the face..it was halarious, unbelievable, but halarious none the less..

That IS funny...I would have paid to see that too...like when Renee Z. kicked Jim C. in the face in that movie Me, Myself, and Irene.

So, am I right? Does this only happen in the movies? No one else has ever smacked some unknown Asshole for saying the wrong thing?



"Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know."

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