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Finally, Miami 1st Super tall building...

Guest eroc0411

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Guest eroc0411

What wrong with the location?

there's a million reasons y this is a bad location... But in the end it don't matter as long as we finally get this building done... W/ this building Miami joins a selective crowd... It puts Miami on the map as a global icon, not 2 shabby from it's humble and corrupt ways....

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Guest cire

seems like a good locale to me. looks cool too :)

I couldn't access the other web site at work but, i found this one for anyone that may have also had a problem...


this article is from June 8, 2007, here is a excerpt talking about when it will start and be completed...

"..If and when One Bayfront Plaza is approved by the city commission, there is still significant work to be done before construction can begin. Taking into consideration the entire design process, construction planning and permitting process, Hollo predicts that he will break ground in 2011 and plans to have the tower completed in 2.5 years."

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Guest Clubhopper11

Looking at this new building, I cannot help but to think of the movie, "The Towering Inferno" (perhaps the best 1970s disaster movie in my humble opinion).

Seriously though, I may be "off the cuff" on this one but with all the new skyscrapers being built, does Miami Dade Fire Dept. have the resources to fight a fire on one of these high rises? Not to be too pessimistic but I have to ask.

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Guest lulamishka

Who says this thing will even have enough $$$ to break ground. You've got current pre-construction tanking. Of recent memory, I believe VillaMagna (however the hell you spell it) bit the dust. And they had a helluva piece of real estate.

Honestly, there is no room for that huge thing with the glut of condos we can't even sell now.

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Guest LeVeL

Nice building but I hate the location that they are trying to build it, it seems that everyone seems to be constructing on Biscayne Blvd why not build it where the Miami Arena Space is at or aroudn that back area where bums still run the streets.

There is so much saturation on Biscayne Blvd, its hard enough to get parking in the area and if you do expect to pay $20 for parking. People think that they can liven up downtown by building on Biscayne but Biscayne is not the only street running through downtown, what about North Miami Ave and 2nd Ave, these are streets without no type of destination, that are surrounded by bums at night.

They need to spread it around..

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Guest clubchicky

I live on 2nd Ave, and I'm comfortable. I don't need developers coming in and raising my rent. ;D

you live on 2nd ave.??? :o u are right there baby!!!

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Guest coach

Yeah, keep all the shit on Biscayne. It's nice to have one major thoroughfare, but keep the rest of the city sane. I do think they should keep it all south of 14th, though. Consolodate the skyscrapers into one area. I hate it when they just put them up randomly where-ever.

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Guest eroc0411

Yeah, keep all the shit on Biscayne. It's nice to have one major thoroughfare, but keep the rest of the city sane. I do think they should keep it all south of 14th, though. Consolodate the skyscrapers into one area. I hate it when they just put them up randomly where-ever.

well Mr. Coach... I'm pretty sure ur referring to condos being put randomly anywhere... This is an office building w/ a hotel in it... This is the type of building that would bring out a whole NEW aspect to miami. Miami to the world is know for it's Wachovia Building, and the bank of America Tower.. This building is going 2 take away from those buildings... That's y to me its in a bad location + miami has no density... At least brickell now is starting 2 branch out...

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Guest lulamishka

Yeah, keep all the shit on Biscayne. It's nice to have one major thoroughfare, but keep the rest of the city sane. I do think they should keep it all south of 14th, though. Consolodate the skyscrapers into one area. I hate it when they just put them up randomly where-ever.

well Mr. Coach... I'm pretty sure ur referring to condos being put randomly anywhere... This is an office building w/ a hotel in it... This is the type of building that would bring out a whole NEW aspect to miami.

Are you aware that a lot of these new condos going up are promoting themselves as mixed-use buildings? Having not only residences, but also retail stores, offices AND hotels... depending on which development we're talking about? Just look at the ads for these things. A lot of them are promoting the whole live/work/play aspect of their developments. What One Bayfront Plaza is hoping to offer isn't some new concept, to tell you the truth. The only thing that makes that building truly different from the rest is its height.

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Guest coach

Yeah, keep all the shit on Biscayne. It's nice to have one major thoroughfare, but keep the rest of the city sane. I do think they should keep it all south of 14th, though. Consolodate the skyscrapers into one area. I hate it when they just put them up randomly where-ever.

well Mr. Coach... I'm pretty sure ur referring to condos being put randomly anywhere... This is an office building w/ a hotel in it... This is the type of building that would bring out a whole NEW aspect to miami. Miami to the world is know for it's Wachovia Building, and the bank of America Tower.. This building is going 2 take away from those buildings... That's y to me its in a bad location + miami has no density... At least brickell now is starting 2 branch out...

Honestly, I can't even tell if you are agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or something else here.
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Guest eroc0411

i agree that it's bad when they put condos in the middle of no where... But an office building is different... Hence this building would of been great around mid town.... It's adds to panorama...Miami as of right now doesn't really have an iconic bridge or Office building... this is a start... But it's in the middle of what miami is all ready know 4... (just my personal opinion) 4 example when i'm in chicago or nyc i use buildings 4 directions when im driving around...

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Guest coach

Okay, gotcha. Actually, I wasn't referring to just condos. When you look across a cityscape, tall buildings are tall buildings. It doesn't matter what is inside them. Tall buildings are cool and all, but they really suck if you are down on the ground near them. They block the sun and the sky and the scenery around you. So group them up. Keep them all together so you don't ruin the view for everybody. A nice compact collection of skyscrapers looks cool on postcards and makes everything convenient for the occupants, be they businesses or residents, and has the added benefit of not fucking up the view for everybody else.

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Guest dahzel

When you run out of room to grow Out, you have to start growing Up.

this is a trend that started a few years ago here in Fort Lauderdale and also in Palm Beach. In one of those buildings that take up 1-2 city blocks imagine how may thousands of people can live in that one space. Good for developers and bad for community. If a city has too many high-rise residential buildings congestions gets bad. It is then necessary for the city to provide above par public transit.

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Guest cire

Agreed the more people, the better the public transit has to be. I loved going to New York because of how extenisve their subway is. Miami has little trolly cars, Atlanta has a N, S, E, and W line, and NYC has...well a shit load of lines and cars! :)

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Guest coach

Agreed the more people, the better the public transit has to be.

This isn't actually true. It's nice, but it's not necessary. Go to TX and you'll see what I mean.
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